Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, April 01, 1967, Image 19

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    , • For The Farm Wife
Jjj mm WASHINGTON REPORT A# lCmanmi flora w
N^ressman n Eshleman jjj|
al plans ol instruction and re- ' . „
lam a firm believer in in- education. To meet this need, ?iV*f.f P e! 0 ‘m d «
dividual initiative as the best employers and employees work- r ™ * p „
method for solving many of the ing together could expand for- ® do ' b cl^" S J To 5
■ economic problems that this mal as well as informal train- sauce Serve on rice. Makes 6
country faces. The large num- ing capacities. Classes could be se n «!l|!Lj T r , lA v eAl , ri? .,
Iber of proposals I have seen, held during business hours or ~ , 1 - *■
vwhich would substitute govern- after work m any convenient ? , ~ c
mental action for personal location, and could be taught y , a “
.achievement, have not chang- by skilled supervisors, acknowl- £
ed my stand in the slightest. I edged expeits m the company 2 e ; poons dai k blown
encouraged to find a pro- and by full-time teachers. 1 sov s-moe
posal now under consideration The proposed legislation ~
by the Congress that, instead would encourage such on-the- 2 rl .‘,
of just opposing governmental- job trainin'" by puvate indus- v ? ' a ‘
ly based programs, provides a try and skill development by M g the “ bo “ e in «redients
sensible way of promoting ac- individual* By offenng alO , ~ „ k about I l '-cuds
. tivity fay businesses and indi- percent tax ciedit toward cer- 1 ° el e - ' p ‘
Viduals to solve one of our tain expenses of the piogram, otate’S POULTRY
.greatest economic problems. it would work in much the risimrcTuv hipobtamt
In ordei to meet the grow- same way as the investment tax 1 u»i x i A 1
ing need for a new approach credit encourages the purchase Pennsylvania averages about
to the pioblem of unemploy- of job creating plant equip- 15 million laying hens yearly
.merit and underemployment m ment and machinery The cred- and over 40 million broilers,
the United States, I am sup- it offered would be in addition along with over one million
porting the Human Investment to credits piovided for by oth- turkeys, icports Herbert C
"Act of 1967. This legislation er sections of the Tax Code and Jordan, extension poultry spe
would encourage American bus- in addition to the regular ti ade cialist at Penn State University.
Iness to invest in our number or business expense deduction. j n producing poultry prod resource the American Despite past efforts, theie uc t s , this makes Pennsylvania
.pocking man and woman. It are today an estimated 2.7 mil- a leader among all states in
-tyould stimulate the initiation lion Americans who are chron- the nation.
~*SBid expansion of job training ically unemployed and hun-
retraining programs by dreds of thousands of others
providing a tax credit for cer- who are underemployed. For _ It's too bad that mankind
obtain expenses of such pro- the most part, these individu- isn’t, that freeways aren’t, and
, grams. als need only additional train- that dliehaids don’t.
The basis of this idea is very ing to become employable and ~
pimple. Since it is a proven productive citizens. They would more fundamental approach
.•fact that the most effective job also serve to aid those busi- must be devised I believe that
fetrainer in the Nation is private nesses which have been delay- the necessary training can be
business should be ed in opeiations by a serious furnished to the unemployed
sgiven the opportunity to de- shortage in certain skilled jobs, and underemployed individuals
■.velop more in the way of It is appaient that to break if the Human Investment Act
jocund training programs. the chain of despair, a new and is adopted.
736 E. Chestnut St., Lancaster
Planning to buy a new
See Farm Credit first for
If you’ve been putting off buying a new tractor because
you lack “tractor money”, it’s time'to see Farm Credit.
You save money with a Farm Credit loan because you
pay only simple interest and only for the actual time
you use the money. And your repayment is fitted to
periods when you have actual farm income. Call Farm
Credit now.
(Highly several hours or over
night. Place lamb bulls on
skewers: gull 4 to 5 inches
‘ from heal, 8 to 10 minutes on
each side, or until desired done-
Made by local industry for:
Quarryville 786-2547
% i.
rfinn Allen H. Matz, Inc.
Denver - New Holland
Insure your CROPS for PROFIT with |
• All Spring crop needs.
• Custom applied Liquid Nitrogen
• Special mixtures to soil test
• Lawn Garden Fish pond
• Bulk Spreading bulk pick-up or bags
• Dacamine Weed Killer and others
• Insecticides Fungicides
Come in to discuss your needs
Lancaster Fawning, Saturday, April 1,1967 —
or t
Farm Wife and
Ladies. Have You Heard?..,
By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist
Vacuum Ch ancr Care
Some vacuum cleaner bays need o be
emplieu or disposed of more often than olhei s
Refer to the instruction that came
with your cleaner for piopcr directions
If your cleaner has a secondaiy idler as
well as a dust container, clean this liecjuently
For satisfactory cleaning lesults. follow
the manufacturer’s directions Joi caie of anv
part of the cleaner.
Stretching The Food Dollar
Tc get the most out of your food dollar,
i ememoer-
Ready-toeat cereals ccst about twice as
much per serving as ceieals that are to be THOMAS
cooked. limply in jour hand
Buying huge amounts of bak- shoity glove lengths go well
ery pioducts will increase your with a u voting gnls’ clothes,
food costs Home baking is a
real money saver in large fam
ilies, especially.
Size of package is not always
a true guide to the amount of
product inside.
Day-old bread is often sold
at a discount.
The total cost of a prepared
mix is the price you pay for
the mix plus the cost of in
gredients that you add at home.
Check carefully because some
commercially prepared mixes
cost less than the home-pre
pared ones and otheis cost
Wear Gloves, Don’t, Carry Them
Gloves look best when worn
on your .hands. It is much more
attractive than clutching them
Oxford 932-8323
Long gloves aie a must lor
stnctly foimal dress occasions.
Consider sleeve length and
fashion trends when deciding
glove length.
(Continued on Page 22)
Is what you’ll enjoy
with a Texaco Fuel
Chief Water Heater.
Fully automatic. Pro-
duces hot wafer faster
than it's needed for bath
ing, dishwashing, laun
dering—and at a frac
tion of the cost of old
fashioned w r atcr heaters.
Come in and see them!
Let us analyze your
needs. No obligation.
We Give S «. H
Green Stamps
Garber Oil Co
Texaco Fuel Chief
Heating Oil
105 Fairview St.
Ph. 653-1821