—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 1,1967 18 For the , , , Farm Wife and Family By Mrs. Richard C. Spence, Food Editor Lamb In The Spring . . . SPENCE minutes for medium rare doneness Until fair ly recently most people liked herb stuffing or a breast of lamb well done Now the tiend lamb can be simmered in a bends to medium or even i are mild barbecue sauce Blade and for some round bone shoulder chops are There m ' other cuts of lamb espec i a 11 y tasty when first to bo considei ed too The shoul- biowned and then cooked gent der, with blade-bone removed, *>' 111 d sweet-sour sauce that can be stuffed with a lemon includes ciushed pineapple in SPRING NEEDS • Garden Seeds • Seed Potatoes #' Lawn Seed Scotts Old English • Vigoro • Tobacco Seed • Tobacco Muslin 0 HyGro # Garden Tools 0 Lawn Mowers Groff’s Hardware South Railroad Ave., New Holland, Pa. Stauffer's Of Kissel Hill LAWN AND GARDEN CENTER Lititz and Lancaster Sore Money ORDER NOWI MICHIGAN PEAT MOSS For Tobacco Beds TOO lb. bags one ton at $1.48 per 100 18. 2 tons $1.42 per 100 lb. 4 tons and up $1.40 per 100 lb. Prices Picked Up at Lititz Approximate March 20th at Railroad siding Phone Lititz 626-2028 Phone Lane. 569-2688 » :d Lamb is surely an example of the old say ing that good things come in small packages. The same delicate flavor and fine textured, tender meat is found fiom the little petite broiled lamb rib chops to the handsome leg of lamb loa'-t The rib roast of lamb, some times called the rack, is just the right size for a twosome who may want second servings but no left-overs. Lamb roasts aie roasted on a rack in a low-sided open pan without a cover and with out adding water in a 325 degree oven A 6 pound leg of lamb will be medium done in about 3 hours A rack of lamb will take about the same time Reduce the time about 30 # Scotts Products Complete line • BPS’ Paints #" DriPont Lucite # Speed Queen Washer #-■ Hotpomt- Appliances • Prizer Ranges Gas &- Coal • r Monarch-Ranges' • Warm Morning Heaters Phone 354-0851 the list of ingredients. When buying lamb, keep in mind that there are about 2 servings per pound of lamb leg and shoulder roasts. Allow 2 ribs per serving when deciding on a rack of lamb for roasting. Plan on 2 chops per serving whether it be rib, loin or shoulder chops. ROAST LEG OF LAMB 1 onion, sliced 1 carrot, diced to Vis teaspoon leaf rose mary 1 leg of lamb, about 6 lbs. Combine onion, carrot and rosemary in bottom of shallow roasting pan. Place lamb on rack in roasting pan; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake in a preheated 300 degree-325 de gree oven for 30-35 minutes per pound or until meat ther mometer registers an internal tempeiatuie of 170 degrees to 180 degrees depending upon de sired degiee of doneness. Re move lamb to heated platter and keep warm while making gravy being certain to include drippings and vegetables (which have been mashed and strain ed) in bottom of pan. LAMB RIBLETS 1 12 oz bottle hot catsup Vz cup orange juice *4 cup chopped parsley 14 teaspoon celery seed 14 teaspoon rosemary leaves 3 pounds lamb nblets Combine catsup, orange juice, parsley, celery seed and rose mary Pour over liblets and mai mate overnight Remove lamb to large skillet, reserve marinade. Brown nblets thor oughly Arrange nblets in bak- LANDIS YIELD BRANCH LITITZ SPRINGS BRANCH BRANCH 270 Main St. Broad & Main Sts. - 14'15Lititz' Piktf MItLERSVILLE BRANCH ROHRERSTOWN BR'A’NCH 302 N. George St. 2134 Marietta Ave. sffi'wssHi NEW CAR You can cure it in a hurry with' a CONESTOGA AUTO LOAN .... with payments arranged to fit your budget. For' a new oir used car loan visit one' of the conveniently located* Offices of . . . THE “Sening Lancaster Lora Penn Square since 1889” ing dish; add marinade. Cover. Bake at 375 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes, oi until tender. Makes 4 servings. « * * LAMB STEW 2 v z pounds cubed lamb shoul der 2 tablespoons salad oil. 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon nutmeg Vis teaspoon crushed thyme V/i cups water medium onions, sliced clove garlic, crushed %-oz, pkg. sour cream sauce mix 10%-oz. can condensed Scotch broth medium head cabbage, cut in 6 wedges, cooked Brown lamb in hot oil in skillet over medium heat, stir ring occasionally. Add season ings, water, onions, and garlic. Stir well; cover and cook over low heat 50 to 60 minutes, or until tender. In small bowl, blend sour cream sauce mix with Scotch broth: stir into lamb and cook over low heat 10 minutes longei. Ai range hot cabbage in heated serving dish and pour lamb stew over top. Makes 6 seivings. LAMB SHANKS & EGGPLANT 1 cup tomato juice V 2 cup spicy-sweet French dressing 1 tablespoon lemon juice 4 lamb shanks (about 1 lb. each) tablesnoon salad oil cup water cup chopped parsley teaspoon garlic salt Freshly ground pepper LANCASTER', PENNSYLVANIA A Trustee for the Lancaster County foundation Vk teaspoon oregano leave* 1 medium eggplant, pared and cubed % pound mushrooms, sliced >. Hot cooked elbow macaroni Combine tomato juice, dress ing and lemon juice. Pour over lamb and marinate overnight? Drain lamb, reserving marin ade. Brown lamb in oil in largd skillet or Dutch oven; drain og drippings Add marinade, wa ter, parsley, and seasonings. Simmer, covered, 1 3 A hours or until meat is tender. Add vege tables and cook covered 15 min utes longer. Serve over mad? aroni. Makes 4 servings. GROUND LAMB BALLS EN BROCHETTE % cup (small can) undiluted evaporated milk 1 egg 1 cup soft bread crumbs Vz teaspoon salt v 2 teaspoon garlic salt y 2 teaspoon monosodium glu tamate Va teaspoon pepper Va teaspoon tarragon leaves J/ 4 teaspoon ground savory Vi pounds ground lamb 12 large fresh or frozen pine apple wedges 6 cheiry tomatoes (about % pounc) 2 cucumbeis, cut in Vz inch slices Brown Lemon Sauce* Cooked rice Beat egg and milk together; add crumbs and seasonings. Lei' 1 stand to soften crumbs. Add lamb, mix well. With moisten ed hands, shape into 18 balls,- about IVa inches. Chill thor* (Continued on Page 19) TiANKX, S' '
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