USD A Plans 1970-Date For New G«wstor Guernsey Meat Research Center Completion >. - Some 20 percen' of U S a« .'"fnd'TSg Choice beef never makes it to came Breeding ana teeaing will c u.,,.„ hf ,_ n „„„ the -barbeai'e pit or the din- will enable the meat industry .p. ’ J* ave been nam me Baropqie pu oi me uiu nnrtion fmm 90 ed Gold Stal ’ Gueinsey Breed ner table It is trimmed away to cut this tat portion trom 20 American as unused fat—by the meat cut- percent to five percent with- “’ J 8 ter the butcher and the house- out affecting the meat’s flavor ciuo. S'fo'hoS 1 ’ 61 ’ «.■ general appeal. Te’SmSts 10, thU pus unwanted fat is no- U.S. Department of Agri- du ?- mg the pas i year, body’s fault; it is simply an un- culture scientists now setting of t i." rennirpments avoidable by-product of feed- up shop at a former ammuni- Le thal SmOuSSS ove‘ mg beef to U. S. Choice grade, tion dump in Nebraska, think But meat animal researchers (Continued on Page 21) (Continued on Page 21) Agway Heber B. Shelly SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT op' A* Direct From Manufacturer... To Us... To You = BEE-LINE Thus Tremendous Savings! Try us! You'll Be Glad You Did. *. n • Bee ■ Line Supply Center 1027 Dillerviile Road, Lancaster TO AGWAY'S DAIRYMANS CI.INIC What—Milk cooler, pipe 4 milker When—Tuesday Evening, April 11th, Promptly at 7:30 p.m. Where—Agway Bee-Line Supply Cen ter Meeting Room, 1027 Dill- Anyone is welcome to attend Refreshments will be served. • 8" Horizontal or Vertical Insulated • Double 4" Horizontal Non insulate 10 Attractive Colors. We guarantee excellent quality and workmanship on all of our in- stallations. 25 year warranty on. siding. "CALL TODAY TOR FREE ESTIMATES" MAY I PERSONALLY INVITE YOU system clinic —also a presenta- tion on "Agway's Dairy Cleans ers and sanitation program. erville Road, Lancaster (Former Farm Bureau Store) Effective Immediately The Agway Bee-Line Supply Center offers complete application and Installation of Clapboard Aluminum Siding. or Non-lnsulated .025 Thickness Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 1,1967 — SECOND SECTION Plowing Down Com Stubble Helps To Reduce Com Borers Next Season Corn growers can help cut down on next summer’s corn borer infestations if they act fast The number of borers overwintering in corn stubble is unusually high, and damage may be severe this summer unless growers plow down stub ble befoie May 1 Plowing stub ble under kills and buries many borers before they come out as moths in May At least one borer per square foot overwintered in corn stalks in Delaware fields this year. That adds up to more than 43,- 000 per cere. It also adds up to trouble for sweet corn, po tato and pepper growers, points out Dr Dale Bray chairman ot the department oi entomol ogy and applied ecology at the University of Delaware If weather conditions are right this summer, this could be one of the worst years on record for corn borer damage Green poppers are a maioi target, more than half of the crop may be lost As each gen eration of borers develops— there are three or four each summer—numbers increase as tronomically and so does the damage. BIGGEST TIL I N T E R N AT 1 O N A L | A CVIBRA SHANK 4 3 CULTIVATOR Best for seed bed preparation, summer-fallor/mg, stubble mulching, pasture and alfalfa weed killing, and minimum tillage. • Exclusive VIBRA SHANK action for unifoim tillage. • Extra high (10%") shank clearance for obstacles and trash. • Each shank operates independently. • Heaviest trash gets through without clogging. • Mounting—B% to 18% foot width; Trathng— -12% to 18% foot width. Wing—22% to 28% foot width. Ask for FREE DEMONSTRATION on your farm TODAY MUftMMtMftl C. 6. Hoober INTERCOURSE 768-3501 InternoHonal Harvester Sales and Service EPHRATA 733-2283 Bray advises commercial pep per growers to begin spraying with DDT or carbaryl (Sevm) when entomologists find four borer moths per night in their light trans Spraying every sev en to ten clays will be neces sary DDT is also recommended for control of borers on com if it is not going to be used for livestock feed In that case, Bray suggests carbaryl How ever, spraying field corn is us ually impractical since it may cost more than the value o£ the corn lost Borers don't cut corn yields appreciably unless the third, or August, gcneiation is extreme ly numerous If heavily infest ed corn stalks aie weakened enough to be blown down dur ing windstorms, corn pickers can’t harvest the entire crop. Borers do more costly dam age to sweet corn, they can lower the duality and edibility ot a sizeable percentage of corn ears Some of the crop may have to be discarded. Borers also attack potatoes; the first generation moths emerging from the corn stalks (Continued on Page 20) Messick Farm Equip. ELIZABETHTOWN 367-1319 Kauffman Bros. MOUNTVILLE 285-9151 Cops & Weaver Co. NEW PROVIDENCE 786-7351 17
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