qOM rriuaill >* Form Equipment John Deere 50 Tractor. John Deere 290 Corn Planter. New Holland 60 Baler. Condition good to excellent. A.B.C. Groff, Inc.. New Holland, Pa. Ph. 354- 8001. Oliver 88 Diesel Tractor. Farm ersville Equipment Co., New Holland. Pa. 354-9221. TRACTORS—2OIO John Deere. 620 John Deere, Farmall H, 40 J.ohn Deere, ,WD Allis Chalmers, 33 Massey Harris. Wenger Im plement Co, The Buck, Ph. 284-4467. New Idea semi-mounted mower: Fertilizer spreaders; 145 bu & 125 bu. manure spreaders: New Idea cut-ditioner; 750, 751 hay conditioners; 400, 403, and speed wheel rakes WILBUR GRAYBILL New Idea - Olay - Mch Shop Latitz Ph. 626-5221 Used Ttailer type weed spray er. Lester A. Singer, Ronks, Pa. Ph. 687-6712 Used 400 Farmall Tractor. Used Famall 300 Tractor: Cope & Weaver, New Providence Ph. 786-7351 Massey F Tguson self-propelled 300 COMBINE. M. M Weaver & Sons, Leola, 656-7702 350 g!al. Esco, MOD No 1 ap proved; Used Ironnte Ironer; OLAiRK ELECTRIC R.l, Kinzers, Pa. Ph. Intercourse 763-8501 ISO Amp, l.incoln Welder, New Price 380.00. Hiestand, Inc., Rl, Marietta. Ph: 426 1101. CRAWLER TRACTORS Oliver OC3 with loader, JD. 1010 with Made, Cletrac with winch, TD6 worth loader and Pay loaders; -Wheel tractors of all' adzes. - - • KEENER EQUIP. CO. Phone 569-9861 1531 Manheim Pike Lancaster, Pa, Foret 640 Tractor, Allis-Chal mers Dl9 Diesel Chet Long, Akron, Ph 859-1020. Badger grinder-mixer, near new: Tank and flat bed PTO spreaders, N H Haybine, N H 36 Flail chopper, J.D baler with thrower, AC “WD” trac tor, L. H Brubaker, RD #3, Lititz, 626-7766, 397-5179, 687- 6002. Used J.D. B & JD. A tractors; Used J.D. 4 row corn planter. Used J.D. *l2 Forage Harvest er, New Holland 270 baler w/thrower, Allis-Chalmers 200 baler w/thrower, Used New Holland 65, 68 and 66 balers, good used Ford baler w/raotor Grumelli Farm Service, Quar ryville, Pfa. 786-3630. ' - PLANTS 600 Assorted SWEET ONION PLANTS* nwlttq&taer i pft&tdatfel guide, $3 postpaid, TOPCO, “home of tfi»i§we«aQo'rflofl,a( FarmersvaHe. 75031 For Sale—Certified Black Rasp berry Plants; Logan, Bristol, $lO per 100, $9O per 1000 at farm Ph. 367-3118 Levi S Ober, Elizabethtown, El, Pa. 17022 NOTICE FREE. Subscribers to Lancas ter Farming will receive one advertisement each, month in our Mail Box Market. Subscrib ers using the Mail Box Market wilLbe governed by the follow ing rules; Limit .your advertisement to five lines which means not over 25 words. All advertisements must he in our hands by Wed nesday noon or same will be held over for next week’s Poultry & Equipment Now is the time to have your dairy barn or chicken house air conditioned by Vent-O-Matic. Control ventl lation without drafts. All in stallation guaranteed. Also other used fans. Also Chore Time poultry equipment Hicstand, Inc., Marietta El, Ph. 426-1101. Egg washers, ,new and used. We repair all makes. Hiestand, Inc., Marietta Rl r Ph. 426- 1101. Famous CHIX-CINERATORS. Efficient disposal of dead chickens, turkeys or other small animals by cremation. 30 day guarantee or money re funded. Hiestand. Inc. Ph. 426- 1101. Hart Cup watering systems. Beacon steel cages, Brock feed bins, Aerovent and Coolair fans, Oakes mechanical feed ers and hog equipment, Herr matic feed carts egg and manure handling equipment. E. M. Herr Equipment, Inc., Willow Street, R.D. 1, Ph. 394-0654. GARBER G-200 & GX29I White Egg Layers Champions for INCOME combined with EGG QUALITY Day Old Chicks and Started Pullets FLORIN FARMS, INC. K. D. 1, Mount Joy 653-4970 •haver Layers Greider Leghorn Farms, Inc. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY R. 1, PA. Some Gove Up and Cried Others Tried A Classified Phone 394-3047 Poultry & Equipment BABCOCK AND GIIOSTLEY PEARL LEGHORNS Also Sexlinks Day old or started pullets contact WEBER’S HATCHERY, INC. Bowmansville, Pa. Ph. AC 215-445-6440 AC 215-484-4769 or Paul Ebersole Annville 867-2161 For Sale-3 range shelters, fail condition 31 each. Used lum ber 60 pieces 3”x5”x14 ft long, $5 per pile. R. W. Sau der, Ph 626-2074. For Sale-46 Johnson cup water fountains, enough for 5000 lay ers Used one season, Vz price Ph 569-1580. For Sale USED POULTRY EQUIPMENT Gas Brooders, Big Dutchman feed trough, Big Dutchman Double Line feeder, Poicelam Cage water trough, Rebuilt motors. Ph 354-5168 DEKALB STARTED PULLETS Phone DeKalb York Hatchery, A.C. 717-255-7741 or DeKalb District Sales Office, Lancaster 394-5157. Ph. 397-0035 Richard R. Forry SprwfMf | Lancaster, Pa. High Pressure washing and disinfecting of Poultry and Cage house* Also equipped for oil spraying in Poultry houses. BABCOCK B-300-s Top on Farms Everywhere will he Tops on YOUR FARM 100 .... BABCOCK HATCHERY, INC. R. D. 3, Lititz, Pa. Phone: 717-626-5872 ORDER YOUR ! MUSSER M 327 PULLET CHICKS Which can and are being Grown in your own community. MUSSER LEGHORN FARMS K. D. 1, Mt. Joy, Pa. Ph, 653-4911 "Serving Egg Producers Since 1916” Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 1,1967 —15 MISCELLANEOUS IRRIGATION designed for FARMS GOI.F COURSES WASTE DISPOSAL LAWNS 4* Orchard Towers, Pipe, Pumps. Sprinklers PECO, Inc. 4021 N. 6th St. Harrisburg, Peatna. 17110 Phone. (717) 238-9424 PIPE Steel used No. 1 shape —2, 3, 4,6, 8 inch. Call 739-9040, Maryland Pipe, Box 394. Hagerstown, Md. MRS. DEE Spiritualist and Card Reader Consultant on all problems of hte. All readings private, strictly confidential .... sat isfaction guaranteed, or no charge Now located at 601 E. Main St. Palmyra. Ph. 838-5052 For Sale Mushroom Soil to beautify your lawns and gar dens. Any amount. Gap New port Mushroom Farm, Phone AC 215-268-8808. Lane, Area Ph. 394-2611. A NECCHI ZIG-ZAG Sewing Machine, slightly used, 5 year parts and service guar antee No attachments neces sary to sew buttons, button holes, fancy designs, or blind hem di esses UNPAID BALANCE $36.40 or take over payments of $4 86 per month. Call Dealer till 9 pm. LANCASTER 392-4341. A WHITE ZIG-ZAG Cabinet Model, Sewing Ma chine, used, but like new with 10 year guarantee Does every thing No attachments needed UNPAID BALANCE $43 20 or take-ove i payments of $5 10 per month Call Dealer till 9 pm LANCASTER 392-4341 A SINGER ZIG-ZAG Sewing Machine, used approxi mately three months Will do fancy designs, make button holes, also blind hems and straight stitches 3 needle posi tion 5 yen paits and service guarantee UNPAID BALANCE $56.40 or take-over payments ot $5 65 pei me nth Call Dealei till 9 pm LANCASTER 392-4341. Livestock For Sole LEACOCK YORKSHIRE offer ing a selection, ot bred gilts, open gilts, tall boais Sued by GEC 5 Leacock Matts Torpedo 10-1 and HOW-5 Turks Design 30-3, Gilts will be bred RTB-6 Biooks End Renown 23-4, ' E Coglcy Leacock Yoiksliile Fami RD jfl, feonks, Pa. Lancaster County Ph 768-3472 Foi Sale 90 HOLSTEINS 90 30 Registeicd Heiteis due about July 30 cows Iresh or close Also complete held ot 30 At piesent milking 1735 pei dav. MELVIN SAGER Washington Boro. RD. 1 Ph 872 2542 Two Chaiolais 7 s cows Bom 1964. Pair loi $llOO total Lo cated in Maryland Contact Buzz Garey, 100 Walnut Lane, Mornsville, Pa 19067. (215)- 295-6664. Locol Clossified Advertising Rotes Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words (1) Issue (3) Issue* 14 or Less $l.OO $2.40 15 1.05 2.52 16 1.12 2 69 17 1.19 2 88 18 1.26 3.03 19 1.33 3.20 20 1.40 3.38 KEYED ADS (Ads with answer coming to a Box Number, % Lancaster Farm ing): 50c additional. Ads running 3 or more con secutive times with no change billed at 20% discount with $l.OO minimum. DEADLINE: Wednesday noon of each week’s publica tion LANCASTER FARMING P. O. Box 266 Lilitz, Pa. Pb. Lancaster 394-3047 or Lititz 626-2191 HELP WANTED Female Help Wanted Supplement your income. Need someone (o assist me in my fast growing business 3 hrs. a day, $250 per month. For inter view appointment, Call Fashion Two Twenty, at 397-4031 be tween 2 and 4 p.m. Male Help Wanted Truck Driver Apply in person. Eby’s Mill, Inc., 35 N Cedar Stieet, Lititz. Mail Box Market Bor Sale Purebredl’York shire boars, bred gilts and open gilts. Carcass champion ship bloodlines. Willow Glen Farm, R. D. 1, Strasburg, Pa. Phone AC 717 786-2562. For Sale-Ear Corn Ph. 872- 8236 For Sale-Steel Frick Thresher 22”, self-1 eedei, blower, excel lent condition McCormick bin der T cut. with tongue truck, good canvasses Grover P Wise, Dowmngtown Rl, Pa 19335. Ph 215-384-7588 For Sale-Kitson chicken, feed er, used 1 vr, 200 ft of trough and chain 5 corners, can use 600 It of trough Carl W Nes tleroth, Manheim R 3 Ph 665- 3203 Coloilul all wool homemade braided rugs, various sizes Call 626-7046. For Sale-Chiftomer extension table with boards Ph 6654959. For Sale-Kelvinatog elec range; also, Monaich coal range with water tiont & reservoir. Call 872-8418. For Sale-Potatoes and Hay, 10 tons Ist Ciittire allalfa Henry G Shenk, Manheim R 2, 653-5819 Foi Sale-D res s e d chickens, heavy bleed, dressed to order. Sol K Beiler, Bird-in-Hand Rl, between Leacock and Talmage. Wanted - Dependable married man to \\os|f partijme in ex change lot iyodern Some Call r215-593-5406 t- For Sale-2 year old Shetland pony Call 464-3758 For Sale-Clean bright wheat straw, a both 10 to 12 tons, $2O. per ton Geo. L Bowman, Leb anon R 4, Pa Ph 717-867-2097. For Sale-John Deere #8 grass mower, qiuck-attach. Call- 215- 267-2459' VA 'reports' a* nn atppk- hem World Wafr II vetiei.if.ws but urges othetrs who pllm to apply anot lo want un tiH the tad rmmito lire July 25 deadline does mot apply to Isjopejain Conflict veterans or tfitose eligible im'deir the mew GI Bill, says VA.
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