Eastern Board Against Milk Withholding Current milk withholding among daiiymcn in the north east was recently reviewed by the hoard of directors of East ern Milk Pi oducers Cooperative Assn , Inc J. Paul Walizer, of Bellefonte Pennsylvania presi dent of Eastern, reported that the '7 members of the board were polled to recheck the co op’s membership to determine an uo-to-rlate position on milk withholdinc. Walizer said, “the majori ty of the board indicated that the local delegates did not favor withholding. Sever al' of the districts took the position established by their delegates that they would fa vor withholding if the Dairy men’s League and the mem bership of the Northeast Co operative Federation would also support such action. Some delegates indicated that they would support a milk withholding action if they were assured $l.OO per hun dredweight improvement in Class I prices.” Eastern urged $lOO per hun dredweight increase at the fed eral milk hearing held last fall in Washington, D C, Walizei said J yi. - Now 5 engines to choose from with the Allis-Chalmers One-Ninety tractor! Pick the fuel, pick the- power you want for 5-bottom work! Gasoline or diesel in the One-Ninety—or get 15 ' to' 20 extra horses in the new One- Ninety XT, diesel, gasoline or LP gas. No matter which one you pick, L H Brubaker N. G. Myers & Son Grumelli Farm Service ’Lancaster, Pa. Rheems, Pa. Quarryville, Pa. Nissley Farm Service L. H. Brubaker Chef Long Washington Boro, Pa. Lititz, Pa. Akron, Pa. The local delegate is on elect- C* • ed officer of each of the 190 TOOCI aland Locals of the Eastern Milk Fro- Offered SoJ<sllloo duccrs Cooperative and. as a A * - rule, speak*- for the member- /\l*Ba CilUl’CneS ship on the local level, he add ed Walizcr said. “Eastern Milk Producers is a democratically run organization and *ts posi tion on policy affecting the en tire cooperative must reflect the attitudes of the majority of the overall membership. Even though members in some areas are sympathetic to the with holding action, the great ma jority, as shown by oui poll, are opposed." Within the last five weeks at a delegate meeting of Eastern, the delegates failed to support a resolution favoring milk with holding. The individual mem ber, of course, has the choice of making his own decision as to whethei or not he desires to withhold his own milk, V/ahzer explained Eastern will not place any restrictions on him, nor will it be responsible for any losses of milk in the event the members’ milk does not reach the marketplace due to withholdine or action associat ed with withholding, Walizer stated, addmg that any further detail as to the individual dis trict activities is available through the district director responsible for each district “This One-Ninety is i whole tractor family! 3-0 'ui Allen H. Motz Form Equipment New Holland At a mcotin!, on Tuesday eve ning, March 14. the Southern Lancaster County Community Fair Association decided to con tinuc the second food stand at the fair. This will be in addi tion to the large stand manned by the area Farm Women groups The opportunity to operate the second food stand will be given to the Solanco area churches on a first-come basis Profits will be divided on a SO SO percentage between the as sociation and the church, it was announced. Churches interested are ad vised to contact refreshment committee chahman Mrs. Mar tin Greenleaf at Oxford Rl. TAKE CARE OF PIGS Good swine producers keep their pigs warm and out of drafts They also make sure that their pens are kept clean and dry A clean, dry, and draft-free farrowing house is necessary to save a maximum number of pigs Each pig lost represent' about $6 in sow feed, says Lester A. Burdette, extension livestock specialist at Penn State University. f 3^.^;; you’ll be getting the workin’est, easiest-operating 5-plow tractor you ever saw! You have to experience a One-Ninety to know how great it is. W e’ll be glad to provide the experi ence. Drop in and see us! Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 1,1967 — WEEKLY CROSSWORD PUZZLE j 1 ■— ■" ■■■■ ' ■ Insect HORIZONTAL 5 Time measure 1,6 Depicted 6 h?r« airS 01 • a horse 7 Arctic gulf 10 Strong . Cravat 11 Hydrophobia 9Mor p hin J ® ra , , derivative 14 Made of a iQUrns hordviood n Legal matters 12 Smooths 17 Thus 15 Middiewestem 32 It was 18 Reads university imported 20 Preposition (ab-) from ®^ ierw * s * 18 Spreads 34 Masculine 23 Dry through appellation - 19 Young trees 35 Gives forth 28 Writes 2 2 Fitted 40 Solar disk 27 Providing 2 4 Minister 41 Paving 28 Lower case yv cheer substance (ao.) 29 Tungsten (ab.) 30 Pronoun 31 Insects 33 City in Alaska 36 Primitive 37 Metric unit 38 Measure of area 39 Petty despots 45 “Smallest State” (ah.) 48 Oath 48 Piece of furniture 49 Deed 50 Kitchen tool 58 Ppetic foot Swaradise 55 It is destructive to VERTICAL IPaid escort 2 Anger 3 Mixed type 4 Blackthorn Purge Urged On Pa. Blackbirds HARRISBURG Two agri cultural organizations have ask ed the Pennsylvania Depart ment of Agriculture to do some thing abou; birds that cause damage to crops In a resolution sent to the De partment by the Fruit Growers Association of Adams County, the association stated that dam age done to fruit crops by blackbirds starlings and robins has reached “huge proportions ” Dauphin County Pomona Grange in its resolution said that blackbn ds and starlings “in flocks numbering thousands de scend on gram and corn fields, causing damage to the extent that yields as well as crops are affected ” The Grange also called black bird and starling invasions a “menace to agriculture and a threat to an abundant food supply ” Both organizations asked the Agriculture Department to do what it could to correct the pioblems Colds Attack More When We're Tired Ever wonder why we seem to catch colds in. winter months just befoi e._that- big* date or before the weekend .guests ar rive’ Well, we’re more apt to catch colds when we’re teed and rundown And rushing around getting ready for any bag occasion can be energj -sapping. To make that special occa sion really “special,” however, experts offer this 1 advice Ti y to stay out of crowds before the big date; a simple sneeze can travel a distance of three feet Avoid chilling and wet feet Eat well-balanced meals despite a hectic schedule You’ll be giving your bod> an important advantage, one that can help ward off colds. 5^5 y • Tobacco Heat (Continued from Page 8) plot will receive supplemental heat in the shed, the other half will not This procedure will enable the researchers to analyze the project data statis tically, and to draw valid con clusions on the basis of results, Yocum stated The gas heating equipment was furnished by the Gastobac Co of Charlotte, North Caro lina. the company also paid the fuel and installation costs, work ing locallv through the C W. Witmer Co at Soudersburg. Personnel from the research station supplied the supervi sion and some help, and anal yzed the data Hilltop Stitchers Feted At Supper The Lomgton Hilltop Stitch ers 4-H Chib were entertained at a suppci meeting at the home ol their leader Mrs. Thomas B Smith Lititz Rl, during the Easter holiday Nine out of the 13 club mem bers attended The planning committee pre sented an outline of meetings and' social events for the sum mer to be voted upon at the reorganization meeting to be held April 17 from 7 - 30 to 9 pm. in the Erunnerville Fire Hall YOU SAVE ON TOBACCO MUSLIN W. L. ZIMMERMAN & SONS Intercourse, Pa. Ph. Intercourse 768-3131 Here’s the Answer 42 Rubidium (symbol) 43 Dismounted 44 Fruit 47 Espoused 49 President's nickname 51 Direction (ab.) 53 MyseU 11
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