"violence or throat of violence" joining NFO, Elwell said, and orders them to do nothing ‘That’s the question I’ve been bers. or we wouldn't have call- to "violate local laws”. waiting for all evening!" (• Chester County ed it." he udded. "li a member who engages He explained that NFO’spur (Contlnvii'd from Page 1) McNamara noted that NFO in violence ousted from the pose was to secure contracts the NFO milk holding action now c l a * ms 80 percent support organization?" McNamara was between die milk companies is being supported by mom- in that a,ca - And ke added asked. and the members. In its Anal bers in a 25-statc area. that “despite what the proccs- "if he is convicted (McNa- form, the contract must be ap- NFO was organized about 11 sors and ,kc co ' ops , ''eport, we mara stressed the word) he is proved by at least two-thirds of years ago. Elwell noted, be- are C ett * n » results." no longer a member of NFO.” the members. They can tear it cause the farm economic situa- VIOLENCE, WHY? The representative further ex- apart, amend it, or revise it lion demanded it. "The organ- One listener, who said he plained that "most of the vio- any way they see fit. Then it ization now operates in 1800 was not a dairymen, question- lence you hear about is actu- goes back to the processor for counties in the U. 5.," he stat- ed the violence and waste of ally caused by non-members his final approval, ed. "and is the fastest-growing food that has accompanied the and is often directed against DUES—I PERCENT OF farm organization in the coun- current milk conflict. NFO members.” GROSS SALES try.” "Your national organization IS HOLDING, "The dues to join NFO are OBJECTIVES evidently doesn’t think much DUMPING? $25 a year.” Elwell said. ‘‘But Elwell cited several object- of public relations. Many of us There seemed to be a certain once we ge i you a contract, ives and definitions of NFO: take a dim view of how minor- amount of what that $25 no longer applies. 1- build NFO by avoiding ity groups are going about get- was simply 'holding milk, and From there on, a member pays the mistakes of past organiza- ting what they seek these what was ‘‘dumping • NFO one percent of the amount tions. days,” he stated. Although Elwell pointed out 0 f g ross sales which he makes 2- one can belong to NFO Late i- in the session, a man Jjffl "u* throu S h tae contract.” but farm* re. who identified himself as a f n ™ lk ’J® t *Lp° ORDER 4, DEAD 3- can only serve as a dairy farmer, had more to say ?. f . ' farmer oin ac * n referring to the Delaware bargaining agency: it can’t go on the que stion of the farmer’s Jr,' Valley federal milk order num into business on its own image. * u , ally “ holci ” milk for a week her 4, McNamara told the dair -- commdtees are „ WeVe hurling ourselves with "AsTumuv* he could ‘hold’it ymen 0,81 one reason there established on local. «ea and the house Wife by dumping this in "ondiUon ” the ques- we , ren t more farm “’ s dumping national levels and invoi ve m]lk m the streets a £ d ° other ™ cent need "wouldn’t "? llk 111 Chester Count r and £,^e"rfno a t n a Scific crop P« blic P ,aces ’ 1 have no ai * u ' he oS wS that and Ss We aie not a specific ciop ment Wlth bolding milk—feed- muc h milk was released on the ordei 4> and thats the highest crgamzation ” mwell explain- mg it t 0 hogs or dumping lt muchjlk was released on tfie paying Order in the country. ed. We feel the whole of agu- on our own f arnlSi but not in ~N T „ You’re getting about 12 cents culture is sick, and it all must pbb places ,” the dairyman paii ;L V v 3 quart fOl your milk now ’ we be brought up to par.’ l oted * * cause by that time we would f eel you need 14.15 cen t s a "To be successful, our effort R VIOIPXCF hav f f TI ? de °ur point in the 1 quart t 0 surv ive,” he stated has to be national” the repie- BYL,AVVS VIOLENCE marketplace, and would have sentative said “Holding actions According to McNamara, the secured a sound contract.” in local areas have not done. b y- laws ot the NFO Prohibit H OW MUCH TO JOIN NFO? the job The problem is nation-1 an y member from engaging in when asked for details on al and »as to be solved on a national basis,” he added HOW MUCH HOLDING IS ENOUGH? €—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 25,1967 When the meeting was open ed up to questions, they came thick and fast, many fiom two Chester and two Lancaster county newsmen “What percent of production in any one market does NFO find it necessary to control to make a holding action effect ive’” “We know it takes about 60 percent of the production to control any given market,” Mc- Namara slated. “We knew be fore the holding action started in the Pittsburgh area that we had at least 60 percent support from members and non-mem- That's the way ... the easy way, with choremaster power. Makes every job easier. Does every job better. .. faster! Designed for operator com fort and convenience and built for durability in rugged use ... by the world’s largest manufacturer of tillers. See it, try it todayl See the new and used tillers at L H. Brubaker 350 Strasburg Pike, Lancaster JBID. 3, Litrtz, Pa. Phone: Lancaster 397-5179 Strasburg 687-6002 Lititz 626-7766 „ ! ) START THE SEASON OFF PROFITABLY BY USING FARMERS' FERTILIZERS Pulverized ond Granular FARMER'S FERTILIZER WORKS For the Farmer I 365 WEST BAINBRIDGE STREET Ph. AC 717 367-1211 Quality Fertilizers Since 1904 ELIZABETHTOWN Stauffer's of Kiss»i Hill LAWN AND GARDEN CENTER Lititz ond Lancaster Save Money ORDER NOW! MICHIGAN PEAT MOSS For Tobacco Beds 100 lb. bogs one ton ot $1.48 per 100 lb. 2 tons $1.42 per 100 lb. 4 tons ond up $1.40 per 100 lb. Prices Picked Up ot Lititz Approximate March 20th ot Railroad siding Phone Lititz 626-2028 Phone Lane. 569-2688 'i&h' .-ijbl CaH Us Now CUSTOM SPRAYING HIGH PRESSURE WASHING and DISINFECTING in all types of poultry houses. MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer, Pa. Phone 392-7227 v for pre-emergence weed control ill COm BE E 3 LOROX stus VTRAZINE Yi Ak This cdmbMtion gives you the best ' from both. . “ We recommend HI P. L. ROHRER & BRO., Inc. ~ ( Smoketown, Pa. 397-3539 T ** When the subject came up again later in the evening, Mc- Namara said, “Order 4 is dead as of April 1, according!© what we have learned unofficially. When that happens, you’ll lose 50 cents a hundredweight -right off the bat. Then you’ll need NFO even more,” he promised. NO NEW MEMBERS SIGNED Following the meeting, the NFO representatives invited dairymen present to join the organization. Lancaster Farm ing learned the following -day that, although no one had ac tually signed up, several farm ers indicated they planned to give the proposition serious consideration. NIGHTLY MEETINGS Trego said that while the present holding action is going on, Chester County members are meeting nightly at the lOOF hall in Unionville He added that once the mat ter is settled favorably, and they get a chance to c r ih up at home, the orgamzat Iv.l will begin encouraging farmers in neighboring counties to join NFO. The human mmil is a lot like a stomach the imp or taut thing isn’t what jou put .into 'em, but what they digest.
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