Research Expands At PSU To Meet State’s Gaining Beef Cattle Industry «aT W 0 lin( ' lcc * beef cattle and Underway for four years, COO acres of land have pro- studies of the Rockview land duced a cooperative research and herd have dealt with pas project between a state univer- ture renovation, fertilization, a . a correctional in- grazing methods, wintering sys "’“I 1011, terns, and caltle breeding. In The project, involving Penn the future, the research will Stale University and the near- concern beef cattle breeding hy Rockview State Correction- and management methods and al Institution, has the long- pasture evaluation, says Dr. range goal of improving beef Lowell L. Wilson, associate pro cattle breeding and manage- fessor of animal science at went for the state’s growing p en n State. Beef cattle industry while pro- The Rockview herd and land Tiding occupational training for me presently the College’s only Rockview inmates. 1. i. Robert K. Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading Pate Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeders i Quarryville, R. D. 1 Hensel 548-2539 Where Pop and Jumoi boo-booed was in stopping to discuss who should get first turn with the new B-10 tractor. Meanwhile—Mom moved in' Everybody wants to get into the act when a B-10 joins your family That's because it's a real tractor —so much fun to run while you get the job done. Job 7 Make it jobs! The B-10 can handle dozens of chores for you If you wish, you can get tools for ttlling, cultivating, carting, sr^w-throwmq— just like a farmer buys implements. Ask your wife if you .can use the car to come m and look at a B-10. Better yet, bring her with you • FROM ALLIS-CHALMERS... THE TRACTOR PEOPLE WHO MAKE THE. BIG ONES L. H. Brubaker N. G. Myers & Son Lancaster, Pa. Rbeems, Pa. Nissley Form Service L. H. Brubaker Washington Boro, Pa. Lititz, Pa. Allen H. Matz Farm Equipment New Holland MILES W. FRY & SON Frysville, Ephrata R 3, Pa. 17522 Tel. 354-9538 Growers of: HYBRID POPLARS o good tree. PENNGIFT CROWNVETCH o faultless slope cover with good forage-crop poten tial- Certified seed and crowns available. FOILED AGAIN large-scale project involving pastures and beef cows for ex perimental purposes, Wilson points out. The project pro vides an opportunity to evalu ate new forages under grazing conditions. Profitable beef cattle breed ing and management methods are more important today than ever before in Pennsylvania, Wilson claims Beef cow num bers in the state have more than doubled in the past 12 years. New cow herds are ap pearing m every county, he says, some icplacing dispersed dairy herds while some are started on land with no previ ous livestock history. Grumeili Farm Service Quarry\ille, Pa. Chef' Long Akron, Pa. Lancaster Farming, In recent years, animal sci entists and agronomists have managed the 200-cow Rockvicw herd on about 500 acres of pas tures developed from abandon ed, non-productive wasteland Wintci rations included can nery waste silage, buylagc, and hay. Until 1961 the Rockview beef operation used yearling steers purchased and fed out on pas tille with grain. This program had shoiteoinings such as get ting steers with predictable in herited ability to gain econom ically and produce meaty, qual ity carcasses. Because of these shortcomings in steer feeding, an Angus-llolslein ciossbred cow herd was established, j Crossbred beef cows wei eob tamed from the daily herds at Rockview and other coneclion c'l institutions where Angus bulls weie used routinely on first-calf heilers and low-pio ducing cow'. Tire ciossbiecl Angus-Holstem heileis, instead of being feci out for slaughter beef, weie saved to form a ciossbied Angus-llolstem cow heid. The piesent Rockview cow heid is composed com pletely ot Angus-Holstem cows and the dairy heids continue to furnish leplacement females Animal Science Department peisonnel at the Umveisity as sist in managing the Rock view heid Presently, they se lect Polled lierefoid bulls and breed each of six bulls to about 25 ot the ciossbred An eus-Hoistem cows Semen fiom these bulls is donated by live stock bieedeis in exchange for iccoids on the gams and car cass meiit ol the offspring “The most surprising part of the high level of performance is the fact that carcasses grad- 4 M UILUJIJI It 1111 i IJJ JI MUiJXJi lil It 11111111111111 i 1111111 iIJ Mlllll Ul 1111111111 i 11111 ummua YOUR HOME AND GARDEN VALUE STORE NOW IN Tobacco Muslin 2x50 yds. TOBACCO SEED TOO lb . MICHIGAN PEAT $1.79 DRIED BLOOD $9.95 cwt COTTON HULLS $2.35 cwt. AGRi —MYCIN FERBAM BORDEAUX SPRAYS Man'hchn Pike I QfUARRYVILL’E ; NEW HOLLAND = LANCASTER 394-0541 liiiiiiimiiiiimmiiiimii Saturday, March 25,1967 —5 in,' choice cany an optimum amount of fat cover over the loin and desirable amounts and distribution of muscling. The carcasses arc acceptable iiom cvciy standpoint and are the meaty, quality caicusses desir ed by today’s packer and con sume!," WiNon states. When scvci at years of rec oids are available on the Rock view herd, they will be analy zed to determine how much diflerence exists between actu- (Continued on Page 10) **+*******¥■*****¥*****l Moved To New Location SWELGART FIRESTONE 329 West High St. Manheim, Pa. 665-2258 ********************** STOCK 3x33 Vi yds. 10 to 19 Bogs $1.74 20 or More FERTILIZER Agway] 786-2126 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii $1.69 354-2146 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiimii.
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