PUBLIC SALE Location IVa mile west of Millersville on road be tween Route 999 and Letort road, Manor Twp. FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1967 JOHN DEERE 50, JOHN DEERE A, AC-C TRACTOR with cults., John Deere B, John Deere #5 mower (7 ft.), J. D. rake, J.D. #24T baler (good), 2 New Idea tractor spreaders, 2 IHC tractor plows, J.D. 28 disc, 2 - 3 sec. harrows, BriUion cuttipacker, roller, 24 ft, Smoker elevator, New Idea rubber tired wagon with bed, set of hay ladders, 2 row Hershey tobacco planter, J. D. 1 row potato digger PTO new webb. HORSE DRAWN EQUIPMENT 2 Wiard walking plows, I.H.C. 24 disc, I.H.C. cornplanter, 1 row Bern's tobacco planter, 3 I.H.C. cultivators, II hoe grain drill, 3-2 horse wagons (good), manure sled. Approximately 50 ton Corn Hay Straw 300 gal. water tank, 3 tobacco ladders, 9,000 lath, Minnich press, shears, spears, potato grader, peg harrow, 1 in. irrigation pipe, 150 ft. in. plastic pipe, platform scales, 40 ft. extension ladd er, 2 chunk stoves, old seed cleaner (antique), feed cart, forks, shovels, many articles not mentioned. 4 BRED SOWS York Cross HORSE 12 year old Strawberry Roan (work on either side) Upright Weaver piano, 2 beds, mattress, bureau, chest of drawers, vanity, blanket chest, some dishes, arm chair, corner cupboard, refrigerator, 9 x 12 rug, rag carpet, old picture albums. Kreider & Diller, Aucts. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AND FARM MACHINERY Thursday, March 30, 1967 At R. D. No. 2, Delta, Pa., in Lower Chanceford Twp., near Hess store on McKinley Mill Road. The undersigned, due to ill ness, will offer at public sale the following REAL ESTATE 255 Acre Dairy Farm Approximately 255 acres of land with 140 acres of good rich farming land the balance in pasture and woodland. Water runs through part of farm and water at buildings is supplied by a never failing spring. Improvements consist of a large g-room house with aluminum siding and stone, IVs baths, hot water heat, hardwood floors throughout house, modern kitchen, wash room, lots of good closet space. House is in very good condition throughout. Also large barn that will hold 60 head of cattle with a 4 stall side opening type milking parlor, milk house, all pipe line and 350 gal. milk tank to go with farm, 40 x 60 wagon shed, machinery shed, block hog pen, 64 ft. trench silo with walls and roof, one-car garage. On another part of the farm a set of build ings consisting of house with slate roof, frame barn and straw shed, corn crib and other out buildings. Dairy facilities are ap proved for Baltimore City Market. Anyone on the market for a good high producing dairy farm with lots of acreage be sure and inspect this one. For appointment phone Airville 862-3700 or call auctioneer. Real estate will be offered at 2 P.M. on day of sale. Conditions will be made known on day of sale. FARM MACHINERY 1959 Minneapolis Moline tractor model 445, Moline 3 bottom plow, New Idea manure loader, snow bucket, Int. H tractor, Allis Chalmers tractor model C. A. with cultivators and weeder, John Deere two row tool mounted corn planter, weed sprayer 200 gal. plastic tank, 2 manure spreaders, John Deere drill, John Deere lime and fertilizer drill, New Holland 6 ft. flail chopper-, New Holland roller bar rake. New Holland crusher ,New Idea semi mounted mower, 3 rubber tired wagons, tandem wheel trailer, New Holland 66 baler, 3 section spring harrow. Brilliant culti packer, Int. disc. New Holland" 24 ft. elevator, New Holland ce ment mixer, tractor chains, 2 electric fence chargers, two hole corn sheller, extension ladder, single and double trees, 100 gal. atrizine, usual small items off wagon and marry other articles too numerous to mention. Approximately 20 tens of alfalfa and timothy hay, approximately 10 tons of wheat and barley straw, 1 Yorkshire sow, 1 Hampshire sow. Terms; Cash Not responsible for accidents on day of sale. Stand rights reserved for Salem Methodist Church AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Farmers, don’t miss this sale. Most of the above listed machinery is in A-l condition. Jacob A. Gilbert, Auctioneer Phone Red Lion 246-5056 Russell E. Frey, Clerk 12:30 P.M. TERMS BY CHARLES G» RANDLER LUNCH FURNISHED 11:00 A.M. J. EMORY McGURK PUBLIC SALE Of Farm Equipment SATURDAY, APR. 1, 1967 Located % mile South of Refton Post Office just off of Route 222. Full Line Of Farm Equipment Including FORD 860 TRACTOR, mounted 3-bottom Plow Mower, Cultivator, Post Hole Digger FORD "8 N" TRACTOR with scraper FARMALL "A" TRACTOR F-20 TRACTOR John Deere Van Bruant Disc Drill, Woods Rotary Cutter, New Holland “77’’ Baler, M. M. Hay Crimper. Iron Age Spreader 3 Double Sets of Tobacco Ladders 1954 Diamond T Truck “Model 420” with 14 Ft. Bed Lumber, Tools, Chains, Tractor Chains, Grease Guns, Bolts, 9000 Tobacco Laths, Bale Box. SOME ANTIQUES Dry Sink, Old Clocks, Old Door Latches, Old Hinges, Grain Cradle, Also other miscellaneous items too numerous to mention. Sale at 12:00 Noon Aucts Sale By Dill.; & Kreider gETTY RANCK Lunch available by New Providence Ladies Sewing Circle PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE PERSONAL PROPERTY ANTIQUES Saturday, April 1, 1967 On corner of Becker Road and Oregon Road at R. D. Leola, Pa. in Manheim Twp. Oiegon Road is located otf Route 222. The undersigned executor of the Ivan R. Buch Estate will offer at public sale the following real estate Farm consisting of approx. 17 acres of good farming land and improved with a large 11-room frame house with bath, also summer house, pump house, large frame barn and other out bldgs. Anyone on the market for a small far m be sure and attend this sale. This farm also offers some good bldg, lots Real estate subject to prior sale. For inspection of real estate phone 392-8977. Terms will be given on day of sale. Real estate will be offered at 2 P.M, PAUL S. BUCH, Executor The undersigned admr. of the Levinia W. Buch estate will offer the following at public sale ANTIQUES & COINS Slant top desk with 3 drawers, marble top wash stand, 3 blanket chests, trunk, highchair, copperkettlc, captains chair, dough tray, 2 rope beds, small slant top desk, cane seat rockets, mantle clock, wooden tub, crocks, jug, woodbox, dry sink, flax wheel, egg stove, stand, oven paddle, dresser, assorted plank bottom chairs & rockers, chest of drawers, mirror, drop leaf table, picture frames, wash boiler, pots, light, hammer type shotgun, piano stool, shelf clock, 5 kerosene lamps, glass frog, canc, apple peeler, old map of Ephrata, large copper cent two 1800, one 1836, 1837, 1840, 1845, 1852, 1856, half cent 1809, 1828, 1829, 1835, Bron/e 2c piece, two 1864 small motto, Federal union token, 1863 flag of our union, General Andrew Jackson New Orleans with hole, half penny Providence Nova Scotia 1832, hard time token 1841, N. Y. Cohen 1863, Phila. U. S. mint 1832 Lords Prayer on back, also other coins & tokens, some old dishes and other small items. Money will be sold at approx. 2:30 P.M. PERSONAL PROPERTY Frigidaire electric stove, Kelviuator rehigerator, dining room suite, living room suite, odd chairs, sewing machine, Ti mm ph coal heatrola, Temco gas heater, Motorola table radio, bed room furniture, elec, heater, metal cabinet, bathioom scales, piano, radio, coal stove, hassock, throw mgs, mirroi, tea stiver, clothes tree, wringer washer, step ladder, sled, lawn bench, porch furniture, table, 2 metal waidrobes, springs & mattiesses, book case, books, electric clock, ironing board, stands, lamps, bird bath, jars, some cooking utensils and dishes and many other articles too numerous to mention. Not responsible for accidents on day of sale. Terms; Cash Refreshment Rights Reserved for Lancaster Osteopathic Guild. PAUL S. BUCH, Admr. Jacob A. Gilbert, Auctioneer Phone Red Lion 246-5056 Gilbert & Frey, Clerks Marshall M. Cohen, Attorney - -- -- Lancaster Farming, Sa at 12 Noon Sharp ;urday, March 25,1967 —19 • Hove You Heard (Continued from Page 15) Clothing Selection For Tall, Stout Figure Select designs and accessor ies that give illusions of less width to the figure. Simple designs with little de tail are becoming. The center of interest should be near the face with vertical and horizontal lines balanced. Select skirts that are easy fitting, straight, or slightly flared. For Your Information Permanent labels describing proper care may be sewn by manufacturers into many dress es, slipcovers, and undergai> ments by spring. In the tuture, you’ll be able to select a washer-dryer com bination that cleans clothes, discards water, dries clothes, and turns off automatically when the correct degree of dryness is reached. The coi rect size socks are just as important as the cor icct size shoes Socks should fit loosely around the toes The correct length is a half inch longer than the longest toes so that all toes he straight and comfortable. To prevent streaking when you wash a wall, start at the bottom and work upward. Streaking is caused when wa ter inns over a soiled wall. Sale Register SAT MAR. 25-Public Sale of Real Estate & Household Goods, located South of New Danville, Pa for Stehman Est. TUBS MAR 28-Public Sale of Farm Machinery, Quairyville, Pa by Lauience Foulk. TUBS & WED MAR 28 & 29., -Maple Giove Dispersal. Tues.- 204 Holstems: Wed-Farm Ma chinery, located at Prattsburg, NY. (off Rt 15. 12 mi. front Bath, N Y ) THURS MAR 30-Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate & Farm Machmeiy, at RD #2, Delta, Pa m Lower Chanceford Twp. near Hess Stoie on McKinley Mill Road. Teims by J. Emory McGiu k THURS MAR 30-Public Sale ol Daay Cows & Faim Equip ment. located 1 mi northeast ot Stiasburg. alone load from Hartman Bi idge Road to Stias burg and Paiadise Road FPJ MAR 31-Pubhc Sale of Fann Equipment located IV2 mi west ot Millemulle on road between Rt 999 & Letoit Rd., Manoi T\v]i. Teims by Charles G Randier. FRI MAR 31-Pubhc Auction- Dispeisal sale ol Registered & Giade Holitem Biown Swiss and Gueinsev Danv Cattle, at the dan v ai ena of the Aber deen Sales Co located on Md. Rt. 22, b ni east ol Bel Air, Mcl, d mi. west of Aberdeen, Md. in Chinchville Teims by Mr & Mis Milton Mai tin. SAT APR I—Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate, Personal Pi opei tv and Antiques on cor nel ol Beckei Rd and Oregon Rd at R D -1, Leola, Pa. in Maii'heim Twp Ivan R. Buch Estate Reims by Paul S. Buoh, A dim. SAT M’R l-Biewer Dispersal at East neai Tioy. SAT AIR 1-Public Sale of Fann Equ-i'iient located mi. south ol Rollon Post Office iust oil ot Rl 222 TUES APR 4-Dispersal Sale ol Hmh (hade liolslem Dairy Cattle located on Hopewell Rd , 2 ! ,ami ol Risme Sun, % mi west ol Ctcthei’s Corner in Cecil Co. Md Tei ms by Mr & Mi s Noi man ‘Wle. SAT. APR 8-Complete Hol stein Disposal Si Farm Equip ment located at Gum Tree, Cheslei Co. Pa., bv Tom Kirk. MON APR l()-Robm Run Dis persal at the iaim. Wycombe, Bucks Co. Pa by Russell and Ben Smith MON. APR. 17—Horse Sale .At Martin’s Sale , Stables, 81-Uft Ball, Pa., Lane. Co. Equipment at 4 pm. Horses at 6 pm. Terms by Paul Z. Martin.
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