Replocement Chiks Up resented a seasonal increase 4% In Pu • 12% In U S from Januai, y of 2% percent, •» /o rn r a., IZ /o in U.i. according to the Pennsylvania Production of replacement Crop Re P° rtin £ Service. thicks for Pennsylvania laying January-February Jocks totaled 2.3 million dm- Ing February, two percent less the same period in 1966, the titan a year earlier. Thfs rep- service reported. VMPM Mt W oMMCSWAV POWm ftTinitW then DISTRIBUTE AND UNLOAD with ! JAMESWAY VOLUMATIC Some machines have to be disassembled and pulled up out of the way during filling,The James way V o I u ma t i c works year around-as both a distributor and an un load er. It’s two machines in one. And it’s the lowest combination on the m,arket! rice e. snavely 15 South Cedar Street Ph. 626-8144 Lititz, Penna. 17543 UlAllll With the purchase of specified quantities, at regular prices and for prompt delivery of the following: FUL-O-FEP Twwwfctor Radio eomplcfo with carrying caso, bat* lory and earphona. Harold H. Good H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Inc. Witmer • limited Time Only • I Radio Free Per Customer IS YOUR UNLOADER JUST HANGING AROUND DURING THE BUSY FILLING SEASON? GET YOUR FREE RADIO FUL-O-PEP DAIRY FEEDS 8 Tons Complete Dairy Feeds 1 Ton Calf Ration •r Calf Starter Plus other selected Ful-O-Pep Dairy Feeds Terre Hill (Transistor) SEE US FOR THE DETAILS Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. Stevens, Fenua. Grubb Supply Co. Elizabethtown U.S. PRODUCTION In the U S. for the same pe riod, however, production of re placement chicks is estimated at 87 million, up 12 percent. The number of egg-type eggs in incubators on March 1 was one percent above a year ago. BROILER CHICKS Although production of broil er chicks in Pennsylvania for February was up three percent over February 1966, the cumu lative totals for the first two months of this year were about one percent lower than for 1966, the crop reporters stated. In the U. S., broiler chick production for the two-month period was running three per cent ahead of 1966. MILK PRODUCTION DOWN SIX MILLION QUARTS HARRISBURG Approxi mately 250 million quarts of milk were produced in Penn sylvania in February, six mil lion quarts less than in Febru ary 1966, the State Crop Re porting Service said this week. It represented a decline of two percent from year ago lev els, compared to declines of three percent in Ohio, four per cent in New York, and six per cent in New Jersey. Total milk production in the nation was up one percent, mainly as the result of an eight percent increase in Wis consin. Pennsylvania’s trend was at tributed in part to another drop of 2,000 in cow numbers dur ing February. The estimated total, 752,000 cows, was 30,000 less than the number reported in Februaiy 1966. Milk produc tion per cow in Febiuary aver aged 715 pounds, ten pounds more than a year earlier. 5 Tons Any Dairy Concentrates Vz Ton Milk Replacer or Veal Formula Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March 25,1967 —! PLAN AHEAD! Call us now and insure prompt service this Spring Get the MOST for your DOLLAR from DRY NITROGEN Materials TOP DRESS EARLY FOR MAXIMUM YIELD WHEAT— 45 lbs. I BARLEY -30 lbs. | “ Nit pcr acre PASTURES 100 lbs.— Nit. per acre Call Us Now Phone 392-4963 ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO. Grofftown Road, Near Waterworks Lancaster iiiiiiiimiiiiiimiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii OLIVER 1650 Row Crop Tractor with I greater productivity— Greater power. High-torque gas, diesel or LP-gas engines develop 66 pto observed hp—certified by Oliver! ideal design. 3Vz tons of weight, distributed Ideally over long wheelbase produces greater puli, less slip. New comfort. 3-position Tilt-o-scope steering column... full hydraulic power steering... new deluxe comfort seat... new easy-read gauges including oil and amp. No-stop shifting. Hydra-Power Drive* cuts speed steps up pull %on the go ... 12 forward speeds in all. New efficiency. Batteiy-saving alternator stand ard ~. new dry-type air cleaner keeps abrasives out of engine better. > Tailored to need. New dual-speed pto* . Hydra-lectric* implement control system .“J 'choice of 3-pt hitch or wide swinging drawbar. ■toacW *qu!pmtnt Come in now and see the most dynamic tractor fleet in history. They’re all new, and all Oliver! CHARLES J. McCOMSEY & SONS Hickory Hill, Po. FARMERSVILLE EQUIPMENT CO. R. D. 2, Ephrata, Pa. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiir N. G. HERSHEY & SON Monheim T
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers