.• For The Form Wife (Continued from Page 14) GOLDEN EGG SALAD CASSEROLE 0 hard-cooked eggs, chopped 2 tablespoons diced pimienlo % cup diced celery Ai pound soda crackeis, fine ly crushed (about 1 % cups) % cup milk 1 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing % to Vz teaspoon salt % teaspoon garlic salt % teaspoon ground pepper 2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine Blend chopped eggs, pimien to, celery, 1 cup of the cracker crumbs, mayonnaise or salad dressing, milk and seasonings Spread in greased 1-quait shal low casserole or 9-inch pie pan Top with remaining cracker crumbs blended with the but ter or margarine. Bake in a 400 degree (hot) oven until golden brown, about 25 min utes. Serve hot. Makes 6 serv ings. J« •* 9 * DE LUXE EGG CASSEROLE % pound fresh mushiooms, or 1 can (4 oz.) mushrooms, drained % cup butter or margarine Vi cup flour & teaspoon onion salt 1 teaspoon celery salt % teaspoon salt Vt teaspoon ground pepper 3 cups nilk 1 package (1 lb.) frozen French fries 14 pound Cheddar cheese, chopped or cubed 8 hard-cooked eggs, cut in chunks Cook mushrooms in butter or margarine until tender, but not brown, about 5 minutes. Blend in flour and seasonings. Add milk all at once; cook, stirring constantly, until thickened throughout. Stir in French fries (still frozen) and cheese. Pom half the mixture into a greas ed 2-quart baking dish. Top with eggs arranged in layer. Pour over remaining mixture Bake in a 400 degree oven un til bubbly mound edges and golden brown on top, about 20 minutes. Makes 6 servings. ITALIAN EGG PIE Plain pastry for 1 9-inch pie shell 6 eggs- V* cup milk 1 can (7 oz) tuna, flaked, or 1 cup flaked, cooked fish % pound Mozzarella cheese, grated Vi teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon ground pepper Vz teaspoon basil Symbol that unlocks 34 banking fcmHMew»C^C3l MTV FARMERS'**-™*. The services Everything from checking accounts to estate planning is available to you at the Key Bank, If you’re not hanking with County Farmers, you really should consider it. It’s the key hank in the area. THE r:-i BANK lancsster Mount )t> * Christiana- * CehimWi r udwal Deposit insurance Corporation Mam 1 : • Harold Brubaker (Continued from Page 13) man and Myron Landis- by the FFA Advisor, Gerald M. Kiger. HONORARY MEMBERS Each year the FFA selects several honorary members on the basis of their participation in FFA activities. This ycar Ivan Weaver, Earl Groff, Parke Harnish, Heniy Benner, and Wilson Scott, were named hon orary members. Mrs. Ruth B. Mellinger, busi ness education teacher, was presented with a certificate of appreciation for the help that she and the business depart ment have done for the FFA. Marlin Groff, senior, receiv ed the Lancaster County Bank ers’ Award. James High, jun ior, received the Queen Dany Award for his mtei est and ac tivities in improving the dairy mdustiy on his home farm. Vz teaspoon oregano Line a 9-inch pie pan with pastiy. Turn edge and llute. Beat eggs and milk together until blended. Add remaining ingredients and stir well Spoon into unbaked crust. Bake in a 425 degree oven until brown, 35 to 40 minutes. Serve hot. cut in wedges. Makes 6 seiv mgs. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 25,1967 —15 For the Farm Wife and Family Ladies, Have You Heard? ... By Dorta Tliomaa, Extension Home Economist Tips On Buying Cleaning Appliances When buying -i cleaning appliance look for a quality product. A good appliance will have safety fea tuies, good quality materials, good woikman ship and tight-fitting connections. It is wise to select a product from a reliable company with a familiar brand name To assuie good sci vice on your ap pliance, ask about the service the dealer gives. A i eputable dealer should back the pro duct he sells. A quality product will have a guarantee, wairanty, and seals of approval. Hot Water Efticiency Consider two smaller, fast-heat lecoveiv water he.iteis instead ot one large healer. Especially if your house is large and spread out One heatei could serve kitch en and woikioom. The temper ature shO'Ud be set higher for dishwasher and clothes washer use. m yry O Use second heatei loi the balhioom St' the tempei ature lower tor safer use For Better Coilee Remove bag oi basket horn urn or cofteemaker as soon as coffee is leacly for seiving. Seepage liom grounds gives coffee a hcish, bitter taste Replace cover and seive im mediately For making coffee in quan tity for huge gioups—plan to make liesh supply about eveiy hour Remembei e\en the best coffee detei 101 ales on standing. (Continued on Page 19) FARMERS and GARDENERS One Stop Shopping for your Farm & Garden Supplies FARM HARDWARE FARM FENCING Get our discount prices on field fencing, poultry fenc ing, gates, barb wire, welded range sheltei wiie, nails, etc. Lawn Mowers & Supplies BOTTLED GAS We Sell Bottled Gas At Reasonable Rates And Offei Dependable Service To Our Customers YOU SAVE ON TOBACCO MUSLIN IN VARIOUS WIDTHS And Moth Balls for Insect Control LUCAS a Gieat Name in Paints QUALITY PAINTS Reliable Service and Information on Inside • and Outside Paints Housewares & Dinneiware Complete Food Dept. W. L. ZIMMERMAN & SONS Intercourse, Pa. Ph. Intercourse 768-3131 April 1, May 6, 20, June 3, 17 THOMAS
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