Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 25, 1967, Image 10
10—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 25,1967 JjLJU “S"<l NEWS ROUGH RIDERS CLUB HAS REORGANIZATION MEET b> Bonnie Shaub, reporter At its leorgamzational meet ini' .March 16 at the Quarry viHe Fire Hall, the Rough Rid eis 4 H Hoise and Pony Club elected new ofiicers Named picsident was Cathy oooaoaooooosoec Transfer Milk Efficiently From Cow to Bulk Cooler The “Spiitnirk” MILK-PORT ER is the eleaiuvsl, most effi cient method lor transferring milk iioin cow to hulk cooler. • Manulactiired from heavy gauge stainless steel. • lad seals tightly to keep milk germ free. • Passes through openings 29” and over. • Moves <,uiet and easily on rubber-tiied, ball bearing wheels. • Hoes away with long, ex pensive pipe, lines, milk pumps and rcleaser. • Tw o sizes. • Low-cost sanitizing. Inquire About Our Lease Plan Approved for City of Philadelphia Amos H. Rutt R. D. 2, Quarr\ ville, Penn*, 780-3897 3-=-: Look to FARMHAND for all your hay handling needs ' JJXr L V WHEEL RAKES for all ha\nig—7 1o 9-wheel models sped il \ -74,11-wheel unit Individn il wheel sus pen-u n <retb .ill the hay in any fi >' ' im sin*“d BALE BUNCHEII Cuts bile handling costs as much as 3097. Bales are bunched foi fast, easy loading. Simple design tiouble free operation. WINDROW TURNER mounts on neirly all makes ti ictors Speeds drying time No windiow too large—none too small FIRST IN FmRM MATERIALS HANDLING New .ft Used Tractors and Equipment Authorized Ford and Farmhand Dealer CLYDE E. KEENER Intel section of Kt. 72 & 230 Lancaster, Pa. Ph. 569-9861' ffi{»C4OOQC-OQCO9 Morrison; vice president. Steve Mitchell: secretary, Denise Shaub; treasurer, Fred Shaub: and news reporter. Bonnie Shaub. New members accepted into the club were Shirley Craig. Kevin Hoagy. Kathy Lefcver, Linda Wea\ er, Mary Alice Le fever. Doiothy Lcfever, and Penny Waters. Plans for futuie club events include a gymkhana, and atrip to the Christ Home at Paradise with entertainment by Mr. and Mrs. Skip McCrabb and their trick horse There will also be a trip to a standard bred train ing track in April Leadeis present at this meet ing were Pat Shaub. Carol Hen kel, and Mr and Mrs Harold Gioff ELM-PENRYN COMMUNITY CLUB REORGANIZES by Dale Ulrich, reporter The Elm-Pemyn 4-H Club held its reoigamzational meet- ing on Monday evening, March 20, in the Penryn Fire Hall The following officers were president Mhke HoS. ANGUS-HOLSTEIN CROSSBRED president, Nancy Nestleroth, COWS and their Polled Hereford secietaiy, Joseph Lefever. calves, owned by the State Correction treasurer, Jonn Lefever, news al institution at Rockview, were the leporter. Dale Ulrich, game £j rs £ ca t>tle housed in the new Large mS. leL. s .™ a ,i a Nestfe A " im al Center at Penn Slate Unwer ioth, Mis Maik Hosier, and sity. The cattle are used for research Mis Henry Hess on feeding systems and milk produc- The next meeting will he tion as part of the Penn State-Rock held Api i l 17 at 730 pm. in v i ew beef breeding and management the Penryn Fire Hall, mi mu mi Pick a John Deere 38 h.p. 1020 for cultivating, get this bonus... ’live” PTO power for baling... with low-built stability to hug the slopes Up to 24 inches of clearance make the “1020” an A-1 choice for 2- and 4-row cultivating. Over and above that clearance, though, the “1020" is a perfect!/ styled haying tractor—with 4-wheel stability and low center of gravity. Available with exclusive “live" mid point PTO for mower-power... and dual-speed rear PTO for conditioner or baler. One low step gets you on and off a "1020” easily. Be our guest for « field test of this lowest-priced tractor in The Long Green Line. Credit? Yes. Landis Bros. Inc. Lancaster - 393-3906 Wenger Implement Co. Buck BU 4-4467 iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiinmiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiii A. B. C. Groff, Inc. New Holland 354-8001 M. S. Yearsley & Sons West Chester 609-2990 Shotzberger's Elm 665-2141 project. Viewing the cattle are, left to right, Janies Kirk, superintendent of Correctional Industries; Angelo Cavell, superintendent of Rockview; Joseph Musser, assistant superintendent of Correctional Industries; Dr, T. B. King, head of the Department of Animal Sci ence at Penn State; and Dr. Lowell Wilson, beef researcher at Penn State, • Fvnnn/lc cnss meatiness and quality will Research Expands a]so gJve needed details about (Continued from Page 5) how much each of these char al breeding values of the bulls, acteristics should be empha* Correlations between different slzed in selecting replacement economic characteristics such , „ , , , , , as gain, confoimation, and car- an d heifers, he concludes. GUERNSEYS - ROBIN RUN DISPERSAL Bussell and Ben Smith, owners At the farm, Wycombe, Bucks Co., Pa. Monday, April 10 —12:30 P.M. (EST) 79 HEAD 48 Cows 10 Bred and 21 Open Heifers A very productive herd of good, solid cattle. Top bulls represented. A good group of heifers in sale. Herd started in 1921. Profitable cattle. For Catalogs Write: BUZZ GAREY 100 Walnut Lane, Box B, Morrisville, Pa. (215) 295-6664