10 —Lancaster Farming, Sarturday, March 11, 1967 For the Farm Wife and Family By Mrs. Richard C. Spence, Food Editor FEATURING FISH Talk© advantage of the iLan!t«n seafood specials -art your -fish markieit far same tasty •eoorrom ifcafl dishes. Save fish in isome tihe foilowing ■delicious vvstiys: SPICY CLAM DIP cream cheese, 3-oz. pkg. sofbmed 'tcflalaspooui -evepa, X.cdm/Jk tablespoons ieman juice teaspoons WaroecteinShire sauce teaspoon grated wm teasp-o an fooi sera'dish 'tablespoon ch.'ll sauce (teaspoon salt can (7Vioz) milnoerd clams, dimmed Blond cicwm cheese wilih milk; star ;n item aiming inguedi eWfs Serve as of 10 Vu oz. can) condensed cream of celery soup cup dairy sour cream cup chredded Cheddar cheese cup shredded Cheddar cheese Drain perch fillelts on ah f'Ocibnnit paper ‘towelling; ar il mge in single layer in a shal low, 2-qua'd balking dish. In a 1-quart saucepan combine soup aWd sour cream, blend thor oughly. Add 3 A cup shredded Cheddar cheese; beet over low iieiait, stinnntg consialnitly, uni til cheese melts. Spread mixture over fill els, bailee m a 1 preheat ed 375 degiee oven. 20-25 min utes or until fish flakes. Sprin kle with Vk cup Cheddar cheese; return to oven for 5 minutes oi until cheese melts Serve immediately. Makes 4 sewings l . NOTE - Exlma c auce from fish Concrete Blocks Metal Windows * ♦ ♦ * 354-2114 SHRIMP -FOO YOUNG cam (4Vi-oz.) ■di.uon.od .teaspoon grated Imon pctil tabl'cspo'cnis lemon jutoo TUNA CHOWDER 1 cup drained cainnad bd»n onions, sliced sprouts cup tl.rcd celery c-up cup giutcd Cheddar cheese cup mixture alt a lame, fuai- In saucepan, saute onions tA light brown on bo*h sldets, and ccleiry m butler uni A soft, turning or.ee Serve With - soy Add poi'iitoes, salt, pepper, jea- sauce. 4 servings, soned mM, waiter, tern on peel, 2 '/4 2 and juice Cover ami simmei 7 .Wheit von. fired m.states im to 10 mi-utes or umtiil pate- ith'e newspapers, don’l Mr tilt toi?s are tender Add milk, worry you The editors try <6o tuna, add cheese; heat iintel .please, everybody, aiald thtey cheese melts Serve at Once, know some .people ae memr 5 to 6 sieinvjregs. cbrlppy. unless they care find Y * SPRING NEEDS • Garden Seeds • Seed Potatoes • Lawn Seed Scotts Old English Vigoro Tobacco Seed Tobacco Muslin HyGro Garden Tools Lawn Mowers Groff’s Hardware South Railroad Ave., New Holland, Pa. with 12 square pots & see-thru? plastic ,tops& tray PLASTIC TRAYS 12 COMPARTMENT 79c BOZ. ' - -i I '' ' it « 33c BOSS. JACK-POTS 1)4 ” SQUARE JACK-POTS 3” ROUND ' JACK-POTS 2” ROUND 33c DOZ. PORT-A-PLANTER WITH TRAY 24 EACH $1.97 sorrvstbmg Wong. • Scotts Products Complete line • BPS Paints • DuPont Lucite • Speed Queen Washer • Hotpoint Appliances • Prizer Ranges Gas & Coal • Monarch Ranges • Warm Morning Heaters Phone 354-0851 FOUR SEASONS FARM & HOME CENTER 197 Greenfield Road, At The By-Pass Next To Anderson Box Co., Lane., Pa. 397-4451 33c DOZ.