6—Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, March 4, 1967 Red Rose DHIA Elects Officers; Increases Owner-Sampler Rates 5c Daniel S. Stoltzfus. Mount Joy Rl. wfu, named 1967 presi dent of the Red Rose Dairy Herd Improvement Association et a directors' meeting Tues day mght at the Lancaster Farm Cresi't Building Stoltz fus succeeds Robert A. Brene nuain of St'asburg Rl. Other officers elected were: vice president, I Eby Hos bet ter, Gap Rl: secretary. Alien K. Risser Leola Rl. Perma nent treasurer of the associa tion is Jacob Houser, Jr, Lam peter. The bulk of the meeting was concerned with how to realistically adjust the test ing service rates on the as sociation’s approximately 300 owner-sampler herds. K wa!s pointed out that, alt present, the owner-sampler An organizational meeting of program was not paying its the board of directors of the own way; that social security Lancaster County Agricultural rates had been going up, and and Home Economics Associa could be expected to continue tldn has been scheduled for in that direction; and that Thursday, March 9, it was ain thare 'has been no increase in nounced this week by coomlty owner-sampler fees since the agent M M. Smith program was started Currently. herds on the O-S held at the Meadow Hills Din testing program pay a has© fee mg House, arid the meal will of $450 which entitles them to cost S 2 per person, Smith no't test ten cows An additional ed Reservations are to he re charge of 10c iss made for each turned to the extension office cow above ten Of the total by March 7 fee, the association now re- _ _ , , /fcaahs six percent to cover all Marion R Deppen, assistant operational costs Vedior fo * the , southewt. wiffl explain various functions of ah extension boaid to the dnec to’s, and how to recognize educational needs in a com munity. The directors voted to re tain the base charge at 54.30, but to increase the per cow charge by five cents, making BARGAIN ROUNDUP - MAR. 6 THRU 10 10% Off OUR REGULAR PRICE! NEW PROVIDENCE it 15c, and to increase the percentage of the fee re tained by the association to 12. The new plan will be come effective April 1, 1967. In addition, directors decid ed that the priding arrange ment under the DHIA testing program should also be re viewed President Darnel Stoltz futs appointed a three-man com mittee to study the problem aind draw up piopocaCs. Ap pointed were: Daniel Martin, I. Eby Hostetter. and Wilbur Houser. Lane. Extension Service Reports Consv. Efforts The noon luncheon will be COPE & WEAVER CO. Wmj- 818 ffiffilß. CAPACITY ® WESTINBHQUSE FREEZER Smith 'urged “dilre'ctors "to give some thought to the edu cational problems in their in dividual communities, and to be prepai ed with questions and comments on these. Extension Assn. Organizational Meeting Planned The Lancaster County Agri cultural Extension Service con tinues to be interested m pro moting practices towa.d im proved soil and waiter man agement, county agent M. M Smith stated in his lepoit to the Conservation Distuct Sev eral demons'.ations weie es tablished by request on con tour strip cropping and in fa.m pond const! action The soil testing piognam continues to be a vital part of land management with gi eater crop yields Lime requirement tests are conducted locally without charge for all land owners The complete soil test is available through the Ex tension Office at a nominal cost. A number of Extension teaching methods were em ployed. 1 during the ye'alr, such as radio, press, and education al meetings to stress the im portance of good soil a'nd wa ter management The impor tance of a good fertility pro gram to maintain soil organic matter at all times was em phasized at every opportunity, Smith stated The extension service leipoiit was pi,epatad by Smith, and associate agricultural agen'ts Victor Plastoiw, Arnold G Lu eck, and Winthrop Memam im k •- H Off 10% testing house CUSTOM IMPERIAL electric range has with Ph. 786-7351