—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 4, 1967 10 County ASCS Office Reports On Program Results For 1966 The Agricultural Stabilization & Conservation Service is the agencv ot USD A which carries out the various action pro fjiams .uithm i/ed In Congress Programs arc administered within the County by laimer elected County Committeemen. Piogiams include the Agncultuial Conservation Program (ACP) which encouiages farmers to complete needed conserva tion practices Farmers who enioll and complete practices ac coidmg to reqiiiied spccilications. cam cost-share payments. In most cases the payment lepresenls half the cost of completing the pi active The following is a report of participation and payments made under ACP dining 1966 to 620 farmers who completed conseivation practices No. of Practice Farms Establishing permanent grass co\er (lime, seed and feitilizer) 367 Contour sti ipcropping and hedgerow removal Planting loiest trees Impioving established cover (lime and fertilizer) 243 Clearing and leveling pastureland 9 Pond for livestock water Establishing sod waterways Establishing permanent cover to piotect diversions, ditch banks, etc Constructing ciopland tei races Consti ucting diversion terraces Constiuctmg open drainage system Consti lifting diop spillways Installing tile undeichains Pond for ungation Establishing winter covei ciops Pond foi tish Woodland bordei & hedgei o\v management Total pajment to 620 laims In addition. 55600 oi the 1966 ACP allocation was trans fen ed to S"il Conseivation Sen ice for technical services need ed in establishing peimancnt type consenation practices Lancastei County ASCS Committee Fied G Seldomndge Elmei L Hubei John J Hen Office Managei f~\ Toii/rlif j. horns ol classroom co'nserva vOnSV. 1 ttUgxll lO jti'c-n meti action during 1966 400 A Qtn/loMfc 111 ll,slt ™§ ®ther cooperative riOO Hg. OlUUcniS activities he added nine field Tpa/’kpvc R« nnr f tu'ps ware taken, 41 conserva- A CaUlCl o iXCJJUI t -taom films were shown; 45 situ , „ . , ~ _ dents participated m the land In reporting to the County , . , . . , \ „ „ judging contest, and five Soil & Water Conservation Dais- , , . , ’. . , , T . , ~ schools took part i)n public dnbt. Lew s Aveis, p re.si dent , , \ . r ,! T , ‘ ~ , . . speaking contests with speeich of the Lancaster County Agn- . . , * ~ „ „ , „ . „ ? , es about conseivation. cultuie Teacheis Assn noted thdlt 483 students to the comn- i n addition to Ayeis, there ty's nine vocational agn'cu'l- aie 14 agncultuie itwchiei's •tine piogiams had ieceived 90 1 feted in county high schools Keystone Hybrids IS THE SMALL FLOCKOWNER GETTING HIS PULLET CHICKS AT THE SAME PRICE AS THE BIG “EGG FACTORY” OPERATOR? WELL, USUALLY NOT. BUT HE CAN IF HE ORDERS HIS CHICKS FROM US. BECAUSE WE CATER TO THE SMALL AND MIDDLE-SIZED POULTRYMEN. And not only do we keep the price down, but we also give them a “top-notch” pullet that can perform with the best in the land, regardless of how high a price. Our K-1700 Hybiids have been field-tested and en tered in the Pa. Lading Test over the past two years and thej came through with a very high performance. Test a sample pen of K-1700 Hybrids against a pen of Hylines, DeKalbs, Babcocks, Shavers, Kimbers, Garbers, Ghostleys or any other pullets of your choice. FIGURE for YOURSELF, THINK for YOURSELF and then make your OWN decision. SUMMER SPECIAL $15.00 PER 100 PULLET CHICKS Free delivery, free debeaking and free dubbing. This special price is for chick orders to be delivered during the months of July, August, September and October, 1967, only. Dining the daytime hours of 7:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. we have authorized Charles E. Sauder & Sons, Phone 445- 3931. to accept chick orders by phone. KEYSTONE POULTRY BREEDING FARM TERRE HILL, PENNSYLVANIA 17581 Phone 445-6232 Units 4.442 acres 36 1,063 acres 4 9 acres 3,763 acres 40 acres 1 pond 25 acres 18 acres 35.693 feet 7,801 feet 2,100 feet 2 1 6 1 168 1 6,613 feet 1 pond 3,735 acres 1 pond .1 acre Doiothy Y Neel Mail Box Market (Continued from Page 11) Foi Sale—Car com and stow. Delivery available. 626-2668. For Sale-—4.000 bales of straw, wheat or barley, nice and bright, Sis) a't bam Aaion Benge, Hanover, Pa., #4, Ph 637-6820 For Sale Allis Ctelmeis mounted corn pluntor with slide feitilircr discs; also clean bu iiisjht sliciw. Ph 426-3314, Marietta, Pa For Sale—Purebred while Es kimo pups. Mamliin Kreuldy, R 2 Manlreim, 665-3920. Amount For Sale—ls ton sin aw; Surge stainless pipe line w#Jh 4 umiits for 31 cows: Teuuamatte barn dleain'e'r for 31 cowa Call 367- 2126. $ 40,274 6,195 163 30,158 579 Far Salle—Datclwmvi'd Samples & di'sc'omtiinu’ed items, Mairoh 7 to 12. Call 872-2514 300 7,011 395 4,813 989 TOBACCO MUSLIN 352 24 1,571 500 8,597 100 $102,026 Large variety of Genuine Red Top FIELD FENCING Carload Just- Arrived And Can Make Immediate Delivery. W. L. ZIMMERMAN & SONS Phone 717-768-3131 INTERCOURSE, PENNA. “Spring’s In Spring Make Us Your First Stop For Farm Products. • Wayne Feeds Heisey Farm Service Lawn 964-3444 Trout Stocked In 68 Miles Of County Streams In 1966 the Pennsylvania Fi&h Commission shocked 68 miles of trout waters and 6,000 acres of warm water fishery throughout Lancaster County. In the past yealr, tihe State FiSh Warden assisted numer ous land owners by giving technical advice on farm ponds This advice is to help estab lish bettor working relations among landowner, County Soil and Water Conservation Dis trict, and the Pennsylvania Fish Comm. • Wayne Animal Health Aids • Specials on ingredients and .Citrus Pulp allways at your service Poultrymen! / Have you tried our pullet feeding program? • Chick Starter fully fortified to give them a fast start • Complete Grower balanced to grow a sturdy pullet Available in mash or crumbles. Give us a call! [wirthmorT] HEISEY FARM PARADISE SUPPLY SERVICE Paradis. ’ Lawn and Bellaire 964-3444 367-2321 687-6292 Time • Armour & Miller Fertilizers & Farm Chemicals • Clover, Baler Twine The primary basis for suc cess in a falrm pond fishery i» a good management program. With emphasis placed on hab itant, (natural environment, temp etc) stocking methods, desirable species, reproduc tion, growth rate and food sup ply vs. population, says Samuel W Hall, District Fish Warden. Among goals listed for* 1967, the commission’ plans to about match the 1966 figures, but gives no estimate as to whether the 192,749 fish planted in the past year will be increabed, or decreased. Hal states that the quantity will vary widely from year to year due to the Warm Water Stocking Pro gram. Cornin’ ” Any Time or •* Wirthmore Feeds • Heisey Feeds Bellaire 367-2321