POULTRYMEN! PERFORMANCE IS THE YOUR OWN GOOD MANAGEMENT HIS PRODUCTION After 8 months of lay Still 80| % (The hens peaked at from 86 - 92%.) HIS GRADE Still shipping 92.3% Grade A Eggs Harold sags: “Miller & Bushong is fops in Service. KEY TO LOW COSTS And if you want your chickens to Perform . , . try the combination of the EARLY BIR D OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE LINE Does it work? And Miller & Bushong, Inc. FINEST SERVICE ANYWHERE Of course it does! Harold Andrews, Rohrerstown Area Poultryman who housed 10,000 birds on the floor in late June, 1966. Rohrerstown, Pa. Fh. Lancaster 392-2145 (Area Code 717) Look at Lancaster Fanning, • Inter-State (Continued from Page 1 i elected olTiceis and delegates loi the four locals compi ising Dis'ncl 7 Fleeted weie Donegal Daniel Kettenng, piesident, Le->- tei Hawthorne, Elizabethtown, vice piesident C Witmei She ici, MamVim, secielaiy. Dan icl S Stol't/fus. Mount .loy and RobeitH Kauflman, Elizabeth town, delegates, Paul N Bru bakei, Mount Joy. and Elmer S Myeis. Mount Joy, altei r ‘es, and Clolus A Balmei, Manheim, Lancastei maiket comnu'tee Litit/ Clyde M Buchen, Manheim, piesident. Claience Staußei, Ephiala, vice pi evi dent, Daniel L 801 l and Clair M Mu tin Lil’ f A delegates; James W M>ai 1 Stevens, and Claience Slaufic, Ephiala al ternates, J Richaid 8011, sec retaiy: and !Soah W Kieider Ji , Mmheim, maiket commit t' e lUillersville Jay E Lan dis Lancastei, piesident, Amos W Bieneman, Columbia, vice pies.dent, J Clayton Chailes, Lan.astei secietaiy, AnJiew H Mai tin, Pequea, and Roy Z. Sheitzer, Lancastei, delegates; Chustian M Hess, Peque i and David H McMichael, Lancas ter, altei nates. Melvin L. Sheitzei, Milleisville, maikel committee West Lampeter J Wade Gioft, Lancastei, piesident: John M llainish, Lancastei, vice piesident, Jacob R Houser Jr. Lampeiet, secietaiy, Clair M Heishey, Willow Sheet, delegate, Kenneth B Gaibei, Willow Sheet, alternate, and Hemy R Leaman Lancastei, maiket committee ® Pa. Forests (Continued fiom Page i) establishment of vigoious, de sirable species of tiees capable of lapid development into our future forests ” Such a long-i ange goal will lequne a regeneiation oi de sirable foiest species on a “piescuption ’basis/ wheiebv supenor seedlings aie planted and feitilized by man to m aease tiee giowth, Shipman asseited At piesent, about 73 pei cent of the commercial for est land in Pennsylvania is coveied with slow-giowing, pole-sized haidwood timber that is often of low quality, ne said The Penn State scientist claimed i un-down foiests can be converted to new stands of moie valuable tiees by using pelleted herbicides aiound the undesnable tiees In his ex periments, pelleted hei bicides have killed undesnable “weed ’ tiees without damaging newly planted seedlings One of the lust foiest scientists to use pelleted hei bicides in conli oiling “weed ’ tiees, Shipman lepoited that undesnable species such as white, led and black oaks aie easily killed with the hei bicide known as 1 emu on Other species such as hickoiy, dog wood, and nonwdod aie best r ontioiled with gianulai dicam ba 01 pxcloram The trick, obseived Shipman, is to plant tiees that will not be eaten by deei and lodenls and aie valuable m othei in spects He lepoited excellent lesults with. Japanese laich In some cases the laich gicw over 40 inches the fust yeai If you toot voui horn too much, people will soon learn to dodge you Many people itch loi nice things, but won't hothei to