Say- Heard About the Truck Load Fence Sale At Four j Seasons? Tuesday thru Saturday 8 A.M. to 5:30 Reflective Red Top “T” Posts 51/2’ - $1.39 e'/t’ - $1.79 and 7’ - $1.97 Electric Fence Posts 4'/ 2 ’ -63 c 4 Pt. Barbed Wire #BO Ruthless 12/t ga. - $16.45 i "I ' PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED | Hog and Field Fence Horse and Cattle Fence Non Climable Fence l Staples and Nails FOUR SEASONS Farm & Home Center 197 Greenfield Road, At The By-Pass Lancaster, Pa., Next to Anderson Box Co. 397-4451 / POULTRY FENCE $9.90 $10.55 48" 60" $10.85 72" Stop In and Browse Around Imhl BSP® HM Order NOW USDA Offers Some Points To Consider On Farming Contracts In the February issue of lion contract Most people call Agricultural Situation, the Sta- it contract farming And it has tislical Reporting Seivice of brought a new look to Amen the U S Depaitment of Agii- can aguculture. culture noted there is i legal “Cooidmation" between arrangement in agricultuie farmers and their supplieis 01 known as a veitical cooidina- buyeis facilitates farm and Copies of LANCASTER FARMING are not always easy to find they are not sold on newsstands and perhaps some of your friends may not be acquainted with our weekly service. ■We’ll be glad to send, without charge, several copies of LANCASTER FARMING to jour friends or business associate-, Just write their names and ad dresses below (You 11 be doing both them and us a favor!) D CE Street Address & R. D, City Street Addiess & R. D, City Your Name Address □ CHECK here if you prefer to send a Year’s (62 issues) GIFT subscription for S 2 each ($3 each out side of Lancaster County) to your friends listed ' above. If so $ . ... enclosed, or □ Bill me later. Please mail this form to: I m • Supplies Vitamins A and D Agway Phone SAMPLE COPIES FREE State • (You are not limited to two names. Use sepai ate sheet for additional names.) LANCASTER CIRCULATION DEPT. P. O. BOX 266 LITITZ, PENNA. NEW! LPS A Liquid Protein Supplement Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 18, 1967 State FARMING 33% Protein Reduces Feed Costs Improves Phosphorus Balance Garden Spot Unit Agway Inc. Lancaster Quarryville 394-0541 786-2126 business operations. credit ar rangements. forward pricing, and maiket supplies to meet specifications The veitical coordination conti act usually in writing, but not nccessauly. In ovei simplified foim, it can be an acioss thc-fence oial undei ‘.anting wheieby the owner of a countiy store tells a f.umei he’ll supply him lead giain-, lor his chickens if tne laimei will in turn supply luin eggs Or pci haps (he stoie owner says he’ll advance cied it on the Iced until the eggs aie sold QUESTIONS Whether wi/ten or oial, quesTons may ause Whit happens if one paity fails to deliver the goods, or the quality is mtei lor, 01 it’s deliveied at the wiong time or to the wrong place 9 The other paity may be in troub'e. Courts may not enforce ou.l conti acts if ceitain conditions aie not met and the invoiced sum is laige This doesn’t mean thai a contr.. t is en foiceable pist because it’s in wilting But chances aie it will be, if it meets standards un der apphcrble State and Fed eial law Each piovision of the con tact should be clear and com plete And each paity should know wha f his conti act con tains and its meaning under the law In many veittcai coordina tion contracts, the faimei is a small, sole propnetor while the contiactor is typically a laige coipoiatron Then legal relationshm is impoitant. Whethei the faimei is an in dependent contractor, 01 an agent or a laborei of the con tractoi, depends on conti act provisions such as Are profits and losses to be shared 9 Who holds the rights (Continued on Page 12) REMEMBER... LPS is o true supplement, in LPS you buy only what you cannot grow on your own farm. LPS reduces your cash outlay for feed. LPS is an economical source of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals for dairy and beef cattle and for sheep. LPS improves palatability of other feed stuffs. LPS improves herd health. LPS flows freely, even in sub freezing weather. LPS repels flies and insects in warm weather. LPS is easy to use, easy to feed. LPS is safe to handle tains no alcohol. LPS-33% $86.00 Ton 3 Ton lots $83.00 Ton 5 Ton . _ . $BO.OO Ton Less 2% for cosh If con- New Holland 354-2148 5