Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 18, 1967, Image 15

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    ' House Plants L “"“ ster Fami "*' s* l F * b ™y w, ww-i*
gi , e«) about 40 minutes, or Need SdCCIaI fluently used and sold com- „
until done. Cool slightly be- n , vX , mercially for potting plants. 1 (0*
fore serving. If desired, gar- PottUlfiT Soil Neither mixture works as well C S^ K
nisih with whipped cream. ® a* a combination of all three r* L p r
Makes 6 lo 8 servings. Soil is a problem to many ingredients: peat moss, soil fOf tilC
HEAVENLY gardeners growing house ant * vermiculite. _ • 1 1
MINCEMEAT BARS plants.' A soil-peat moss-vermic- Dunham’s research shows r jem J |7_*f 1
• • " • ulite mixture used as a potting tha * vermiculite holds potassi- * ▼▼ 11C dllU F 311111 V
1 &oz. package mincemeat soil will help the plants stay um calcium both im- ' 1
3 10-oz. can sweetened con- well-nourished and vigorous, P°rt an t plant nutrients —in T Q JJ ae TT tt tt ,
densed milk according to Dr. Charles Dun- the , soil longer. Ordinarily, po- udUICO f JTIaV6 lOU JrlG&rfl ?
1 cup sifted regular flour ham, associate professor in the t ass >um washes out of the soil * " *
1 teaspoon baking soda department of horticulture at when plants are watered; ver- Br Do ™ Thoma*, Extension Home Economist
Vi teaspoon salt the University of Delaware. jniculite will keep the plant Gloves Need Sueclal ram
IVs cups corn flakes food in the soil where it can Gloves last longer if given proper care
3„r buM<,r ” ” ,ar - “ e 0 p«T ««. p,«™ good nps bn,ta ’ *■"“ “
1 “ c p »ml y sgoores. Frost with Orange f sSS ,l,read
Break mincemeat into small *° mg: * 6811:6 ' fluffy structure. Both peat moss and ' . g,ov6s
piecej in saucepan. Add con- ’’ORANGE FROSTING and vermiculite help the soil avoid extra ones g 1 holes t 0
densed milk; cook, stirring con- 1 tablespoon butter hold water and keep it aerated Wash or dryclean frequently,
stanltiy, until mixture thickens. 2 tablespoons thawed frozen so roots can grow easily. Launder only gloves marked washable
Remove from heat. Sift to- orange juice concentrate Soil used by itself may pack Hand launder in suds of mild soap and
gether flour, soda and salt. x 't cup sweetened condensed too tightly, Dunham says. How- W£ >ter. Wash fabric gloves off the
Crush corn flakes slightly; mix milk ever, soil adds those vital ‘
with flour mixture. Beat to- 2 cups sifted confectioners plant foods needed only in ex- wilh?w VeS i *£’ f Wf } y rom sunlight
gether butter and sugar until sugar tremely small quantities —so eea nei gloves, except doeskin
light and fluffy. Add flour mix- 1 teaspeon grated orange called micronutrients. or c^an °> s > can be washed on sunlight
tuire, mix until crumbly. Press peel He suggests potting new hand When leather is almost dry
half the mixture in ungreased Beat butter with orange house plants in a mixture of Sponge or soft biush soiled soften by working gloves to
13xO-inch baking pan. Spread juice concentrate and con- soil preferably sterilized areas on leather gloves, rinse, gether.
with mincemeat filling. Spread densed milk. Add confection- peat moss and vermiculite. For hlot out excess moisture on Restore Marred Wood Finishes
remaining crumb mixture over ers sugar and orange peel; repotting established plants, he towel Here’s how to remove white
filling. Bake in moderate oven beat until fluffy. Spread on recommends adding just the Dry leather gloves slowly, spots from wood surfaces.
(350 degrees) about 30 min- Heavenly Mincemeat Bars. P ea t moss and vermiculite away from heat and direct Supplies needed for remov-
, ing white spots aie very fine
powdered pumice OFFSET),
lightweight oil or sewing ma
chine oil, and a piece of felt
or wool
Make a thin paste of pumice
and oil
Apply oil and pumice mix
ture with felt and rub lightly
with the gram of the wood.
Go over entire surface to
prevent spotting
Wipe surface with soft cloth.
Repeat process if necessary.
Follow label directions if
Continued on Page 23)
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