I# 25th Anniversary (Continued from Page '6) wilh his bid of $lO a pound, firm’s 25 th anniversary. (The 1967 Faim Show cham . Daniel Good, Columbia Rl, P j on hen and tom were both bought th* 22-pound champion entered by Harry Lamparter hen at auction at the recent of Mountville, a perennial Pennsylvania Poultry Federa- Farm Show turkey winner.) Keystone Hybrids IS THE SMALL FLOCKOWNER GETTING HIS PULLET CHICKS AT THE SAME PRICE AS THE BIG “EGG FACTORY” OPERATOR? WELL, USUALLY NOT. BUT HE CAN IF HE ORDERS HIS CHICKS FROM US, BECAUSE WE CATER TO THE SMALL AND MIDDLE-SIZED POULTRYMEN. And not only do we keep the price down, but we also give them a “top-notch” pullet that can perform with the best in the land, regardless of how high a price. Our K-1700 Hybrids have been field-tested and en tered in the Pa. Laying Test over the past two years and they came through with a very high performance. Test a sample pen of K-1700 Hybrids against a pen of Hvlines, DeKalbs, Babcocks, Shavers, Kimbers, Garbers, Ghostleys or any other pullets of your choice. FIGURE for YOURSELF. THINK for YOURSELF and then make your OWN decision. SUMMER SPECIAL $15.00 PER 100 PULLET CHICKS Free delivery, free debeaking and free dubbing. This special price is for chick orders to be delivered during the months of July, August, September and October, 1967, only. During the daytime hours of 7:00 AJW. to 5:30 P.M. we have authorized Charles E. Sander & Sons, Phone 445- 3931, to accept chick orders by phone. KEYSTONE POULTRY BREEDING FARM TERRE HILL, PENNSYLVANIA 17581 Phone 445-6232 9:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at Guernsey Bam, Route 30 East, Lancaster, Pa. Speakers JOHN W. ESHEIMAN & SONS tion banquet at Harrisburg Tuesday, February 7,1967 Film ALLIS - CHALMERS Milwoukee, Wls. Lancaster, Pa. Free Lunch This Dairy Conference is sponsored by After -introducing all the Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 4, 1967—7 guests, Good described how he got into the live poultry began buying and hauling business 25 years ago. From chickens from other growers.” 1938 to 1942, he said he had Good began catei ing to the been farming and dressing i JVe market exclusively after chickens and turkeys for the ]Q45 i anc j started selling to local market. small dressing plants. Through 'Tn 1942. we couldn’t raise trial and error, he soon dis enough poultry for our needs, covered where the best mar so I bought an old truck and kets were, and gradually be- You'll have to go to our competitors for an alt-purpose vitamin-and-mineral supplement for all animals. Youngco prepares a dozen supplements, but each I s specifically formulated and balanced to meet the Individual nutritional needs of each type of livestock. Result; you are assured of getting the highest dollar value with Young's pre-mixes and other nutritional supplements. Ask us or your local Youngco representative for details* ROBERT L. YOHX R. D. =1 Xarvon, Pa. 17555 EARL L. UMBLE 24G0 Willow Glen Dme Lancaster, Pa. 17602 NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS FOR LIVESTOCK »y YOUNGCO. INC. «oapiino si YOU ARE INVITED! CASSEL C. MUMMAU R. D. =1 Mt. Joy, Pa. 17552 7:30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Door Prizes CURTISS BREEDING SERVICE, INC. NEW HOLLAND SUPPLY CO., INC. Cary, Illinois New Holland, Pa. gan to supply larger buyers as well. Today, that old original truck has grown to a licet of six, including a tractor trail er which hauls Leghorn fowl to Vineland, New Jeisey. Good buy' poultiy from some bioiler contractois and from many independent glowers. “We are proud to say." be added, “that at least 90 per cent of our poultiy comes from within a 50-mile ladius of Lancaster ’’ Good’s is a family opeiation which includes his wite and two sons—Leslei and Daniel, Jr In ISB6, the fnm handled a iccord volume ol 2 1 mil lion b.ids Anothe highlight of the eve ning was an iHu'tiatcd 'BO Da>s Aiound The Woild” talk by Ad ir County Tin key Giower F. al Osboin O Extension Assn. (Continued fiom Page i) minded that Friday, February 10, is the deadline loi the nec essity advance ticket negotia tion A ioa>=t tin key dinnei will be seivecl with Lckela pi iced at $3 per peison Tickets may be obtained fi om any exten sion director, 01 fiom the ex tension otT’ce • 4-H Hews (Continued trom Page 4) Refton, Paul Scheuing Quar lyv’ille, vice piesident, secie taiy treasurei, Ann Breneman of Hessdale, repoiteis, Dailene Hoovei and Robeit Sensenig, both of New Pi evidence Rl. The next meeting will be held at the home of Steve Mit chell, Refton, on Febuuty 20. All young people between the ages of 9-19 aie invited to at tend Exhibits