2 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 4, 1967 At Lancaster Yards f Weekly Review Febuiary 3, 19C7 C \TTLE 3400 The mid weslcm snow stoim during the pa‘: weekend caused ieduced nud-v\c«tem leceipts theiefoie, the inci eased receipts of slaughter steeis at Lnncastei on Mond.u sold 50-1 00 higher, with a ietuin to noimal le ceipts at midweek a huge shaie of this advance was lost Closing sales slaughter steeis weighing undei 1200 lbs steady to 25c lowci, over 1200 lbs «leadv to 25c highei Cows stead' to 50c higher Bulls niosth steady Feeder steeis fulh steaav Supply included an estimated 70 peicent slaugh tei steeis, 15 peicent Cows and Bulls with the balance hugely feeder steeis SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Pnme 1075- 1330 lbs 26 27 15. including load 1430 lbs at 26 50 on Mon day Choice 950-1325 lbs 25- 26 50 nixed Good and Choice 900 1175 lbs 24 85 26, few loads 1050-1100 lbs 25 75-28 50 on Monday Mixed Good and Choice 1150-1375 lbs 24 25- 25 25 Good 1000-1300 lbs 23- 50-25 50 Standaid to low Good 22-23 85 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Good and Choice 700-900 lbs 2i-5°.-22 ‘'o,- COWS Utility and high jieldmg cuttei 18-20 50, few on Wednesday 2060 20 75, Cuttei 16 50-19 Cannei and low Cut? tei 15-17 BULLS Choice 25 25-25 - 75 Good 23-25, Utility and Commeicial 22-25, few 1500- 2000 lbs 24.75-26 FEEDER STEERS Couple loads Choice 470-500 lbs $2B. load Good 460 $27, load Choice 750 lbs $26 load Choice and Pi me 940 1050 lbs $25-25 50 mixed Good and Choice 625-i 1100 lbs 22-24 75 I CALVES 500 Good and' Choice vealeis $l3 lowei, Cull to Standai d weak to mostly $1 lowei ' VEALERS Good and Choice clo c ed the week at 39 - 50 43 on Monday most Choice 44-46. with a lew to $47 50, Standai d 36 40 Utility 3150- 35, Cull 27-32, 70 90 lb Cull 24-28 HOGS 1375 Bauows and gilts closed the week steady to 25c lowei BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 190 240 lbs 22 23, US 1, 190 230 lbs 23-24 1-3 190-250 lbs 21 25 22 25 late 21 25- 21 75 2-3 200-240 lbs 20 25-21, 240-285 lbs 19-20 couple lots US 3 300 lbs 17 60-18 SHEEP 275 Wooled slaughtei lambs mostly steady Ew es absent WOOLED LAMBS Choice 75 100 lb 25-25 50. lew to $26 one lot 110 lbs $24, couple lots Good to mostly Choice 125-135 lbs $2l Good 60-110 lbs $23-25 Robert K. Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading Patz Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloadcrs - Cattle Feeders Quarryville, R. D. 1 Hensel 548-2559 MARKET Auction Only February 1, 1967 CATTLE 831 Slaughtei steers weak to 50c Lowei, some late sales $1 lowei com pared ith last Monday Cows stiong to 5Cc highei Bulls steady to 50c lower Supply in cluded 75 peicent slaughtei steeis and 13 peicent Cows SLAUGHTER STEERS Choice 950-1325 lbs 25 26 50, feu Pnrae 26 26 50, high-Good to low-Ohotce 900-1175 lbs 24- 85-26. 1150-1375 lbs. 24 25-25- 25. Good 23 50-25 35, Standard to lovv-Good 22 23 85 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Good and Choice 700 950 lbs 21 50-23 50 COWS Utility and High Melding cuttei 18 50-20 50. few 20 60-20 75, Cuttei 17 25-19, Canner and low-Cutter 15-17 25 BULLS Good 23-24 60, Utility and Commeicial 22- 24 85, few 1470 2000 lbs 24 60- 28 FEEDER STEERS Load Choice and Pmme 940-1050 lbs 25 25 50, Load Good and Choice 870-1100 lbs 22 24 CALVES 131 Good and Choice vealeis $l-2 lower, Cull to Standa'd steady to weak VEALERS Good and Choice 39 50-43 50, individual 44, Standard 36-40, Utility 31- 50-35, Cu'l 27 50 31 50, 70-90 lbs 24 50-27 50 (Continued on Page 3) Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. Bulls, steers, butcher cows, Hogs, lambs and veal calves Sold on Commission For marketing information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. | Attention,,. Turkey Growers! Here is our efficient turkey feeding program. • Turk-E-Perk will give them a fast start. • Turkey Starter • Complete Turkey Grower • Complete Turkey Fattener • 40% Turkey' Starter Concentrate with corn or • 40% Turkey Grower Finisher Concentrate with com HEISEY FARM PARADISE SUPPLY SERVCE Paradise Lawn and Bellaire 665-3121 367-2321 687-6292 Sale every Tuesday 1:30 P.M. Fat hogs and Feeder pigs sale Every Saturday at 10 A.M. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Bt. 20 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager Check our low bulk price. [wiRTHMORt] NEWS Vintage Auction January 31, 19G7 CATTLE 997 The laigest cattle run in the history of the Vintage Sales Stables. Slaugh ter steers uneven, opening sales steady to 50c higher, most advance on weights over 1200 lbs , later on weights un dei 1200 lbs steady to 25c lower, ovei 1200 lbs steady to stiong Cows steady to 25c highei Bulls steady to weak Supply included 19 percent Cows SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 1050 1375 lbs 26-27 50, Choice 950- 1300 lbs 25-26 50, few high yielding 1000-1150 lbs 26 80-27 27 35, Choice 1300-1485 lbs 24 35 25 85, high-Good to low- Choice 900-1300 lbs 24 50-25 75. 1300-1460 lbs 23 75 24 75, Good 23-24 75 Standaid to low-Good 21- 50 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Good and Choice 700-950 lbs 22- 85 couple Pnme 23 85 24 35 COWS Utility and high yielding Cuttei 18-19 50, few 19 60-20, Cutter 16 75-18 50, Cannei and low Cuttei 15 50-17 BULLS Good 22 85-24 35, Utility and Commercial 22 25- 23 50, thiee head 25 25-25 60 low Utiht' 20 35-21 60 FEEDER STEERS Good and choice 530 830 lbs 23 60- 24 85, one lot 700 lbs $25 75 (Continued on Page 14) REPORT Holland Auction February 2, 19G7 CATTLE 746 Compared with last Thuisday, slaughter steei s veiy uneven, mostly steady, instances 50c higher on weights over 1300 lbs Cows 50-1 00 higher Bulls steady