Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 04, 1967, Image 16

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 4, 1967
Conflicting Demands Made
On Farm And Forest Lands
An extension wildlife special
ist at The Pennsylvania State
University has called foi clos
ei coopeiation between land
owncis. conservationists, and
planning commissions in chart
ing the futuie development of
land and water resources
Citizens from both urban
centeis and ruial areas are
placing mcieasing, and often
conflicting, demands on farm
and forest land for their bene
fits. Robert G Wmgard, chair
man of forestry and wildlife
Extension said The same pres
suies and conflicts apply to
the demands on wat e r re
‘•Now that Jand-use planning
is well established throughout
Pennsylvania, a new challenge
and opportunity exists for
sportsmen and conservationists
to paiticipate on planning
commissions and express their
concerns for the quality of the
natuial environment,” the
wildlife specialist emphasized.
Ways in which the multitude
of land-use changes and ad
justments aie guided, and the
wavs pressures on land and
water lesources are planned
and accommodated will deter
mine laigely the character of
the natuial emironment in the
future he said Pi ejections
well into the future show that
ovei 90 peicent of the Com-
Feb. 15th Deadline
For New Welding Class
At Garden Spot H.S.
An evening aic
school foi farmeis in the New
Holland aiea will begin the
week of Febmaiy 20th at the
Gaiden Spot High School The
school will be conducted one
night a veek foi five consecu
tive weeks It is foi beginneis
and othen washing to impiove
then welding skill
Robeit E Elmei, vocational
agncultuial teachei at the
high school will teach welding
in vanom portions, on dif
leient kinds of metal, welding
cast non soldenng, cutting
and blazing with an aic wel
dei Eveijone who attends all
five sessions will icceive a
ceilifted diploma A fee of $5
will be dinged toi the course,
and all materials needed for
the couise will he supplied
fiee of chaige
The course is based on in
stitution developed by the Lin
coln Electric Company, manu
facturers rf aic welding equip
ment Lincoln has been con
ducting welding schools since
1917 The Farmeisville Equip
ment Company will sponsor
and supervise the couise
The welding school will be
limited to twenty-five persons,
on a fiistcome-fiist served bas
is Any pei son interested in
the couise is requested to con
tact the agriculture depart
ment ot the Garden Spot High
School by Febiuary 15
Are Farmers
Saying About
A Poultryman near
Ephrata says . . “Since a
friend started me reading
Lancaster 'Farming, ray
hens seem happier some
monweallh will continue to be
in farm and forest use.
Reflecting on present-day de
velopments, Wmgard said if
only main street and the üb
urban fringe are considered,
it is easy to reach the conclu
sion that everything is being
covered with asphalt and con
crete. However, by getting into
the countryside, much of the
state is literally on the edge of
the wilderness with unlimited
opportunities for natural re
source conservation and devel
'The amount of land occupied
by all new developments is
not nearly as important to the
natural environment as the
pattern and location of the
changes he said. The impor
More and More Milk Producers Are Taking Advantage
Results Are Speaking For Themselves.
If you haven't tried our GREEN PASTURES DAIRY FEEDS, give us a call and one of our
Dairy Specialists will stop and explain the program to you.
He'll give you an honest appraisal of the results you can reasonably-expect.
tail* thin" for sportsmen and
conervationists is that there is
a choice In where and how
changes are located to take ad
vantage of all resource bene
fits and to avoid excessive
waste and disruption of nat
ural processes.
Wingard said many commun
ity, township, county, and re
gional planning commissions
are doing an excellent job
helping chart a course of land
uses and development which,
will seek a better outcome
than has been characteristic of
much of the haphazard devel
opment of the past
At the Commonwealth level,
the State Planning Board is
actively engaged in the devel
opment of a state recreation
plan and other extensive re
source planning programs In
addition, the massive Susque
hanna River Basin Study and
plan will have a significant
impact on natural resource
planning and development.
Organized sportsmen with
vital leadership have spear-
Miller & Bushong, Inc.
Rohrerstown, Pa.
bended virtually all progres- fectiveness and forcefuln
slve conservation actions in was ably demonstrated in
the Commonwealth since the cent strip mine and cl<
turn of the century. Their ef- stream conservation actions.
Apply On Frozen Ground
t i. r* r ,• t New Holland 354-8112
Ivan M. Martin, Inc- Tcrre hih 443-3455
Blue Ball, Pa. Gap 4484148
Green Pastures
Dairy Program
(Area Code 717)
"Finest Service-Anywhere"
5 r » - jSr , '"_V'
Is Really
Ph. Lancaster 392-2145
Of It