B—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 28,1967 • Poultry Assn. (Continued irom D age 1) in large parcels, and prevent spiraling land values It can protect the rural way of life by maintaining agricultural zones." Lancaster County Plan ning Director Ellis Harned told the poultrjmen, adding. “It enables a farmer to pro ceed with his fanning opera tion without feai of being in terfered with " Harned explained that the planning commission had no authority foi planning or zon ing m the county since there is no countywide zoning ordi nance at piesent Subdivisions do come under the commis sion’s authority, but the pri mary function of the commis sion is to advise local plan ning boards “Zoning is a municipal func tion,” Harned said, “regulated by the boroughs and town ships of Lancaster County.” How do you get a zoning ordinance and when should a municipality zone 9 An ordi nance should be tailored to the needs of a particular common s6£p°g)(3& from GWdksffaexß the world’s largest selling egg cpse... now available in all i standard“ sizes (special sizes, too!) Faster than you can say “Zip-Pak” the Anderson 2ip-Pak egg case snaps open, ready for use . . . folds fiat just as quickly. And, no staples or tape are necessary' Production records will prove how fast savings on egg handling add up when you change to the patented Anderson Zip-Pak. Add to this the supreme quality of the corrugated board and you have egg cases that provide protection to the eggs. Each egg you ship arrives safely. Store managers like Zip-Pak handling. Store customers like fresh whole eggs. Satisfy them both and make money too! Anderion Box Co. P O Box 31157, Indianapolis, Ind. □ Send literature □ Have salesman call Name. Addrei City. Stati box company home OFFICE p 0 BOX 31157 • INDIANAPOL*, INDIANA ity. Harned cautioned against cop>ing some other communi ty’s program. When to zone? “Before the urban ‘sprawl’ oc curs.” he said, adding that zon ing is not retroactive: it can not be used to remove develop ments which already exist. The director pointed out that the purpose of any zoning ordinance is merely to imple ment a comprehensive plan The plan always comes first, and should be an outline of community goals A communi ty first decides where it wants to do. then develops a plan for getting there, and then es tablishes zoning ordinances v'hich are vital to carrying out the plan Rural people should be in terested in agricultural zoning, understand it. and work with their local planning authori ties, Harned said. SUBURBIA AND THE POULTRYMAN “Smell that’s the number one offender on the poultry farm as far as the suburbanite is concerned.” according to C. (Continued on Page 12) - <-J - >< -V/ £(jjp m SPEAKING AT THE COUNTY POULTRY ASSOCIATION meeting Tues day night were: from left (seated), Ellis Hamed, Lancaster County Planning Director; Wm. Carroll, Penn State public affairs specialist; C. M. Buchman, Bucks County poultryman; and standing, center, J. P. Durr, regional sanitary engineer with the State Health Dept. At Durr’s left is John H. Hess, president of the "Lancaster County Poultry Assn., and standing, right, Dr. Floyd Hicks, ex tension poultry specialist. Hicks was master of ceremonies. L. F. Phot® ,d-.v Zip-Pak 6710 Agway Now Is The Time To Plan For Your Irrigation Needs For Control Moisture With Racebilt WHICH TAKES ONE BIG GAMBLE OUT OF FARMING Crop yields doubled! Milk production up 35%! More beef per acre! 500 MORE lbs. of tobacco per acre! Alfalfa yield up 4 times! AGWAY IRRIGATION SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH Agway Irrigation Specialists are experts at irrigation layout and design. They will consider all the factors that will affect irrigation on your farm; to prepare a recommendation that will do the job, and do it right, Agway has a full line of equipment to fit a portable irrigation system for your farm. CALL TODAY AND ASK FOR AN APPOINTMiNT Agway Bee Line's Local Commodity Technicians are: MR. FRED KERLIN MR. HAROLD KJNSEY Agway BEE - UNE SUPPLY CENTER THE PRICE IS RICHT! Aluminum Irrigation Systems MARLOW PUMPS Bee Line Supply Center 1027 DILLERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER 24 HOUR SERVICE DAILY PH. 394-0541 • Better quality fruit and vegetables! • Controlled maturity earlier markets! • Fertilizing while irrigating! ’67