ASSOCIATE COUNTY AGENT Victor Plastow, right, congratulates J. Movv ery Frey, Jr. on winning the Red Rose Dairy Hferd Improvemenlt Association plaque for high herd butterfat average for 1966. Frey, of 401 Beaver Valley Pike, also had the top association herd the previous year. Runnerup in the Red Rose DHIA this year was Hiram Aungst, Elizabethtown Rl. His award was accepted for him at Tuesday’s annual banquet by his father, Warren. L. F. Photo Agway Now Is The Time To Plan For Your Irrigation Needs For Control Moisture With Racebilt WHICH TAKES ONE BIG GAMBLE OUT OF FARMING Crop yields doubled! Milk production up 35%! More beef per acre! 500 MORE lbs. of tobacco per acre! Alfalfa yield up 4 times! AGWAY IRRIGATION SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH Agway Irrigation Specialists are experts at irrigation layout and design. They will consider all the factors that will affect irrigation on your farm; to prepare a recommendation that will do the job, and do it right. Agway has a full line of equipment to fit a portable irrigation system for your farm. CALL TODAY AND ASK FOR AN APPOINTMENT Agway Bee Line's Local Commodity Technicians are: MR. FRED KERLIN MR. HAROLD KINSEY Agway BEE - LINE SUPPLY CENTER THE PRICE IS RIGHT! Aluminum Irrigation Systems MARLOW PUMPS Bee Line Supply Center 1027 DILLERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER 24 HOUR SERVICE DAILY PH. 394-0541 • Better quality fruit and vegetables! • Controlled maturity earlier markets! • Fertilizing while irrigating! • DHIA (Continued from Page 1) Richaid Hess, Stiasburg Rl, Assn 8 PROGRESS RATE INCREASED Extension dairyman Heibeit Gilmore told the DHIA mem beis that it took Pennsylvania daiiymen 30 yeais to uuse their held averages 100 pounds m buttei fat pioduction "You ve gained the second bundled pounds in just the past ten years,” Gilmore said Gilmoie added that it wasn't until 1958 that theie vveie more than 200 heids in the state with over 500 pounds of fat pioduction “This past yeai you had neaily that many herds in Lancaster County alone that passed that maik” (There were actually 184 Lan caster County herds averaging 500 pounds of buttei fat, or more, in 1966) OUR CULTURE RELIES ON LAWS Former Millersville State College president D L Bie- *67 Mountville Feed Service I. B. Graybill & Son Mountville Ref ton Stiasburg Chos. E. Souder & Sons H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Witmer Waiter Binkley & Son Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21, 1967—9 Your feed lot is the key to profits. Here’s where top quality supplements priced for economical weight gams pay off Here’s where Red' Rose feeds win friends. ' 3a lEtF CATTLE SUPPLEMENT This is the supplement you will want to use as a mixing ration for your home-grown grains or as a protein supplement to balance the feeding of low protein roughages. SO »EEF CATTLE SUPPLEMENT Mash form. Nutrient fortifications are double the levels of 32 Beef Cattle Supplement. Available with or without Diethylsti/bestrol. For All Of Your Feed Needs Cali These Red Rose Dealers: Musser Farms, Inc. Columbia Musser's Mill The Buck Terre Hill Inc. Lititz Brown & Rea Atglen Elverson Supply Co. Elverson mesderl'er. speaking lo the dairymen at their mid-day meeting, said, "Our culture stands in dangei ol losing its soul despite unpiecedented prospenty, and the scientific and technological advantages we enjoy today". Biemesdeitei said that in the US we average one nun dei pei houi 'Since 1958. the late of major crimes in this countn mci eased six times fastei than population giowth. Seventy-two peicent of ar lests foi majoi dimes involve young people—undei 21 veais old,” the speaker explained. APATHY “The tiouble with 0111 cul ture today is the condition o£ dynamic apathy which exists.” Biemesdeifer stated ‘As long as we continue to moie or less laugh off crime ” he add ed, and until we, as the pub lic, take a definite stand —- demand communities in which law rules—crane will inevita bly increase” (Continued on Page 8) Rea^fßosß Reo^Ruse L. T. Geib Estate Manhcim E. Musser Heisey & Son Heistand Bros. Elizabethtown David B. Hurst Bowmansville L. M. Snavely A. L. Herr & Bro. Quarryville Ammon E. Shelly E. P. Spotts, Inc. Honey Brook —H Mt. Joy Lititz Lititz
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