I \ >* r If you’re distressed by high food costs... Since 1948 retail food prices c nsen an estimated 34 per cent and disposable personal income has nearly doubled. Yet the dairy farmer • "ho tn New York State last year earned the princely wage of 40 cents an Kour after costs —■ is receiving the «amc price for his milk that he did in 1948. And, the farmer can not exploit family labor any further in effort-, to improve efficiency. Does this sound like today - (uit\n. o ,i is sharing in the fruits of our high-flying economy in which most of ns are'earning more, buying more, enjoying more 7 Consider, too, that the price or equipment and supplies the farmer must buy has doubled and tripled since 3948. In the last five years the dayman has been hit by drought conditions drat have often forced him to buy the grain and hay he used to r a himself. Yet when he goes out to borrow money —as he must, because of his plight —he often finds inu.r-'-t r,.tc, so high that he is forced to quit farming 1 aM more than 5,000 dairymen in New Y< r',. hm sylvama and Vermont went out of business ... because costs wcic too high, returns too low Eastern Milk Producers :!■< hai gaining cooper ative with 10,000 dairy farmer mi.n.K ts in the above states feds Mrs. Consume! '-hnuld realize that food prices had to rise and-probabU huuld go higher Everything else ("wages, trampoitaiuMi, processing, sales costs) has increased in price during this period of prosperity, and these all a(i.-.d tfs_ price of food But let’s not make the dt'T\man the scapegoat for a situation over which he hav m> control. A.s \ou Can see from the chart on the ngii' i! >. farmer is not getting higher prices. MILK PRODUCERS “™P£oao e association * "«■ * SYRACUSE, NEW YORK 13iMf >#* H S’** 1 t *■. - ; I < * -o' f* ' * /<■ * •* , **• * * '~T * J “ '— s how do you think the dairy former feels? r Till TA PY r fe&dcr pftrs r i'i't r£c t, ypp BY »ft r VE* S FO* *PODUC T i 0 S 3 9 *2 tS '.ctved b> fc ner> c’oin products end refoil doiry t edicts d*-ic£s T9*-7 fc ce*e (1947 49=100} f n'ts * J*n Jour
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