€—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, January 21, 1967 Specialists See Many Changes In Future Of Milk Production The Inline success of dany- age up to 14,000 pounds of men will depend on then abil- milk a year compared to the it.\ to mechanize, automate. current average of only 8300 and adjust (o change That's pounds. lie said dairymen what dany faimeis weie told will have to test, cull and aecentlv by two Unneisity of use top A 1 siies to accom- Delawaie ag l icultuial expe: ts plish this. W T McAllisdei. extension On the retail level, the dany faun mmigement spe-iuh-'t specialist said theie will be said the teim “mechanize to much less dooi to-dooi milk sun ue will be the watch- selling and fevvei letaileis in v\ oid of dm.mien danng the the next few yeais All milk next feiv yeais W R Hessel- wall be sold in gallon and half tine extension dam man. told gallon containers He laised the dany faine,s they will the question of a new milk have to get moie milk fiom maiketing technique—jugging fewer cows if they intend to With this system dairy faimeis compete pioduce, pasteunze, bottle and McAllister pointed out that sell their own pioduct it is alieadv possible to almost Hesseltme expects the 1967 completely automate the ivhole farm milk puces to aveiage cow milking piocess Using around $5 90 pei hundred electionic and mechanical gad- weight, up 15c over the 1966 gets, a cow can be guided into aveiage. ' ! a milking stall, fed milked, and othenvise caied foi and pa. POTATO STOCKS tinned out again without in- 9c f BELOW LAST YEAR volvmg human hands With such a system, the amount of Stocks of Pennsylvania po nnlk pioduced would be tatoes in the hands of giow weighed and lecoided, and the eis, local dealers, and chip futuie lee d late computed Peis vveie estimated to be 3,- based on the previous w r eek’s 100,COO cwt on Januaiy 1, pioduction Aftei all cows are 1967. accoiding to the Penn milked, equipment would be syhama Ciop Reporting Seiv w ashed and steulized. and ice This was 9 percent below made leady foi the next m.lk- Januaiy 1 stocks a year ago mg and 14 peicent below the 1960- McAllister also pointed to a 64 aveiage Stocks held by whole new system of haymak- chippeis and proeessois in ex ing that will cut standing foi- cess of noimal supplies for age dry it in a minute with cuuent opeiations weie in atomnc eneigy, and pelletize it eluded in the estimate in one operation Othei inno- Disappearance (sales, home vations that daaiymen can look use, etc ) during Decembei to foiward to include electionical- taled 900,000 cwt compared ly manipulated tractois mon- with disappeaiance duung De itoied by television, and bleed- cembei a yeai ago of 1,100,000 ing techniques that will per- cwt Disappearance fiom time mit a top pioducmg cow to of haivest to January 1, 1967, “give bath to hteially him- was 2,774,000 cwt compared dieds of offspring thiough a with 3,540,000 cwt a year ago svstem of tiansplanting fei- Cailot unloads of Pennsylvan tilized ova into i&ceivei am- ia potatoes in 41 cities for this nials ” maiketmg season thiough De- According to Hesseltine, the 1975 U. S, population of 230 million people will need 140 billion pounds of milk. It will be produced on half as many farms as it is now, by fewer cows that will aver IF YOU PLANT CORN YOU'LL WANT THIS Ortho Unipel Starter Fertilizer 13-34-10 Also available in bags or bulk 20-1010, 16-16-16, 10-20 20 TM. Reg. US. Pat off Oitho and Unipel FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. SMOKETOWN, PA. cembei show movement only 41 pei cent of last seacon Growers continue to comment on above average breakdown in storages in all potato areas. Bieakdown in numerous east ern and southeastern areas is reported to be excessive. • Easy to handle in 50 lb, bags . . . O Proven peiformance . . . • Hiahest available analysis . . . O Convenient to store and use . . . © Most uniform pellet . . . © Uniform early response . . © Higbei jields Phone 397-3539 4 PERCENT LESS CATTLE ON FEED IN PENNA. Pennsylvania cattle feeders had 82,000 eattle and calves on feed foi slaughter maiket on Jammiy 1. 1967, according to the Pennsylvania Crop Re peating Service This was four percent less than the 85 000 on feed foi slaughter a yeai eaiher and about two peicent below the 5-yeai aveiage of 84,000 Fed cattle marketed during the past quaitei totaled Performance Is The Key To LOW COSTS Performance Yoil’ll Gel If You Combine Optimum Performance Feed and GOOD MANAGEMENT 717-392-2145 You’ll Get Finest Service Anywhere v \ V, 28,000 up 33 percent from a year earlier Placements dur ing the quarter totaled 54,000, down 13 percent fiom a year earlier. Cattle on feed less than three months on Januaiy 1 numbered 52,000, three to six months. 22,000, and moie than six months, 8,000 Expected marketings for the Januaij- Maich quartet at 23.000, if lealized, would be eight pei cent above the 26,000 mai keted dining the same peuod in 1966 EARLY BIRD with GOOD BIRDS Just Call Personal Attention And and Miller & Bushong, Inc. Rohrerstown, U.S. CATTLE ON FI UP SEVEN PERCEN' Cattle and calves on slaughter market in 31 states totaled 11,279,01 as of January 1, 1957 crease of seven perce: a year earlier The 32 major feeding had 11,136,000 head o: for slaughter maikel coi with 10,436.000 head or aiv 1, 1966 Pa. 'E: IT (9