Weekly Poultry Report (Continued from Pa?e 2) Eostern Pennsylvania And New Jersey WEEKLY SUMMARY LIVE HENS Pi ices on light hen? wcie un changed to ’j C highei Puces ranging 6 3 i-7',lc icpoifcd in Penna seclion include pioiuc er gatheimg and tuick loading seivicc and full condemnation deductions based upon plant inspections Demand good 01- feungs adequate in New Jer sey, geneiallv ample m Penn sylvania Trading activity \eiy light on heavy hens Demand fair. Ofleungs limited wth oc casional gioweis declining sales at 15c puces being of fered m some quaiteis Puces paid at (aim Light Hens, 6- 7>6 mostly 6L-7'cc, llea\y Hens, too lew to lepoit TURKEYS Demand only fair foi scat tered lots ol heavy hens and toms Most advices indicate live supplies of heavy hens The lange of puces paid this and toms fairly well cleaned week snowed somewhat horn „ , the pieceding few weeks The up in Eastern Penna biu some hlgh piice p<ud WJS 168 cen4s jncieased offeungs of light on Monday and the low for bieeds and bleeders die an- the week was at 15 3 cents pei ticipated Dy early Maich In Ib on Wednesday occasional instances, heavy Total sales continued above , . . , , , the million maik, 1,083,809, hens and toms, picked up at bUit weie down neaily 14 mil farms, weie negotiated at 24c hon head liom last week’s per lb to‘a! A view of our new 72x202-foot, $lOO,OOO hatchery building under construction. Located at the edge of Lititz on the road to Manheim, it will increase our capacity from 42,000 to 56,000 pullet chicks a week. Eggs will come in one end: chicks go out the other. More Room Needed To Produce In order to meet the ever-increasing demand for Babcock B-300 Chicks, this expansion program is underway. The most modern facilities with “hospital-like” sanitation will 'be the result Feel free to call on any of the following for complete information about Babcock B-300 Chicks or Started Pullets. Babcock Field Representatives: MAX R. THOMAS Millersburg, Pa. 717-6924321 PHARES AUKER D. 1, Elizabethtown, Pa. 717-367-2667 E. MUSSER HEISEY R. D. 2, Mt. Joy, Pa. 717-653-5718 RUFUS MILLER HATCHERY Box 242, R.D. 1, Bainbridge, Pa. D. 3, LiTSTZ, PA. January 17, 1967 (Puces paid dock weights, cents per pound, except wheie noted ) Hens, Light 6'(* 10. mostly 6'j-7 Hens, Heavy 7-20, most ly 10-15: Pullets 18 01, mo«Mv 23 2(1. Roastus 7-28, mostly 23- 27. Ducks 19’/j 24 Diakes 13- 00, mostly 27-33, Tin keys, Hans 22' • 31, mostly 26 30, Rabbits 25 47, mostly 39-45, Guineas 42 57 I .', mos"y 50 55; Pigeons (pei pan) 75-lC7'j mostly 75- 80, Jumbo Squab 90 Total coops sold 758 Eastern Shore Exchange WEEKLY SUMMARY Lot-iveiage bioilei and fiy ei live puces aveiaged steady to s ightlj highei this week in whit appeals to be a giadual leveling off at 16 09 cents pei lb BABCOCK B-300 CHICKS Left: BRUCE BABCOCK President EARL E. GROFF K. I). .s, Manheim, Pa, Our Associate Hatcheries: WM. T. SPAHR 6 Pine St., Hanover, Pa. 717-367-3986 BABCOCK HATCHERY, Inc. Phone 717-626-5872 Fogefsville RIGHT: RUSSELL MEASE General Manager 717-665-4701 717-637-6923 WEAVER’S HATCHERY R, D. 4, Lititz, Pa. 717-733-8144 few head at 47 50, Good 40-44, SUnJaid 37-42, Utility 31-37, Cull 28-32. 70-90 lb Cull 22-27 HOGS 1350 Banows and gilts steady to 250 Ihghei, Small supply Sows mostly steady BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 190 240 lbs 22 22 75. US 1, 190 230 lbs 23-23 50, US 1-3 190-255 lbs 21 30 22, 85 bend 1-3 180-190 lbs 20 85 2 3 225 280 lbs 21 21 50, 200 280 lbs 20 20 80 SOWS US 1-3 300 450 lbs 15 50 10 50 lew US 1-2 280 350 lbs 18 60-17 50, 2 3 400 600 lbs 14 50 15 50 SHEEP 325 Wooled lambs and Sinaghtei Ewts mostly steady WOOLED LAMBS Choice 75 100 lb 25 25 50, iew to $2B, One Lot Cho<ee 111 lbs $24, Good 60-110 lbs $23 25, One Lot Good 115 lbs $l9, few Utmtv 20 50 22 50 SLAUGHTER EWES Util ity and Good S 5 9 • Chicago (Continued fiom Page 2) ei with lull decline on steei s ovei 1350 lbs Heifeis genei al ly steady, cows stiong to lOn highei with laige shaie 50 highei, bulls 50-100 lowei I” the cailot diessed meat tiade, steer beef mostly 50 to lOf highei heifei beef genei ally 100 higher but cow beet 50 WEBER’S HATCHERY R. D. 2, Mohnton, Pa. 215-445-6440 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21, 1967—: Weekly New York Egg Mkt. Fiom Monday. .I.uuiaiy 16th to Fiiday, Januaiy 20th Mon. WHITE Ex liywts 40'a Fey Il\wts 39‘a Fc\ Med 34'a No 1 Med. 34 Pullets 30 1 a Pecwees BROWN Ex Fcv liywts 40'i Fc\ Hjwts 3S !/ a Fey Med 34'a Pullets 30 l/ a Pee wees MIXED Fey Hywts 39‘a Slandaicis 37'a Checks 32'a TRENT) Maiket still veiv nregulai and unseUPd, cnt- look still unceitain Copyiight 1967 by Urner Uarry Publications to 1 00 lowei SLAUGHTER STEERS 50 Good 23 00 2i 50 Stanched Pnme 1150-1375 lbs 25 75 26 and Low Good 22 00 23 25, lew 50, mostly 26 00-26 25, High Utility 20 50-21 00 Choice and Pnme 1150 1400 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS lbs 25 00-26 00, Choice 1150- Hieh Choice and Pnme 875- 1350 lbs 24 50 25 50, Choice and noo Ibs 25 00-25 50 two loads Pnme 1350 1450 lbs 24 00 25- latter pine on Wednescla \ 00, 1400-1550 lbs 23 00-24 00, Choice 800 1100 lbs closed 24- High Choice and Pnme 900 00 25 00, Mixed Good and 1150 Ibs 26 00 26 50 with one choice 23 00 24 00, Good 22 00- load Pnme 1000 lbs 26 75 on 23 50. Standaid and Low Good Wednesday, highest pnce since 21 00-22 00 October Choice 900-1150 lbs BULLS Utility and Com -25 50-26 25 Mixed Good and meicial 21 00 23 50 ~ ALL THE POWER INTERNATIONAL' ™CTOR high speed... hard-puU Choose gas or diesel, get 35 9 pto horsepower with either plus economy and reliability Nimble, too. Come m and see what it can do for you today l • Draft-controlled 3-pomt hitch • Differential lock • 8-2 transmission • Constant-running pto • SVi-foot turning radius — * BH Messick Farm Equip. elizaijethtovtn “"i"" 36/-1319 C. 6. Hoober INTERCOURSE 7GB 3501 International Harvester C °£“ S*)lc‘S and Seivicc ' EPHIiXTA Wed. Tues. 38'a 34'a ,>4’a 30 1 a 30 'a 38 1 a 34'a 31 1 a 30‘a 8l)'a 30> a 36ia 32 32‘a Choice 900-1309 lbs 24 25 25* Kauffman Bros. MO I’M \ lI.LE 733 2283 Frl. Thurs. 33'a 32' a 32' a 2')' a 20'a 31 >2 285 5051 3
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