14 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21, 1967 CK\THVL TK VCTOR CLUB KAMI’S 19G7 OFFICERS b\ I. 1 , mi I’ojcr, repoilor Tie Laneaslci Count\ 411 Cent al Tractoi Club held its oigam? dional meeting Tucs ch\ Jammy 17 at Land.s Bios Faim Equipment Co. Mar.hcim Pike Foitv one mem beis weie em oiled The lolloping ofliceis weie elected pi evident, Daniel Roh lei Minheim R 1 lice pi cre dent Kenne'h R’ssei. Leola R 1 scC’e;a»y Lany Roluei ICO' Wheatland School Road TII’.NK you for helping TO MAKE 1966 A SUCCESSFUL YEAR! AUCTION DATES EARLY 1967 SALE LISTINGS Jan 25—Ankiuin Bios Fann Eouip. Wakefield Pa Jan 28—Richaid Wood House hold Goods Sale. Tenc Hill Pa Feb 4—Mis Hauy E Kieidei —Household Sale, Mechanics Giove (south of Quanyville, Pa ) Feb 10—Reseived Feb 11—Paul Campbell Paim Equip, 2 miles south of Wil low Stieet, Pa Feb 16—John M Bombeigei, Dauy Sale McEwensville, Pa, (Northumberland Co) Feb 17—Hailan Myhn, Farm Eauio south of the Buck. Pa* Feb 18—John Eib, Fann Equip neai Georgetown, Pa (Bait Two ) Feb 18—Elmei Swarr, House hold and Real Estate, Geoige St, Millei sville, Pa Feb 24—80 b Shoemaker, Farm Equip , near Kn kwood Pa Feb 25—L Z Byers Farm Equip, southwest of Willow Stieet, Pa Feb 28—Abel Balmer, Dauy Sale, Spoiting Hill, Pa Mai ch 4—Elvin McMichael, Fai m Equip, south of New Danville, Pa Maich 6 Giavson Cooper, Fann Equip, Pleasant Giove, Fulton Twp, Pa Maich 7—Our Thud Annual Machinery Community Sale at Eveiett Kieidei’s Fann Mai ch 9—Sam Dum , Complete Holstein Disp neai East Peteisbuig, Pa Maich 11—Jacob Dagen, House hold Goods Willow Stieet, Pa Maich 11—John Stonei, Dauy and Fann Machmeiy Sale, Conestoga R D Match 15—W.dter Cassel Com plete Holstein Disp, Man heim, Pa Match 16—Hmiv E Williams, Machineiv and Dauy Sale, Bambndge Pa Maich 18—Leon Hess Com , plete Holstein Disp and Fann Equip Intel com se, Pa Ma'ch 22—James Ewait Hol stein Heilei s and Faim Equipment Fan field Pa Mai 23—Fi ank Kennell Farm Equip no'lheast ol Gap Pa Mai ch 25—S tchman Est, Household and Real Estate, south of New Danville Pa Match 28 Lauience Foulk, Farm Machi n e i y Sale, Quai i \ ville Maich 30—Paul Wyble Fann Ecuip south of New Hol land Pa Apnl I—Mis Milton Ranck, Fat in Equip neai Relton, Pa Apnl I—M1 —M Gieee Fist house hold neai Fan field Pi Apnl B—Tom Flu k Conmlete Holstein Disp and Fann Equip Gum Tice Chestei Co Pa Foi f'ii'lhei uifoi mafioii call IfH i or 284 1517 fail Diiai ol ' [ Ewieit Kunda: | W.onale \ir tione u s at | \O.U S'MKO’ 1 FARM WOMEN NO. 14 HEAR CONVENTION REPORTS Farm Women’s Society No 14 met Wednesday, Januaiy 18 ticasmei, Clyde E-benshade, Willow Street R 2: news repoil ei Lvnn Royei. 2025 Oicgon Pike Leaders for the club aie- Mrs Paul Longenccker and Ilcibeit Ro.\ei, 2025 Oiegon Mis. Lloyd Rinck. Pike, fust jear. Glenn Poitei, Contiibutions of $lO each Washington Boio, second year weie given to the Chnst and Chnst Buibakei, Stone- Homo. Paiadise, and the Water null Road, thud yeai Gtieel Rescue Mission The next club meeting vaill Mis Melvin Lauvci of Ak be held at Kauffmans Faim ion spoke on “Moie than Con- Equipmcnt Co MounUille, on queiois” Januaiy 24 at 745 pm Dates to lemembcn Feb, FOR BIG SAVING ON AMMONIUM NITRATE, UREA AND MIXED FERTILIZERS CALL NOW FARMER'S FERTILIZER WORKS For fhe Former 365 WEST BAINBRIDGE STREET ELIZABETHTOWN Ph. 367-1211 • 2-3 plow 2000 • full 3-plow 2000 Super Dexta Diesel • 3-4 plpw 4000 • full 4-plow 5000 Super Major Diesel • 5-plow 6000 Yes, whatever your tractor needs—size, model, fuel option—there's a new Ford that'll fill the bill. Come in and look them over. See Ford’s advanced comfort, convenience and performance features that can help you farm better and easier at lower cost See us NOW for a real doJlar-saving deal —easy credit terms available at the home of Mrs. Raymond 2nd., 9 to 12 a.m. sew at Barge, Ronks Ril with twenty- the Lancaster General Hospi nine members and three guests tal; Feb. Oth, 10 a m. to 3 p.tn. attending. Hostesses were Mrs —meeting at the home of Mrs. Barge, Mis. Clarence Gioff, Lloyd Harnish, Willow Street Mrs Christ Landis and Mrs. Rl, at which members will Chaile Micken. make cancer pads. Mrs. Ken- Mis Baige had chaige of the devotions, and lepoils on the 'tale convention weie given by the delegates M’s. Edwin Rohiei, Mis Haiold Byeus, FORD TRACTORS ...the line that's tops in quality, performance, and durability. ALLEN H. MATZ Denver New Holland neth Eshelman will give a book review Membeis are to bung their lunch and used sheets Coffee and desseit wall be seived by the hostess: Feb. 18, the Society will have a food stand at the faun sale of Eveiett Newswanger, Kin zeis Members inteiested in helping or making donations aie asked to contact Mus Chailes Leaman, Ronks Rl MILES W. FRY & SON Frysvillc, Eplirata R 3, Pa. 17522 Tel. 354-9558 Growers of: HYBRID POPLARS a good free. PENNGIFT CROWNVETCH a faultless slope cover with good forage-crop poten tial- Certified seed and crowns available. PUBLIC SALE FARM EQUIPMENT SALE Wed., January 25, 1967 at 9:30 A.M. Blue Ball, Pa., Lancaster Co. Tractors, Implements, Machinery, Tools, Hdwe., Hay, Straw and Posts. We sell on commission. PAUL Z. MARTIN PH. (717) 354-6671 Our Next Sale Feb. Bth, PUBLIC SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT LOCATION: Along Route 372, 1 Mile North of Wakefield, 16 Miles South of Lancaster, Fulton Town ship, Lancaster County, Penna. Wednesday, Jan. 25, 1967 12:30 P.M. 4 TRACTORS Ferguson 65 Diesel with Step-up Differential Lock, 1,070 Hours, with 3 - 14 in. Mounted Plows, (Trip Bottom); M Farmall (Overhauled in 1966); Farmall Super C with Cultivators and Mounted Cornplanter; 9N Ford Tractor and Mower; Myers Mower and Crusher, Fold Hay Rake, McCormick 55 T Baler, John Deere Flutter, Smoker 32 ft. Elevator, John Deere Forage Harvester, McCoimick Blower and Pipe, 3 Flat Rubber Tired Wagons, 2 with High Sides, McCormick Disc Harrow, Oliver Spring Hairow, Bullion Cultipacker, Ford Grain Drill, Gandy Fertilizer Drill, Masse> Harris Combine, P.T.0., New Holland Manure Spreader (175 bu.), Oliver 2-Row Corn Picker, Sander Manure Loader and Dirt Scoop, Wood Bros. Rotary Cutter, 2 2-Wheeled Trailers, Roto Cultivator, 50 Tons of Straw 1956 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN 1951 CHEVROLET TRUCK -Vt T (With Racks) S P 22 Surge Milker, 4 Stainless Steel Surge Milkers, 2 Stainless Steel Carrying Pails and Strainer, Double Stainless Steel Tubs, Dumping Station with 50 ft. Glass Lined, 5,000 Elec tiic Heater, 50 Gal. Electric Hot Water Heater, Utensil Rack, 35 Milk Cans, 2 Electiic Fence Units, 50 Cow Trainers, Stewart Clipmaster, 2 Feed Carts, 2 Wheelbarrows, Small Lime Spreader (Stable), Wheelbarrow Seed Sower, Radio and Clock, Manure Sled, Extension Ladder, Belt and Air Compressor, 12 x 38 Trac tor Chains, 2 Hay Racks, Log Chains, Forks, Shovels, other' articles too numerous to mention. TERMS BY PAUL and ROBERT ANKRUM Kreider and Biller, Auctioneers. LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED PA. APPLES IN STORAGE DROP 44 PERCENT HARRISBURG —Supplies of apples in cold storages thioughout the state totaled 2.720.000 bushels on November 30, down 44 percent from the same date a year ago, accord ing to the Pennsylvania Ciop Rcpoiting Soivice. Of the total, 1,635,000 bush els aie for processing, and 1,- 085.000 bushels are for fiesh maikets Cold storage apple holdings in the United Slates totaled 45,10'1.C00 bushels at the end of November, 5,000,000 bushels less than a year earlier.
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