Baby Beef Sale Closes Record ’67 Farm Show HARRISBURG The 51st Pennsylvania Farm Show rang down the curtain last Friday afternoon on another success ful and record-breaking per formance. Closing day attendance was estimated at 30,000 to put the five-day total at 710,000, a new all-time record topping the pre vious mark, set last year, by 10,000. The champion 4-H baby beef, Ann Peischel’s 1150-pound Angus, “Victory,” brought $4.60 a pound 71 cents short of last year’s record but only $338 60 short of the total paid for the 1966 champion. Danny George, operator of George’s Foodlmer in Bethle hem, who has been bidding on the champion steer for “at least seven years, and maybe . A. H. Hoffman Seeds, Inc. Laudisville, Pa. 898-2261 i... from the feed of efficient feeders ne Fui-O-Pep Gro-Plg '“N *•> J > */f ? ■SVfc’ *■ IMnL-Q-PSp jgro-psg^ Harold H. Terre Hill H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Inc. Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. Stevens, Penna. (^XXXXXX\\XXXXX\XXXV>^XXXXXX\\XXX\XX\XXXXX\! longer,” was successful this year. In making the purchase, he outbid Howard Johnson’s Restaurant, buyer of the cham pion steer at the previous 12 Farm Shows. Just as Howard Johnson’s missed on their 13th try on Friday the 13th Miss Pei schel, of Columbia County, had “a feeling” before the sale that Friday the 13th would not prove to be “too lucky.” The Penn Slate freshman, who hopes some day to become a veterinarian, collected $5,290 for her champion. Last year’s champion, shown by Billy Davis, was a 1060-pound Here foid that sold for $5,628 60 HESS LAMB CHAMP The champion 4-H lamb, a 108-pound Hampshire shown by Fred Hess, of Leola Rl, brought $1.50 a pound compar ed to the $4.75 price of last year. It, too, was brought by George’s Foodlmer Even the weather gave a record performance with YOU'VE GOT TO HAVE A SYSTEM-GO JAMESWAY POWER CHORINC unloads frozen silage every time The Volumatic silo distnbutor-unloader saves you time and bother by elim inating'drive drums and ad justing weights. Three-point ' suspension keeps unloader level. Power circle drive pro vides positive power that doesn't depend upon silage surface for traction. The Vol umatic unloads frozen silage or fluffy haylage every time. If you are able to raise healthy young pigs without high level antibiotic protection, then new Ful 0-Pep Gro-Pig Starter is your best buy That's because you get high level nutrition along with even higher level palatability—a combination that gives you fast, early, low cost gams—the kind that pay off in profits. Ask for new Ful-O-Pep Gro-Pig Starter ANOTHER FINE PRODUCT OF THE QUAKER OATS COMPANY Good Witmer BIG J POWER CIRCLE DRIVE LANDIS BROTHERS, INC. 1305 Manheim Pike, Lancaster, Pa, Phone 393-3906 S. H. Hiestand & Co., Inc. not a bit of precipitation dur ing the week-long show, al though a light rain began to fall a few moments after the the doors closed at 2 p.m. State Agriculture Secretary Lcland H. Bull termed the 51st Pennsylvania Farm Show "the best we ever had, even better than our 50th anniversary show last year. ‘‘Fine weather during the week, of course, helped swell the crowd this year. So, too. did the exhibits and displays that clearly show the trends of modern agncultuie where we have been and wheie we are going ” The record-bicaking turnout, Secretary Bull pointed out, demonstrates the interest of city people as well as those directly engaged in agriculture "Consumer attendance at the Show has been growing rapid ly in recent years,” he added "This interest is emphasized most strongly in the fact that total attendance at Farm Show NO DRIVE DRUMS TO LIFT NO WEIGHTS TO ADJUST Sailings Grubb Supply Co- Elizabethtown Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 21, 1967—1 } this year was more than double Pennsylvania’s farm popula tion,” Bull declared. Latest records indicate ap proximately 328,000 persons live on farms in the slate. SHUTTLE SERVICE The Slate Farm Products Show Commission announced that next year’s show will be held fiom January 13 through 19 It also indicated that steps already have been taken to pro vide shuttle service tiom dis tant parts of the parking lots to the Farm Show Buildings. Big crowds this year promoted the Commission to seek this type of seivice, but time was too short to complete arrange ments for buses, it was explain ed Filing Time Extended On Del. Valley Order The U S Department ol Agncultme has extended to Februaiy 7 the time for filing exceptions or comments to its Decembei 8 recommended de cision to amend the Delawaie Valley Fedeial milk maiketing order The initial deadline was January 3, latei extended to January 27 Both extensions weie requested by dairy laim er coopeiatives The recommended decision for amending the order would provide for paying all daily farmers uniformly through a market-wide pool, and revise some other pro visions. The Delawaie Valley oidei sets minimum puces paid to dany faimeis supplying milk for the Philadelphia and Wil mington menopolitan aieas, and foi most of southern New Jeisey Puces consumeis pay are not legulated by the Older Comments oi exceptions now may be filed up to Febiuaiy 7. Four copies should be sub mitted to the Hearing Cleik, Room 112-A, US Depaitment of Agriculture. Washington, D. C 20250, wheie they will be available for public inspection WOULD YOU BELIEVE... THE MEW BRADY GRINDER-MIXER Will EQUAL OR OUT PERFORM ANY OTHER MILLONTHEMARKET? Big claim? You bet it is' And ■we’ie piepaied to back it up with pi oof. Why not let us show you what makes the BRADY the finest in the field . . . at any pi ice. Just ask us for a FREE demonstiation on your faim. Xo obligation. It’s all the pi oof you’ll need! FARM GRINDER-MIXER Ha% and oar corn are no prob lem for a BRADY! Gnmls and to yom own feed speci fications. Piecision engineeied and time-tested to blend con contiates. giains and loughage —use in tilling silos. Will dc- Inei high nioistiue giound eai coin and giound shelled coin into silos up to 50' high. ALLEN H. MATZ New Holland Denver • New Holland (Continued from Page 2i COWS January 18, 1967 Receipts totaling 82 cows 5 bulls, and I heifer sold steadv. Fiesh IloliU’ins. 275 580 oth er biecds. 150 275 Bulls. 225 - 245. HORSES January 16, 1967 Leading an active andstiong sale tiend was the sale ol a lop pm of mules foi $ll7O (see s'oiy on this paste) Re ceipts tc'aled 317 head Riding hoises, 110 475. dnving hoi ses. 110-275 killeis 6'j-7 cents per lb Pony inaics. 15 45 geldings, 1550 Mules, pans, 375 1170. singly, 140 350 Dialt hoises, pans. 375 580. c mgly. 140 275. HOGS January 16, 1967 Hogs aveiagecl 25 cents low ei as 922 head sold Retail, 22 50 23 50. wholesale (U S 1-3), 21 50 22. heavyweights, 20- 2150 The 25 shoats ofleied biought sllsl3 each CALVES January 16, 1967 Calves sold steady as 117 head moved Choice and Pume, 38-44. Good and Low Choice, 35 50-37 50 Standaid 30-35 Common, 18 28 50 Top Pair Of Mules Brings $ll7O At Sale “The best team I’ve c old in 25 vtai s ” was tne way New' Holland Sales Stable’s man agei John Gmgnch dssenbed a pan of sou el Kcntucky-bi ed mules which biought $ll7O at Monday’s hoise sale The p°u of thi ee conung foui yeai-olds had a combined weight ol 3150 pounds and were bought by a Westmoie land County man who Ging uch said, plans to show them The pan was leased in Mis soun, and cieated some spmt ed bidding when they weie auctioned at New Holland Robert K. Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading Patz Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeders Quarryville, R. D. 1 Hensel 548-2559 liiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii!in The Money Crop HAYMOR ALFALFA Fresh seed mixed and Inoculated (FREE) Save with HEIST’S Seeds Reist Seed Co, Vlount Joy, Pa. Ph. 653-4121 Finest Quality Seeds (Since 1925) iiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimimiimi
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