• For The Form Wife (Continued from Page 10) Something different in the wa\ of hamburgers— NICK 'N NUTTY I’j pounds giound b:cf 2 cups blanched suite J pea nuts, finely chopped or g oun 1 Vj te«.poon sa’t hi mbuiger buns, split s.nd teamed Butler, softened Majonna.se or salad dress ing lettuce leaves lomsto slices (1 medium tomato) Fiench fried pct./oes Combme bee! with half of permits and salt Snape into 8 patties Dip both sides of pat ties in lemaming peanuts Press peanuts into meat Gull slowly on preheated gull or frypan 15 to 20 minutes, or until patties aie lightly BANK HOURS: Main Office, Millersville and Manheim Twp. Branch: Mon. thru Thurs. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Fri. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Lititz Branch: Mon. thru Frl. 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Fii. 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. All Drive In Windows and Walk Up Window Open Until 6 P.M Monday through Friday except Manheim Twp. Bianch open ’til 8 p.m. Fri, THIS MILLERSVILLE BRANCH LITITZ SPRINGS,BRANCH MANHEIM TWP. BRANCH , 302 N. George St. Broad & Main Sts., Lititz 1415 Lititz Pike, Lancaster Maximum Insurance $15,000 per depositor Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation browned. Spread buns with 1 cup dairy sour cream at butter, then with mayonnaise room temperature or salad dressing. Place pat- In a bowl lightly mix beef, tics on bottom halves of buns, onion, olives, eggs, salt and Cover top halves with lettuce pepper, just until blended: and tomato. Seive hot, with shape into 24 balls In a skil- French filed potatoes. Makes let melt butter; biown meat 6 sandwiches. balls slowly on all sides and cook until done Place in cas serole Pour oil fat in skillet rescivmg 2 tablespoons, blend in (lour. Add water, lemon juice, Woiccsteishne sauce pnpnka and salt, cook ovci medium heat, staling con stantly, until thickened Cook 2 additional minutes Remove from heal; caiefully blend in soui cieam, poui ovei meal balls Place in oven foi 10-15 minutes Garnish with chopped paisley, if desired Makes 8 seivmgs BAKED IN SOUR CREAM pounds giound beef ■ cup chopped onion cup chopped pnniento sluflert olives Cjtss. slightly beaten teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper cup Cj stick) buttei tablespoons Hour : cup water teaspoon lemon mice teaspoon Worcesteishire sauce 2 Vj V, ■teaspoon paprika teaspoon salt WE'VE DONE AN AWFUL LOT OF FARMING . INDIRECTLY! Because we offer so many helpful bank ing services and bank credit is the best all-around farm credit, we've done an awful lot of local farming...indirectly. If you need money for any sound farm purpose, come talk it over with us. You'll be glad you didl LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA “Serving Lancaster from Center Square since 1889’’ „A Trustee for the Lane. Co, Foundation MEAT BALLS FREE PARKING at places listed below. Bring parking ticket to Bank for validation Any Buhrman Paiking Lot Grant Street Parking Lot - 48 W. Grant St. Kendig Parking Lot - 36 S. Queen St. Hager’s Watt & Shand Parking Garage Swan Parking Lot - Vine & Queen Sts. Stoner Parking Lot Corner Vine & Queen Sts. AL BANK You can’t hold a man down unless you stay down with him Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, January 21, 1967—11 or t Farm Wife and Family Ladies. Have You Heard? .. „ By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist Important To Plan Yom Mending Plan ahead and choose a time when vou don’t have to hmiy and you can make mend ing the family clothing moie enjoyable and less of a chore Piompt and skillful mending can pro long the life of clothing Look over gar ments legularly with an eye to needed mend ing and you can cut down on your mending time It’s easiei to mend breaks, tears, or weak spots wdnle they’ie small than it is after they grow into big ones It’s always easier to “prevent” with a couple of stitches than to “cure” later on with many stitches But, be certain the garment is worth the time and effort it will take to repair it Adequate mending supplies over doorways, unsafe exten* and sewing tools aie essential Slo n cords, lights that dim. They help to make the job fuses that blow, television pic easier to do and save time and tures that shrink, and toasters energy Be sme you have or 110 ns that take foiever to everything you need in one heat are among the signs that place and you’ll get y our mend- mean it’s time to have an mg completed quickly electucian check the electric It’s well to lemember that sjstem in your house proper repair of clothing is an important part of good groom- ing. Worth Knowing When you shop foi iugs or carpets, “tip shearing” is a term you might heai Tip shearing refers to a loop cai pet with some loops cut at random This gives the mg or carpet a handsome look and tends to hide traffic patterns A housecleaning aid for cleaning and polishing is a dusting cloth of double-napped flannel, pretreated with wax and (silicone The cloth comes in colois and as washable in hot soap or synthetic deter gent suds Not enough and overloaded outlets, wues undei mgs and Save time! Save on labor! Van Dale GIANT CAPACITY A powerful 9 inch auger is offset within a giant, fully enclosed 12-inch steel hood. This unique design provides a reservoir for silage and feeds the full length of the feeder, greatly increasing the capacity and speed with which feed moves to the livestock. Handles the output of the largest silo a nloader with ease. FEEDS ENTIRE HERD AT ONE TIME Feed is augered the full length of the enclosed hood and Is then automatically dumped into the feeding bunk, providing equal rations to each head of livestock at the same time. No cattle crowding. No spilled and wasted feeds. When feed is dumped, the hood closes automatically and repeats as often as needed. SILENT, CLOG-PROOF OPERATION Powerful 9-inch auger never touches the metal hood; eliminating metal-to-metal friction and providing the right clearance to prevent binding and clogging even when mate rials have high moisture content. Horsepower requirements are greatly reduced too. LET US GIVE YOU COMPLETE DETAILS OF THB AMAZING VAN-DALE S-17 BUNK FEEDER CALEB M. WENGER X. D. 1 Drumore Center KI 8-2116 Quarryville, P*. Oveily sweet snacks take away the desue for the next meal and help to promote *Dc h because it may not be possible to hiush the teeth ngnt aftei eating Consider snacks pait of the total food eaten during the day And re member to plan nututious snacks just as >ou do legular meals MULCH FLOWER GARDEN After the ground freezes is an ideal time to mulch your flower garden say extension ornamental hoiticultuie specia lists Use hay, straw, oak leaves, peat moss, or sawdust. Stl7 AUTOMATIC BUNK FEEDER THOMAS
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