Weekly Poultry Report Eastern Pennsylvania And New Jersey WEEKLY SUMMARY LIVE HENS Prices on light hens un changed to v 4 c higher. Demand good. Offerings adequate in some instances, barely ade quate in others. Demand for heavy hens fair. Offerings bare ly adequate Few flocks were negotiated at 13'4 -14 c per lb. On 5-6 lb. fowl at farm, pay ing prices ranged 8-9 c per lb. Pnces pand at farm: Light Hens 6-7V<, mostly 6%-7c; Heavy Hens too few to report. TURKEYS No trading reported. Sup plies of heavy toms adequate. Demand light. Most movement based on prior price commit ments Fogelsville January 3, 1967 (Prices paid dock weights, cents per lb., except where noted ) Hens, Light 6-10, mostly 7; January 4, 1967 Hens, Heavy 7-19, Pullets 16 M> - An active and highei trend 32, mostly 24-26; Roasters 7-26, prevailed as 222 cows, 6 bulls mostly 15-20; Ducks 20-20 %; and 8 heifers sold. Fresh Hoi- Drakes 31-34%; Turkeys, Toms stems, 275-630, Guernseys, 150- 13%-22, Turkeys, Hens 18- 250; other breeds, 150-350 31%, mostly 18-25; Rabbits 41- Bulls, 140-275, heifers, 225-295. 56, mostly 48-54. Pigeons (per BUY NOW AND SAVE Take Advantage of OUR WINTER DISCOUNTS i WINTER FERTILIZERS NEED NOT BE TAKEN BEFORE FEBRUARY Early Payment will SAVE on Spring Delivered Goods Call 392-4963 or 392-0374 for More Information ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO. MFRS OF COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS GROFFTOWN RD. Next to Waterworks pair) 65-1.65, mostly 65-85; Jumbo Squab 90. Total coops sold: 704. Eastern Shore Exchange WEEKLY SUMMARY Lot-average broiler and fry er prices averaged strongly higher for the third straight week, gaining nearly \V> cents to average 5.22 cents per lb. this week The day-by-day range of pnc es paid improved steadily with the week’s low occurring on Tuesday at 13.4 cents, and the high on Thursday at 17.0 cents per lb Sales in this second consecu tive holiday week also con tinued to gam, increasing 66,- 000 to total 957,500. • New Holland (Continued from Page 2) COWS HORSES January 2, 1967 Plain saddle horses sold steady, all others averaged $lO - higher. Riding horses, 85- 275; driving horses, 110-280; killers, 5-5 Ms cents per lb. Mules, pairs, 350-650; singly, 130-265. Draft horses, pairs, 275-440; singly, 140-220 Pony mares and geldings, 15-50. HOGS January 2, 1967 Hog receipts totaled 1203 head. Retail, 22.50-23.50; whole sale (U.S 1-3), 21.75-22 50; heavyweights, 20-2150 Sows, 16 50-19.50. No shoats offered. CALVES January 2, 1967 With receipts totaling 118 head, Choice and Prune brought 38-44 50; Good and Low Choice, 35 50-37 50; Stand ard, 30-35; Common, 18-28.50. • Vintage (Continued from Page 2) Good 39-43, Standard 34.50-39, Utility 28 50-34, Cull 2550-28, 70-90 lbs 23.50-26.50. HOGS 296 Barrows and gilts 75-125 Lower. BARROWS AND GILTS US 1 -2 190-230 lbs. 22.25-22 85, US 1-3 185-235 lbs $2l-2185, 2-3 225-250 lbs. 20.10-20.60. • Chicago (Continued from Page 2) In the carlot dressed meat trade, steer beef was steady to 1.00 Higher, most advance on Choice heifer beef steady to 50 higher Cow beef steady to 1 50 lower, most of the decline on Canner and Cutter. slaughter steers • Lancaster Prime 1150-1350 lbs 25 50-26 00, (Continued from Page 21 with seven loads at the latter Good 39 . 44) 3540; price on Wednesday. High i* v qq-35 Cull 25-30 Few Choice and Prime 1150-1400 m ’ lbs. 24.75-25 75. Late 25 00 up 60 £°J * S J* 0 ' 25 - _ Choice 24 25-25 25, several HOGS 850 - Barrows and loads average Choice to Prime mostly 50c Lower Sows 1400-1500 lbs 23.50-25.00, most- scarce. ly 24.00-24.50. High Choice and BARROWS AND GILTS NEW LOW PRICES! BIG SAVINGS ON JAMES WAY POWER CHORING SPECIALS! LANDIS BROS., INC. Manheim Pike, Lancaster Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 7, 1967—S Weekly New York Egg Mkt. From Monday, January 2nd to Friday, January 6lh Mon. WHITE Ex. Fey. Hywts Fey. Hywts Fey. Med. No. 1 Med. Pullets Peewees BROWN Ex. Fey. Hywts Fey. Hywts. Fey. Med. Pullets Peewees MIXED Fey. Hywts. Standards Checks TREND. Large still generally cleared m this area and most of the south, but still reported in surplus in midwest; small sizes slow to clear here. Copyright 1966 by Urner Barry Publications Prime 950-1150 lbs 25 50-26.- 00, six loads at latter price, Choice 900-1150 lbs 24 75-25 75, Mixed Good and Choice 900- 1350 lbs 23 50 24 75, Good 23 DO -24 00, Standard and Low Good 22 00-23 50. Wed. Tues. 40 V 2 40 42 Vs 41M* 36-37 36 35 Va 34 M* 33 34 29 34^-35 29 40^ 42 v 2 41% 37 35 29 41-41 Vz 39 V 2 36 US 1-2 190-240 lbs 22 25-23, US 1, 195-285 lbs $23 to mostly 23 50, few lots on Tuesday at $24, US 1-3 180-250 lbs 2150- 22 25, US 2-3 190-250 lbs $2l - 50, 250-270 lbs 19 50-20 50. SOWS US 1-3 350-450 lbs, 16-16 75, 400-575 lbs 15-16 SHEEP 325 Wooled lambs mostly steady Ewes absent. WOOLED LAMBS Choice 75-110 lbs 24 50-25 50, few 75- 90 lbs. $26, Good 60-110 lbs, 23.50-25, Utility 21-23 50 WINCHARGER PORTABLE GENERATORS P.T.O. 15,000 watts Prices Storting at $425.00 and up PORTABLE ALTERNATORS 3000 watts - 27 amps at 110 volts, 13 5 amps at 220 volts, 6 hp engine P.T.O. GENERATORS 15,000 watts 115/230 volts 520 RPM 1 PH with fuses 15,000 watts 115/230 volts 1000 RPM 1 PH with fuses 12,000 watts 115/230 volts 520 RMP 1 PH with circuit breaker We Install and Service What We Sell Bee Supply 1027 Dillerville Road, 24 Hour Service Daily 393-3906 FrL Thurs. 40V4 40 40 Vi* 40 34-3414 33 '/a -34 30-30V4 27 34V2-35 33 Vi*-34 31-32 40i/4 401/2 34-34% 30-30% 27 35% 31-32 27 32Vz-33 Agway Line Center Lancaster Ph. 394-0541