incoster Farming, Saturday, November 26, 1986 >ai • SWCD (Continued from Page 1) ' scnig, Lonmtcr County, raid that in the Important task of getting conservation on the land, the conservation direc tors themselves must be thor oughly sold on the practices and on the ultimate objective of such applied practices. All panelists stressed the need for districts to analyze their problems, and to enlist the aid of all cooperating agen cies and individuals in getting the job done. State directors elected the following association officers for 1967: president. David Woods. Mercer County; Ist vice president, Lee Adamson, Washington County: 2nd vice president, Lester Crouse, Bucks County; secretary, Mrs. Sophie Westgate, Pike County; and treasurer. Byron Breisch. Schuylkill County. - William Voight, executive di rector of the Susquehanna Riv er Basin Advisory Committee, spoke to the directors at a breakfast meeting. Several state legislators, in cluding Sherman Hill from Lancaster County, attended the two-day meeting The Lancaster County SWCD will host next year’s state con ference which will be held No vember 8-10 at the Host M'otel, Lancaster • Baby Beef Show (Continued from Page 1) head, he said Steers not se lected for the Farm Show will remain at the Yards for the distnct show the following day All Farm Show steers will be taken back home following Tuesday’s roundup The Southeast District Show will begin at 9 am on Wed- Bay less Heating Oil this jcar! Let us install a Texaco Jet Flame Booster on your oil burner. Tests in homes prove that this new Texaco flame-control development can increase burner efficiency by as much as 42%. You get more heat from less oil. Give us a call for a free an al' sis of jour oil-heating equipment.-No obligation. fFuel Chief] We Give S&H Green ,S}amps Garber Oil Co. Texaco Fuel Chief Heating Oil 105 Fairview St, HifOUNT JOY. PA. Ph. 653-1821 need«y, followed by the sale of all animals at 1 p.m. Each club member should be pres ent to show his own steer, the county agent said, adding that a special county showmanship contest will be held following Tuesday’s roundup. The top showman will be awarded a Hereford steer calf. In the final period before the roundup, Smith urged all beef club members to spend time with their animals every day. In addition to careful grooming, he advised a mini mum daily walking period of one-half mile. • Holstein Typfe (Continued from Page 1) The improved breed service is expected to have wilder ac ceptance and practical appli cation for all segments of the dairy industry: purebred breed ers, commercial dairymen, edu cators and extension person nel, students of dairy hus bandry and breeding, and es pecially within the A. I. ani mal breeding industry. Descriptive type classifica tion continues to use the in dustry standard alphabetic des ignations for general appear ance, dany character, body and mammary, plus a final, or over all score Beyond this, a practical de scription will be provided for each of 12 major parts of the cow considered to be of eco- u Lancaster Automobile Club Over 50,000 Members in Lancaster Coun!y enjoy these services . . . $ X X X X X X I X X X :«de«ai nomlc and genetic Importance tp the dairyman. This list cov en stature, head, front end, hack, rump, hind legs, feet and five parts of the mammary system. A single condition de scribing each of these parts will be assigned from a list of up to five graphic terms. Primary worth of the im proved program is to the breeder-dairyman who seeks to measure bis progress in herd conformation, produce more saleable stock, select bulls for herd -improvement and use more complete information in certain herd management op erations. • Vo.-Ag. Teacheis (Continued from Page 1) jobs in all these areas, not farming alone. For this reason, more teachers are needed, many to teach in new areas. Education in vocational ag riculture is now open to any high school student who wants work experience in the agricul tural field he intends to enter, A boy without farm land can enroll in vocational agricul ture if he is interested in an agribusiness career. Practical work experience is now available from part-time work in local businesses or in school plots and shops. How ever, supervision of the entire program is still the responsi bility of the agriculture teach er; he must coordinate work experience with classroom in struction. For Christmas, give a membership in the 355 days of driving pleasure WMSMI tSi'EAld GIFT 7ASV 70 CUV —SI3HE TO PLEASE PACKAGED O A CCLBRrUL HOLIDAY BOX *** ' The new law give* new op- dynamic field of a< portunities and additional ro- Berwick point* out. spomibilities to prepare youth for vocational agricuit and adults for the many oc- ers is critical and it cupations in the broad and tlnue. DAIRYMEN CATTLEMEN Here’* th« answer to your MANURE PROBLEMS MANURE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Saves Time —Saves Fertility Juft tempo w wuk manure, keddlnc Mt feed Imo Un Way koldfnc tank Whu m'M ready, tbt powerful i»ltator and aolf-prlnlnf chopper Impel!* K*lU put the hoaHenlcad mixture Into Imj W* field spreader. No alas—»» HW. For complete information on the EASY WAY DISPOSAL SYSTEM write CALEB M. WENGE R. D. 1, Drumore Center KIB-2116, QUARRYVILLI i 3 In 3 t A A A AAAA ,» t A t VA A iffrii Thi tui