Weekly Poultry Report Eastern Pennsylvania And New Jersey WEEKLY SUMMARY LIVE iHENS Prices irregularly %c high er to %c lower on light hens. Demand good in New Jersey, only fair in Penna. In Penna. many handlers diverting full effort to other classes of poul try resulting in light move ment of fowl both by dealers and dressing plants. Offerings were plentiful and occasional ly excessive. Open market, non-contract, at farm sales of capons (MO lb.) ranged 31-36 c with prices generally at 32-34 C on straight run no grade discount basis. Demand good for moderate offerings. Iso lated lots of 7-7 % lb. selected roasters were priced at 25c. Young Muscovy ducks, 6-8 lb. sizes, ranged 28-32 c, mostly 30- 32c in small quantities. Oc casional flocks of geese were priced at 30-32 c. Prices paid (f() Farm: Light hens 6-7, most ly 7c; heavy hens 14-15, most ly 14c. Fogelsvillc November 15, 1966 (Prices paid dock weights, CUSTOM SPRAYING HIGH PRESSURE WASHING and DISINFECTING in all types of poultry houses. MAYNARD L. BEITZEL Witmer, Pa. Phone 392-7327 E. M. HERR "Pioneers A practical way to convert an old building to cages. Poultry Equipment is our Business Cages is our Specialty. Also, we sell, install and service Hart Cup Watering Systems, Brock Fe.ed Bins, Complete Bramco r Oakes Poultry and Hog Equipment and all types of ventilation. R. D. #l, WILLOW STREET, PA. PH. 464-3321 cents per lb., except where noted.) Hens, Light 6%-10%, most ly 7-7 %; Hens, Heavy 7%-21. mostly 7%-13; Pullets 18'/a-31, mostly 26-29; Roasters 10 %- 28, mostly 20-25; Capons 20-44, mostly 36-41; Ducks 9%-36%, mostly 28-32; Drakes 1046, mostly 2843; Geese 12-36%; Turkeys, Toms 1534, mostly 22-28; Turkeys, Hens 3144, mostly 34-38; Rabbits 2540, mostly 33-36; Guineas 45-62%, mostly 55-60; Pigeons (per pair) 55-175, mostly 65-75; Jumbo Squab 85. Total coops sold: 1667. Eostern Shore Exchange WEEKLY SUMMARY The weekly lot-average broil er and fryer price declined more than 1-cent this week to average 13.69 cents per lb. Prices ranged steadily lower through the week reaching a low point of 121 cents on Thursday. The week’s high oc curred on Monday at 15.7 cents. Sales for the week also de clined, reaching 946,400 head, down 354,000 head from last week. EQUIPMENT, INC of Layer Cages" • New Holland (Continued from Page 2) COWS November 16, 1966 Receipts totaling 169 cows, 1 bull, and 11 heifers sold steady. Fresh Holsteins, 275- 900; Guernseys, 175-340; other breeds, 175475. Bull, 300; heifers, 150-190. HORSES November 14, 1966 A slow to steady trend pre vailed as 272 head sold. Rid ing horses, 85-235; driving horses, 110-350; killers, 5-5 Vi cents per lb. Pony mares and geldings, 15-65. No mules list ed. HOGS November 14, 1966 Hogs averaged 50 cents to $1 lower with 749 head offered. Retail, 22-23.50; heavyweights, 20.50-21; wholesale (U.S. 1-3), 21-2150, sows, 16-19. CALVES November 14, 1966 Receipts totaled 130 head and sold steady despite an ab sence of prime offerings. Choice, 3640, Good and Low Choice, 32-35 50, Stand'aid, 26- 3150, Common, 18-25 50. • Vintage (Continued from Page 2) gilts 50-75 c Higher US 1-2 210-235 lbs 23-23 75, US 1-3 190-250 lbs 22 10-22 85, 2-3 215- 250 lbs 21-2185 EANCASTER FARMING' Lancaster County’s Own Farm ■Weekly PO Box 26G - Lititz, Pa 175*3 }f£ice 22 U Mam St, Lititz, Pa 17143 Lancaster 394-3047 or Phone Lititz 620-2191 Don Timmons, Editor Campbell, Advertising Robert G Dn ector Subsci iption price $2 per lent in Lancaster Counti, elseuhete Established Xot ember 4, 19 Vi Published, e\ei\ Saturday b\ Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa Second Class Postage paid at Lititz Pa 17543 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 19, 1966 Weekly New York Egg Mkt. From Monday, November 14th to Friday, November 18th Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Frl. WHITE Ex. Fey. Hywts. Fey. Hywts. Fey. Med. 48 47 44 No. 1 Med. 42*2 38 29 Pullets Peewees BROWN Ex. Fey. Hywts Fey. Hywts. 48 47 44 Fey. Med. Pullets Peewees MIXED Fey. Hywts. Standards Checks 38Vz TREND. Local market closely cleared on large white, other grades usually sufficient for demand. Copyright 1966 by Urner Barry Publications HOGS November 12, 1966 21.35-23 50, 220-240 lbs, 2110- Receipts totaled 188 head 23 35, 240 lbs and up, 19 25- Lightweights, 2010 21, 180-20021 10. Sows 16-17 35. Buy Now And Save Extra Baler Twine 9,000 & 10,000 foot Made from Pure No. 1 East African Fiber Order Now At SPECIAL For Delivery ■■■ SMOKETOWN, PA. 48 48Vi 47 47Vi ,44 44 42'£ 42‘-2 38 29 29 38V Z 48 48 47 47Vz 44 44 38 38V 2 29 29 47 47»/z 451/2 39-3940 lbs., 21 35-22-85, 200-220 lbs. on Holland LOW PRICES After January 49 l z 48‘z 44 42'z 384 48^2 48'/2 38M- 38'z 40 *-2 If You Can*t Afford To GorgeJ Your Bam • • • Usa MARTIN’S BARN-DR!! • Kwpi k«m dt m mi ttnHtiy • SwMtmi lh» ul • RvAicu wtippinf row nM/utm inc. >iu* i*u, Gap 442-4148 Terre Hill 445-3455 New Holland 354-2113 Phone 397-3539 3