Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 19, 1966, Image 13

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    13(1(1 T MrnnAlr . T' . w —spoilage—rmn
I * ,uw * COTUUUR in the foreword, Secretary of decoy.
Of Agriculture “ The resuMs of
m. •ill . notw . thlt U. S. food to protect our food are evi-
NOW AvftllftblG , n « ne K° f f l ll e f mlra ’ dent * In our own country, food
fj™. ’ b .VL th -! 1 < OU f c l ualit y is high, the abundance
The U. S. Department of Ag- f°° d abundance dldn t just great, and the cost relatively
riculture 1966 Yearbook is now happen. low. Overseas, we have sup
off the press, and ready for “The authors in this Year- pllcd 98 Percent of food aid
distribution, according to a re- book of Agriculture point out received by the less developed
cent announcement by USDA. that we have to figrt 10,000 nations
This year’s book, which kinds of insects for our food,”
deals with protecting the food the Secretary says. “We have
supply against pests, disease, to combat 1,500 plant diseases
and damage, is titled “Pro- and 250 animal diseases We
I. ,
UREA 45 1
WORKS For the Farmer
Attention Farmers!
TUESDAY, NOV. 22, 1966
9:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Free Coffee and Milk
Twentieth Century
180 AMP Model 408 Welder
Cuts faster, saves time
Cuts cleaner, saves work
Uses less rod, saves money
Only one turn
Magnetic shunt control
Never wear or burn out
Reach any amp needed
More copper and steel
Rod does not stick
Easier to hold-arc
Easier to strike arc
• 20 year Warranty • Pilot Light
• 115 Volt Electrical Outlet
• Large 8” Rubber Wheels
Tr y This New Revolutionary 408 Welder
Important Message Starting Friday, Nov. 25
thnl' Dec. 31, we will be open Friday evenings
til 9 P.M. arid Saturdays until 5 P.M.
rree Parking Always.
24 Hour service daily f=- jpn. -
>&- 6 \*l > j * . ■s’'
“Piotecting our food is a
giant job, and a vital one for
both America and the world ”
In 416 pages and 105 photo
graphs the Yeaibook follows
our food supply from the faim
er’s field to the saucepan on
the stove. The Yearbook de
scribes every stage of safe
guaiding food fiom insects,
lodents, bacterial contamina
tion, and loss of body-build
mg values.
Men and women in 500 dif
ferent occupations help pio
. tect our food, the Yeaibook re
ports They include chemists,
entomologists, bacteriologists,
hoiticultunsts, meat and poul
try inspectois, quality contiol
1 specialists, refngei ation engi
neers, nututiomsts, and food
technologists. The housewife,
too, plays a key role in pioper
selection and prepai ation of
food for her family.
The health and vigor of a
nation depend in great pait on
the food it eats, and the Unit
ed States has one of the fin
est food supplies enjoyed by
any nation. Yet, the Yearbook
points out, Americans spend
only around 18 percent of
their take-home pay for food,
compared with nearly 30 per
cent spent by Britons, over 40
percent by Russians, and 50
percent or more by citizens of
the less developed countries
Because of the high efficien- ea< -h have a limited number of
cy with which we can produce, co P ies °f the Yearbook foi
process, and market our food, free distnbution to conslitu
the great bulk of U S produc- en * s Copies of Piotectmg Our
tion icsources is used to pro- Food,” the 1966 Yearbook of
duce othei goods and services, Agncultuie, may also be ob
like homes, schools, autos, and t alne( l f° r $2 50 each fiom the
TV sets This adds up to our Supenntendent of Documents,
high level of -living Government Pimtmg Office,
New John Deere Grinder-
Mixer Processes
82 Bushels in Minutes
Grind an 82-bushei tankful mix in 10
to 20 minutes , . . add concentrates;or hay as
you grind . . . mix on the way to the* feedlot
and unload in 5 minutes or less. That’s-the
kind of time- and labor-saving performance you
can expect from the new 400 Grinder^
.Mixer. Stop in soon and see this ||K^9|
convenient and durable outfit;'
Use our convenient, confidential Credit Plan
M. S. Yearsley & Sons Landis Bros. Inc.
West fhester 696-2990 Lancaster' 393-3906
A. B. (p. Groff, Inc. Wenger Implement Co.
New Hollancf! 354-8001 r Back '' BU 4-4467
V r £. K
Sholzberger's 1 Alan Beyer
i Elm V V . - 665-2141 Christiana LY 3-5687
ELLIS MENTZER, right, receiving the Farm
Management Business Analysis award from Pennsyl
vania Farmers’ Association president Gerald Biggs
at the recent PFA convention held at Altoona. Dele
gates from the 50, county-member organizations de
veloped policy, elected state directors, and conducted
business of the state organization Lancaster County
received the top membership award. Voting delegates
and officers attending from the county in addition to
Mentzer and Charles Kocher, Millersville Rl, who
supervises the PFA farm management program in
Lancaster County, were: Mr. and Mrs. Noah Wenger,
Stevens Rl; Jay Newcomer, Mount Joy Rl; Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Wivell, Columbia Rl; and state director
Harold Rohrer, Lancaster
Senators and Congressmen
■4 ~~
i . *
Washington, DC. 20402
The Yeai books of Agucul
tuie are a continuing chronicle
of Amencan agucuJtuie, with
a history dating back to 1844
as an annual agncultural re
port In 1895 'this lepoit was
designated in law as theYeai
book of Agiicultuie, and in
1936 the fiist modern Yeai
book on one subject (genetics)
was issued Dining iccent
yeais the Yeaibooks have been
devoted to subjects of incieas
ingly bi oader intei est
U/arm /Horning
-' ■
>y heater
This budget-priced circulator
has genuine lifetime porce
lain finish and the famous,
patented 4-flue firebrick lin
ing. Holds 60 lbs, of coal and
heats up to four rooms. A
terrific buy!
New Holland, Pa.
teeet-i-W 1 •> w* •> »> <