November 1 19, 196 ft * Epr the —v- frm Wife F° r Veal . . . BEBNCB VEAL S•, ■ady to serve, heat for about lf> This is nice to serve on a bullet sir." „ :;arr.-£- x: inch or larger skillet, until golden. Add next seven ingre dients; cook 1 minute Add to mato paste; heat gradually lor 5 minutes, blending in bouil lon. Strain tomatoes; add tomato-bouillon mixture Simm er gently, uncovered, IVz hours. In a large' skillet; saute veal' quickly in Vz remaining shortening, a few pieces at a time. Add remaining shorten ing as needed. Remove. Saute onion and mushrooms; cover; cook 20' minutes. Add green peppers; cover; cook ten minu tes. Stir in tomato sauce and meat. Simmer 10 minutes. Cool; refrigerate (or freeze for later use) To heat, simmer 15 minutes. Saute garlic in melted butter or margarine 5 minutes. Re- Holland Concrete ■ Stone Blocks I Ready-Mixed .. I „ Metal I Concrete .... , I Windows New Holland Concrete Products! New Holland, Pa. 354-2114 J LABOR-SAVING SNOW POSHER awl IstSi3 IH Even with the handy long hand! this sturdy-snow pusher weigh! less than 4-ibs: But it’s built to move snowrfast without' backai ~, winter after winter. The ribl aluminum blade has a high carbi steel wear strip. Select hardwood handle has smooth sable fiinish. Available from your feediond farm supply deale move; stir In parsley. Quickly toss snreddcd wheat in buttered parbley and cook until goiaei.. Serve veul over warm, toasted sm edded'wheat. Makeb 6 to 8 servings.. VEAL CHOPS ALMOND 4 veal rib chopb, y. inch thick 3 tablespoons lal cup chopped ceieij Vt cup chopped onion cup sliced musnroon,? I’ taoiespoons soy sauct j cup chicken bouiaui I tamespoon comstaicn V ci’p slivered almom, ’ toaste< lirowi: veal in hot lal. Add ceieionion, ana musnrooms. Cool until tenner. Acta sov sauce and % cup nouillon. Com, Simmer 3u minutes Commnt remaimi g vr cup nouillon and cornstarch Stir into veai mixtuit Cool b minute* or until thickened Stir in almonds. Makes * ser,- mg-. VEAL RISOTll) 4 veal shoulder cnop. Flour Vo cup chopped omon 2 tablespoons fat 2 beef bouillon cubes 2 cups boiling water Vt cup uncooked' nee t pound can whole tomatoes 2 tablespoons chopped' parsley % teaspoon oregano V£ teaspoon, basil 1 teaspoon salt Dip veal chops in flour and. brown with onion in hot fat Dissolve bouillon cubes in boil ing water and add to chops in skillet. Add remaining ingre dients. Cover Simmer 35 to 40 minutes or until veal is tender 4 servings. i ' ' Distributed by! New Holland Supply Co., !■ New Holland ' I|S ft I Vz inch thick VEAL PAPRIKA ON • . POPPYSEED NOODLES 3 to 4 pound veal shoulder ioas 1 slices bacoi ■*' 2 tablespoons cnopped onion *r cup floui V, teaspoons salt 1 tablespoon paprika i cup watei i cup dairy sour'cream Remove veal liom bones and cut into 1 inch cubes. Cut ba ron into 1 inch pieces and fry until crisp. Add onions. Toss veal cuoes in a mixture of the tionv, salt, and paprjka. Brown veal in hoi Dacon drippings. Add watei, cover, and cook slowiv 35 to 40 minutes. Add moio water it necessary. Re move covei ano stir in sour cream Serve hot oyer Poppy seed Noodle? POPPYSEED NOODLES: Cook an 8 ounce package of fine egg noodles according to nackage 'directions. Drain. In a small saucepan melt Vz stick butter or margarine. Stir in 1 tablespoon poppyseeds. Pour DE-STRO The Guaranteed RAT KILLER With Prolin (Improved Warfarin) Kills Mice Faster Meal & Pellets Both with special* lure Longenecker’s Hdwe., Manheim J. B. Hostetter & Son, Mount Joy I. B. Graybill & Son, Refton MusSer’s Store & Mill, The Buck Wilhelm Hdwe., Myerstown Trimble Hdwe., Lititz Galen Hdwe., Lincoln Lititz Pet Shop, Lititz Eby’s Mill, Inc., Lititz *V" 4 v over noodles and toss lightly, 6 to 8 servings.'" ft » m k VEAL SCALLOPINI 1 pound veal cutlets V 2 cup flour 1 teaspoon salt Va teaspoon pepper 2 teaspoons paprika 3 tablespoons fat 8 ounce can tomato sauce 1 teaspoon oregano, crushed 1 crushed garlic clove 1 teaspoon finely chopped onion 2% ounce jar sliced mush rooms, drained 1 cup chicken bouillon V* cup chopped green pepper In a plastic bag mix flour, salt, pepper and paprika. Coat meat in seasoned flour Brown meat in hot fat. To tomato sauce add oregano, crushed garlic, and onion. Blend well; Pour off drippings from meat in skillet Add mushrooms, chicken bouillon, green pepper, and tomato mixture. Cover and cook over low heat 25-minutes or until tender. Serve over green noodles, i£ desired. 4 servings. (s==, '=s(|T \*%l V