mi begun, by Annette Long; Lind* end. Neacr DeLong, Somartaf Situ. Fa» 'cv . Litditz R 3, who bad the Cham- r *' wew nurdused bv member* P ion «otri«e in 1983 and 1984. ahey, lititz Rl; Elmer Landis, arow ~IOWll»§ Contest of the Lancaster Klwanls Club, R 3??? rt L Pennsylvania’s 1967 s t 9, who traditionally sponsor the ®** . goim ® **st 3^* ir ' Plowing contest will be t-ni? oounlty-wide roundup and host of course, Sue Her- Manheam R 3; Tod and Tad Wned with a foiage prom,! 11 ' ithe 4-H’ers at lunch. Guest n^ te u it four l n a Herr, Manheun JU; Ann Le- program August-30 and 3, * speaker was Dwight Swartz, 1 ™ w!il } her «**"* win - ? ve J' QuanyviUe Rl; and the 1,000-acre Somerset Shl ! Penn State extension poultry Witfi judging on the Danish n ~ a _ 1 Porter ’ Hospital farm, one mile e ,,t veterinarian. system, the following club isoro Kl * * of Somerset, according to j a * c j_ Trophies were presented to members were awarded blue The four entries & Grey, chairman of the State the grand and reserve cham- ribbons: Miss Hershey; Peifer; were awarded red ribbons. Plowing Committee, pion showmen following the * Grey, deputy state secietaiv Kiwanis luncheon. ( , r?*r w *'”• 7 The 51 dressed birds shown ™ in » um tadW#a >*- -JLancasiter Farming, Saturday, October 29,1966 It 4-H Capons (Continued from Page 1) Sfatth grader at the Litiitz Ele> ■unitary School. Extremely close runmerup in pons for the show. i 21st ANNUAL Yearling Cattle & Calf Sale Friday, November 11, 1966 1:30 P.M. ESI I T 1,000 Steers ond Heifers 1,000 All Native Cattle BLUE RIDGE LIVESTOCK SALES, INC Billy F. Owens, Mgr, Phone 725-5021 Charles Town, W. Va. Pick a John Deere >3B h.p. 1020 as your haymaker, get this bonus... i A package of W«-tractor feature*... Wrapped up If)-* •ootpoct, two-tea tractor design.». that's the for haying, H provides woH-apaoed travel epeedfti •eaging from 1.3 mph in Ist gear to 7 mph la tth.ttj delivers “live” PTO power through midpoint oed | tear PTO outlets to drive a full lineup of hay tools. For' leading chores, the “1020” generates hydraulic fower-on-Demand to lift a 1/2-ton bucket load. ..end frrovides “floating’ 1 hitch control over rear blade. B* jufirt iof aa oc-yaur-farai test. Credit? You heb ©Landis Bros. Inc. Lancaster 393-3906 Wenger Implement- Co. Buck BU 4-4467 : A, B. C. Groff, Inc. New Holland 354-8001 f ! v Sbofzberger's Shi 665-2141 yar Christiana LY 3-5687 M. S. Yeorsley & Sons West Chester. 696-2990 Alon Beyer * •£ s/. 4 •Vi vfr * '/ V %jk, ✓ s s - j 4. j' , . -1967 state meet to conform - - --- *“ - the nationals jyhich indudi FINISHING A CLOSE SECOND in the 4-H capon* the-big rigs this year tor tl roundup this week won Mike! Peifer of .Manheim 111 first time, a blue ribbon and the reserve champion Not’ • - ■ bad for his first year in capon club competition! When to stal-jj middle age L F. Photo ■ ione the hardest decisions ’ ~ woman- has to make, rTT.and improve you? feeding efficiency Pound for pound, you get more nutrition from Kul 7 0-Pep Schumapher Feed than from ordinary feeding grains. Schumacher is more efficient thanJnost types of grain rations. It’s a Wend of four leading carbohydrate sources corn, oats, wheat, and: barley , •"-enriched with molasses, proteins, and minerals^* including trace , Jit’s bulky, palatable, and highly digestible. It’s priced right, toe. ' # \ ' Whatever type of livestock you'feed, Schumacher will profitably fit into your operation, j >, Stop in! Well tell you why SchuiMpker has been a feeders 'favorite ] for more than 75 years, & - Harold H. Good Terre Hill H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Inc. Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. % Stevens, Peuna. (sssavva $ r: Stretch your grain with. Ful-O-Pep Schumacher Feed .77* the ail-purpose J livestock feed for dairy and beef cattle, hogs, sheep, and horses Witmer % K \ \ > %*'• -' *■- ♦ * 1 * i « V - " ** | S. H. Htestand 6. Co., tac< u I , of agriculture, said .the pi ov i dug matches will be held first day, Wednesday, Au?i K » ' 30. ’ The forage program, J , tending over both days, will h* > sponsored by, the Pennsyl\ ama i Grassland Council and the Cq. operative Extension Sen ice 0 i the Pennsylvania State Um\ er ! sity. The plowing committee made up of representatives 0 £ various agricultural oigan !za J toons and agencies will sp an , sor the sodbusting competii turn. The plowmen will woife in cooperation with a local committee that is headed J James A. Bochy„ Somei Je | County agricultural agent. The dual event will be p a (, terned somewhat after a hjojj ly successful double progiam conducted by the same spon soring groups last August 2( on the John R. Rodgers fain in MifHin county. Increased interest will at tach to the 1967 field da\s| Grey predicted, because of tin National Plowing Contest thal will be held only one v eat hence, in 1968, at Heishey. A large plow contest, ir outfits with four or mote bt : • * items, -will _ be! added to ft '■<* ’■ Siltmga ‘ Grubb Supply Co. Ellzabetbtovm -