'S4 —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 29, 1966 For* the Farm Wife By Mr*. Richard C. Spence, Food Editor BREAKFAST TREASURES SPENCE ICE CREAM CROWN quick oats, stirring occasional- OATMEAL ly. Cook 5 minutes or longer 2 cups oatmeal (quick or for old fashioned oats. Cover old-fashioned) - pan, remove from heat and let i teaspoon salt stand a few minutes. 4 cups water CREAMY OATMEAL: Put OATMEAL- Stir oats, salt and cold water in oats into bnskly boiling salt- pan. Bring to a boil, cook as ed water Cook 1 minute for above. Holland Stone Ready-Mixed Concrete ew Holland Concrete Product New Holland, Pa. E-rw HOW GET MORE QUALITY AT HO INCREASE IN PRICE WITH A NEW Girton deluxe o n FARM COOLING TANK FEATURINGt CLARK ELECTRIC Phone Intercourse 763-8501 Here are some sparkling, fresh ideas that can make breakfast a happily anticipat ed treat every morning. A breakfast that supplies a fourth to a third of the daily food requirements can help you breeze through the morning without mid-morning hunger pangs or a letdown in efficiency and alert ness. With the aid of new convenience foods, breakfast can be prepared in amazingly few minutes. And planning ahead saves many pre cious early morning minutes There’s no need, either, to serve the same foods prepared in the same way each morning as you can see in the preparation of oatmeal in either of these two ways. Concrete B Blocks I Metal I Windows I .aitSl 354-2114 I R. D. 1, Kinzeirs SIDS OUTLET >VER PE INSULATION ■NT COOLING Top each serving of oatmeal with a scoop of fudge roytle or other ice cream, salted pea nuts, cinnamon-sugar, sliced bananas, maple syrjip. or sun dae toppings. Makes 6 servings. Corn meal mush is an old breakfast favorite that can be a mam dish or an accompani ment for breakfast meat. HIDDEN TREASURE MUSH 3 cups water V/4 cups corn meal Vk teaspoons salt % cup nonfat dry milk solids 2 cups cold water 1 egg, beaten ’ Bring the 3 cups water to a boil. Combine com meal, salt, dry milk solids and cold wa ter. Slowly stir into boiling water. Cook until. thickened, stirring constantly. Cover; cook over low heat 5 minutes, stir ring frequently. Remove from heat. Add a small amount of mush to egg. Slowly stir egg into mush. Pour mush into an B%x4 I Ax2V3 inch loaf pan; cool about 25 minutes. Cover with waxed paper or plastic wrap. Refrigerate several hours or overnight. Cut chilled mush in 12 slices. Pan-fry slowly in butter in cast-iron skillet, turn ing only once Seive with syiup. Makes 6 servings. Another way with corn meal mush— LAZY MAPLE BACON AND FRIED CORNMEAL MUSH 1 pound maple-cured bacon 3 cups water 1 cup yellow cornmeal 1 'teaspoon salt 1 cup cold water Heat 3 cups water to boil ing. Blend cornmeal, salt, and cold water together. Stir into the boiling water. Cook, stir- AMASSING lIEVICI2 nC If’s Texaco’s new Jet Flame Booster, the great new flame-control development that improves gun-type oil burners used in most homes. It scientifically mixes oil and air into a solid, compact flame that burns cleanly and completely to produce more heat from less oil. Texaco proved.it-in actual home tests-proved it can increase oil burner efficiency by as n\uch as 42%. We install the Texaco Jet Flame Booster in a matter of hours. Give us a call. Find out how the Texaco Jet Flame Booster ca/i.,save you money. No obligation, of course. We Give S &H_Green Stamps '“'V' Garber Oil Co. Texoco Fuel Chief Heating Oil ' 105 Fairview St. MOUNT JOY, PA. ring • frequently, -trjildl, thick ened. Cover and continue cook ing over low heat for 10 min utes, Pour into a 0 % x6x3-ln. loaf pan. Chill. Cook bacon as suggested on package. Save the drippings. Cut commeal mush into '% inch slices and panfry in bacon drippings. Serve hot with bacon and blue berry syrup. • * » * CORN BREAD WITH SAUCE Corn Bread: 1 package (10 oz.) com bread 1 egg M cup milk Cheesy-Beef Sauce: Robert K. Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading Patz Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeders Quarryville, R. D. 1 Hensel 548-J2559 ANNOUNCEMENT We will have a Display and Sales Booth at the STANDARDBRED HORSE AUCTION OCTOBER 31 - NOVEMBER 1,2, 3, and THE PENNSYLVANIA LIVESTOCK SHO\f NOVEMBER 5 - 12 HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA Write For Current Price Lists Please visit our booth. DK. A. C. DANIELS, INC. QUALITY VETERINARY PHARMACEUTICALS for HOME TREATMENT of ANIMALS since 1878. Mass. -- SAVES HEATING-OIL MONEY! Ph. 653-1821 2 cans (11-oz.T condwßWjFJ gheese soup Jr Vt tup milk 1 2 packages (3%-oz.) dried ,] beef, cut in pieces 1 4 hard-cooked eggs, sliced 1 Prepare cornbread according to package directions. Pour batter into foil contained lip 'Package if there is one. Do not grease pan. If no pan is avail* able with package use 8-lndk square cake pan. Bake in hoi oven (425 degrees) about 20 minutes. Cut in 6 pieces: split, each piece horizontally. Brail a few minutes until golden (Continued on Page 15) ? f¥uelCWefl •£!S % %