Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 29, 1966, Image 12

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    Af\ A JP_ Pniinril 0,1 Wedneiday, Nov. 16, begin* Prior to the merger of the
OL vQUIItU nlng at noon, according to two cooperative*,' he had serv*
a .1 n W T TL Qlatne Annual Harry Unger of Ohombmburg, ed on the board of PFBc,\
Aveirii Rover Wins two Ur three oiaieB ™iuai district board oh»imwm. since wsa.
_ - t a ■ T\ * n . Il>l a! -The meeting is open to all Esbenshade operates a n 2.
Tod Awards At Uairv Banquet IVieeung nere dairy farmers in Adams, Berks, acre farm on which he raises
** n,, , ~ Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, beef cattle, poultry and shecu.
The three lop awards at the champion showman honors to Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon is the fourth generation of
4-H Daily Banquet, scheduled Nancy Stoltzfus. nS and York counties, which make his fanul y to work the farm
for last night at the Memorial Individual breed champion fup the district, whether or not ——
Methodist Church at Quarry- recognition went to Donna ”, they are members. m Dam i. mi c . .. .
ville, weie for high record Eshelman, Elizabethtown Ht. A review of the work of the * CI * ”eod
book score, champion fitter and Ayrshue: Stephen Arrowsmith, organization during tiho cur- (Continued fiom Page l)
champion showman at the Peach Bottom, Jersey. J. Nel- ■ • rent year and a look at plans assistant ana gradu
county dairy roundup Two of son Landis 1804 Hempstead jn the firat nine months this for 1967 will be given by M. E. BeS?Sariiiß Cornell u
these went to Averni Royer, Rd, Lancaster, Guernsey: and e bv qe no ber , ri , antl milk Erickson, membership director. a cetore entering Cornell, he
daughter of Mr. and Mrs Her- Richard Rutt, QuarryviUe R 2. declined from an aver- During the business meeting. Studied poultry husbandry for
bert Royer. 2025 Oregon Pike, Hobtems. age of 792)000 for the same pe . directors will be elected to the
Lancaster. r ; ot i i ast vear t Q an aV era«e local seven-man hoard. c * D " ce raswnite oi Agriculture
Winner of the champion ~ B 0 f 75 g goo f or this vear ° The American Daily Associa- and ,^ om ® Economics and
showman awaid was Mary El- Secretary Bull In dropping to a low of 742- tion and Dair y Council of New served in the U. S. Army Air
len Kettei mg. daughter of Mr. D . T\ • 000 l a rmonth milk cows now York is « producer-financed, Force from 1942 to 1945 o„
and Mis. Hemy E. Kettering Reports Dairy number Ess than they on producer-directed organization acttav „ e duty m the southwest
of Lititz R 3 Miss Kettering is rj« , p J farms of this state almost a that promotes the sale of . loft . _
a junior at Manheim Township 1 ICtlllTC vIOOCI century ago Bull cautioned fresh, fluid milk through re- ix>m I®® 4 * Goodwin
High School “This drop in cow and hard search, .education, advertising, geneticist for Kimber
Miss Royer tallied 96 4of a Leland H Bull, State Secre- numbers mus , t be stormed if merchandising and -publicity Farms, Fremont,, Calif. While
possible 100 points to lead the taiy of Agriculture, said . . adeauate and public relations. Kimber Farms, he was a
county 4-H’ers in record book Thursday night the income auanfcitv of milk for oul fL er member of the Scientific Ad
scoring In the county 4-H picture for dairy farmers def- population ” he' * . f J „ .
dairy roundup m August, her indtely has improved m Penn- fitressed s p p ’ fle Esbenshade Reelected ofic 4nd poultry Asso
junior yearling Blossomelle sylvania _ ’ . . ,To Aowov Board elation, a membeif of the Na-
Golden Bubbles was judged Speaking at the eleventh an- The better prices received S» / tional Advisory ', - Committee
the best fitted animal in the nual meeting of the Daily In- for hav ® helped boost Willis Z. Esbenshade, Lan- for Random Sample Testing
show, earning the champion stitute of the Erie Area, Bull = ros ® figures for farm- caster County farmer, has been of Poultry, and in ,1961 he was
fitter award for Miss Royer said the average price received ers in '™ s sta>t e, Dull noted reelected to the board of direc- program chairman for the Na-
Arpnrdinrf in dairv club b - v pioduceis for milk in the Overall figures for the first tors of Agway, Inc. tional Poultry Breedeis’
a i victor Plastow Miss Bl£ t n ' ine months of this year ei ght months of this year re- Esbenshade was named to a Roundtable.
furtherhonored has been $ 5 06 Per hundred- veal that gross income reach- three-year term on the board slnce 1964 he has been
bv heinff chosen one of eight wei Sht This compares with f d $583>000,000, as compared at the second annual meeting feoaa tt ec j as geneticist with
4 H’ers to renresent Penn- $4 66 for the same nine months to $534,000,000 for the same of Agway members, held Octo- Herndm-f and Nelson Forms
4-H ers to represent Penn- a ccoidm° to reports elght mon ' tils in This in- her 20-21, in Syracuse, NY. wt rw;„„ « 1
sylvania at the National CroD Re crease of $49,000,000 m sale The district for which he is a KirMand ’ Wa f\ 3
Dairy Conference to be held 01 Pennsjlvama Uop He- w e stoek livestock ornd- director includes Perrv Cum- penod he waS llWited to par ‘
at Chicago, December 1-3. po ‘ h ” g s ® l T^ ce , ucte an( j crons “mav help to berland Franklin ltioipalte in a conference on un
She Will bp renresentins the Bull said th e total milk pro- UCES ana craps ma y nelp t 0 , a ’ rianKim, Aoams, d d training in the an
bhe win be represeiumg tne , , encourage efficient producers York and Lancaster counties , ° . s E an
Holstein breed. dilution was down lb peicent 6 Pennsylvania- and Washing- imai sciences sponsored by the
t, ... in the first nine months this T 0 sta > v on ine laim > Dull ~ a . , " National AcademV of Smenee
Runneiup in the record book , . said ton, Cairoll, Frederick, Balti- IN ®monaa Acaaemy oi science
scoung and topping the Guein- ' nr i lir . Pr i Im KQ «rn he f , more and Harford counties in and v" 35 the companys altei
cPV division was Audrey Wa»- k pioduced was up 6 9 pei- The outlook foi continued Maryland n'ate represenitative to the Ag
nei Oinuvulle R 1 ° cent: and tie P nces received improvement of this farm in- Esbenshade has been a mem- ricultural Research Institute of
nei Qua y fo[ milk was up 86 percent come picture is as bright as ber of the Agway board since the National Research Conned
C to ffl fr A?,in ARhoLlsh it has been m the past two the merger y PennS yi vania He also began a two-year tem
* ‘ ■ nio! e money foi milk, the num- deead f s ’ the Secietaiy con- p a rm Bureau Cooperative As- as director of the Poultry Sci-
Quai i yville Rl. and leseive ber of milk cow herds declined eluded. sociation and Agway in 1965 ence Association.
—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 29, 1986
*. i
How many cows does it take to prove a point?
Would you believe over a half million? That many cows have been
managed according to Agway’s Profit Feeding Plan In seven years.
The plan is now in its eighth year—proving it’s a money-maker on
farms like yours, And over 13,000 dairymen have put their faith in it •
Proof enough that PFP is the most practical way of getting back a '
bigger take on the money and labor you put into your dairy.
A seven-year study of DHIA records shows that 9 out of 10 cows
in PFP make more milk, and 7 of the'9 increase profits by as much
as $65 per cow—for a single year.
The Profit Feeding Plan has been improved several times. It has
been further improved and simplified this year. Let your Agway man -
exolain the new PFP. It’s a simple, Straightforward way of getting
more milk out of your herd—at a profit. Agway Inc., Syracuse, N. Y.
3 i