Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 24, 1966, Image 7
STEER SHOW At last year's steer show at lflC Ephrata Fair, Sharon Weaver’s Angus «won the re serve grand championship. Thursday night Sharon bounc ed back to take the top spot in ;hc Ephrata Steer Show. Miss Weaver’s 925-pound An gus, bred by Eisenhower Farms at Gettysburg, is appropriately named "Ike”. He got a little over excited at one point dur ing the show, when a random shower fell, and stepped on his owner’s foot But sore foot and all, the fifteen-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester M. Weaver of New Holland Rl, was not to be denied the top title “Ike” was also picked as the best-fitted animal in the show by judge Tony Dobrosky, associate agent for York Coun ty. c^O; Hot chickens cost you COLD CASH. Cool your c00p... SET THE BIG SHEET 5? BIG GUARANTEE MISER miMIM ROOFING « SIDING DIAMOND-RIB® GUARANTEED 30 YEARS TWIN-RIB" GUARANTEED 20 YEARS How would you like to keep your chickens cooler every summer—up to 15° cooler? You can, you know, by building with Kaiser Aluminum roofing and siding ... now at a new low price. And it’s so easy: the big sheets come in 6-foot to 24-foot lengths, 48 inches wide after lapping. That means fewer side and end laps. Your chickenhouse will go up faster (and time saved is money saved), and needs no painting for protection. Won’t rust either. So give yourself and your birds a break. Ask for the big sheet with the big guarantee—Kaiser Aluminum roofing and siding.,. now at a new low price. KAISER ALUMINUM Agway Ephrata Fair A meaty, 800-pound, Colora do-bred Hereford shown by Carol Kettering, Lititz R 3, cap tured reserve honors for the show. Miss Kettering is the twelve-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kettering. The master showman award went to Marvin Nissley, Mount Joy Rl. Nissley was the coun ty’s top winner at the 1966 State Farm Show in January when he took the reserve An gus championship. Winners by classes were: Shorthorn 1. William Buchter, Ephrata Rl; 2. Susie Hess, Mount Joy Rl. 1. Sharon Weaver, New Hol land Rl; 2. Sheryl Weaver, New Holland Rl; 3. Dale Her shey, Lititz R 4; 4. Glen Flick inger, Ephrata Rl; 5. Larry High, Bareville. AVAILABLE AT BEE-LINE SUPPLY CENTER 1027 Dillerville Rd. Lancaster PHONE 394-0541 Angus Hereford 1. Carol Kettering, Lltitz R 3; 2, Mike Smuckcr, Ephrata R 2; 3. Florence Bixler, Marietta Rl; 4. Judy Drager, Marietta Rl; 5. Kathy Ney, Marietta Rl. Special Awards Showmanship 1. Marvin Nissley, Mount Joy Rl, master showman: 2. William Buchter, Ephrata Rl; 3. Glen Flickinger, Ephrata Rl; 4. Larry High, Barevilie; 5. Mike Smucker, Ephrata R 2. Fitting 1. Sharon Weav er, New Holland Rl, master fitter; 2. Kathy Hershey, Lltitz R 4. • Solanco Fair (Continued from Page 6) contest. Her sister Kathy ran a close second, and Shirley Craig of Nottingham finished third. In the junior fitting contest, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 24, 1966 it was Donald Nissley, Holt- Heavyweight placings were wood; Donna Walters, New Sollenberger, first: Charles Providence; and Ronnie Enck, Smith, New Providence Rl, Holtwood Rl. second: Lewis Kreider, Quany- In the senior fitting class, Carol Holloway took the top award, followed by Kay Wea ver, and Shirley Craig. HOGS A pair of mcdiumwcight Yorkshire hogs, with a com bined weight of 435 pounds, won the FFA Hog show cham pionship Thursday at the So lanco Fair for Jay Hastings, Kirkwood Rl. The reserve title went to Parke Sollenberger, Quarry ville Rl. His pair of Yorkshire heavyweights totaled 460 pounds. Ronald Ranck, Quai ryville R 2, won the master fitter award, and the master show man award went to Henry De- Long Jr, Nottingham Judge for the event was Hen ry Gruber, of Arbogast and Bastion, Allentown He also judged the steer show Thuis day at the Southern Lancaster County Community Fair ' In mediumweight hogs, Jay Hastings placed first, followed by Ranck, second, and Jeff Hastings, Kirkwood Rl, third. A quality fertilizer designed to help the grower achieve higher grain yields and make more profit. Miller's Small Grain Supreme offers the following extras: Stronger straw to help prevent lodging. More uniform crop with fuller kernels Crop will 'ripen more evenly. Crop is in better condition for over wintering—less plants lost. More nutrient value in the harvested crop. Is a mineralized granular product, Contains RHEOLITE(R) Miller’s or ganic fertilizer lubricant which insures free flowing qualities. See Your Miller Dealer or Contact Your Miller Representative Today Miller Chemical & Fertilizer Carp. EPHRATA, PA. ville, Rl third: Jerry O’Don nell,, Peach Bottom, fouith; Robert Groff, Peach Bottom, fifth: and David Waltman, Quarryville R 2, sixth. Sollenberger was second in fitting, while Ranck was sec ond in showmanship. • Farm Calendar (Continued fiom Page 1) September 29 10-30 am, Junior dairy show, Lampeter Fair Ipm, Open class dany show at Lampeter Fair —1 pm, Baby Beef Club judging at New Holland Fair —2 30 pm, Hog judging at New Holland Fair 6 30 p m , Lancaster Coun ty Swine Pioducers Assn. Fall Carcass Show at Lam peter Fairgiounds October 1 Noon, Tiactor dnving contest at New Hol land Fair Classified Ads SMALL CRAIN SUPREME 5-11-14 with Rheolite < R) Get Results Ph. 733-6525 7