Reflections New Vo-Ag Teacher at Man* (From the lilss ol Lanctor Farming) “Jf* " Ilo” , , . bert llofTritz as teacher of vo a YMr A S . hOW ' Loea , l we u r ® l n cational agriculture at Man ,e* 1 car /-igu short supply in this highly heim Central Hl{ , h school. lofis competitive event. Clarence , „ September, 1965 r-nu,Hni- Campbell, a native of Ilern uffer Bull Takes Reserve ’ p don, Pa., was raised on a dairy & W Show The high- stem breeder, captured re- an( j p oU itry farm. He gradu of Tuesday’s All-Ameri- serve senior and reserve grand a ted from Penn State Umver- Dairy Show was the 12th championship with his bull sity last June with a degiee in lal Penna. Black and While Sunny Craft Dean Captain for agricultural education. AU MIIK PRODUCERS: Three of the feeds in our Green Pastures dairy feed line have been purchased by many of you in increasing quantities. This greater volume on these feeds enables us to put them into mass production in a more efficient way. The resulting SAVINGS are CONSIDERABLE and will passed on to all dairy feed users who can handle, on prompt-payment basis, five-ton loads of No. 506 No. 511 No. 518 The above applies to BULK DELIVERIES ONLY, for a good appetite stimulant when pastures are dry & hay is short No. 515 Nutro-Sweet fortified with minerals, phosphorous and vitamin A. 4 lbs. of Nutro-Sweet equal to 8-10 lbs. good quality roughage. Ask your Miller & Bushong representative or dairy specialist for more details or call us collect at Lancaster 717-392-2145 $OMm (No. 518 in minimum quantities of two tons) (available in bags only) & Miller & Bushong, Inc. the only major titles tc come to Lancaster County dairymen. Flo-Mor Flo-Mor Flo-Mor ALSO TRY ROHRERSTOWN, PA. "Finest Service Anywhere" Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 24, 1966 Countians To Attend Nation al 4-H Congress Three 4-H’- ers fiom Lancaster County will be among 42 Pennsylvan ia young people lepresenting the state at the National 4-H Club Congress at Chicago in November, it was announced this week (September 25). The three state winners are. Dallas Wolgcmuth, Mount Joy Rl; Nancy Frey, Marietta Rl. and Virginia Wivell, Columbia Rl. 14% 20% 32% Wolgemuth and Miss Fiey teamed up to win state hunois with a livestock conservation demonstiation, and Miss Wivell was a state winnei in home economics. Donegal Drops Vo-Ag The Donegal Union School Dis tnct lecenlly announced that the vocational agncultuie de partment at Donegal High School has been discontinued Theie now lemam nine high schools in the county with ac- tive vocational agncultuie pio- grams County KFA Boys Take 3 Titles At Hershey Twehe blue nbbons fell to eleven Lan caster County Futuie Fatmeis at the FFA Southeast District dairy show at Heishey this week (September 4) Breed ti tles in Jersey and Brown Swiss competition, a junior Holstein championship, and a second place in county groups, enabled the local boys to give a good account of themselves Daryl Bollinger, Cloister Chapter, repeated his last week's 4-H District Show per foimance by capturing the jun ior Holstein championship'with his senior yearling, Star Segis Osborndale Jay Marvin Herr, Solanco Chaptei, had the junior cham pion Jersey with his senior yearling, and went on to take the giand championship for that breed In the Brown Swiss dh i sion, Dale Forwood of Man heim also showed the junior and giand champion animal be Five Years Ago Groff Named National Breed ing Co-Op Director A Lan caster County Holstein breed er, Earl L Groff, of Strasbuig Rl, has been elected to a sec ond consecutive Hire e-yea i - term on the board of directois of the National Association of Artificial Bleeders Gtioff repiesented the South eastern. Penna Artificial Breed ing Co operative at the nation al convention held recently at Syracuse, NY. DKIA Rate Change An nounced Membeis of the Red Rose Daily Heid Impiove ment Association will be sub iect to an additional chaigc of twenty cents toi each cow add ed dining the testing jea l . The inei ease was announced bv the d'liectois at then boaid meeting this week (Septem bei 2) Outstanding Service Award To County Agent MM. Smith, Lancaster County agu cultuial agent, was among thiee Pennsylvania agents to leceive distinguished service awaids at the National Associ ation of County Agricultmal Agents this week (September 16) Piesentahons at the New York meeting weic by Paul B. Barger of Waterloo, lowa, chairman In 1956, Smi'lh received the (Continued on Page 12) Redcoat- Wheat Penn rad Barley Cleaned Tested Arthur L. Reist 1050 Eden Rd., Lane., Pa. Phone (717) 569-2079 September, 1961 SEED 5