Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 24, 1966, Image 18
18—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 24, 1966 District Hay •Show Winners Announced Several farmers from Lan '«»«ter County wore among the -winners at the eleventh annual <Ji#triot hay show Sept. 12 at Harrisburg, according to asso ciate county agent Arnold G. Lueck. The show was in two sec tions, one of field cured hay end the other of hay that had been partially field cured and finished with heat. A grand Need . . . HAY-STRAW-EAR CORN Buy Now and Save! More and more farmers are buying from us for better value and all around satisfaction. Delivered any quantity Phone Area Code 717 687-7631 Esbenshade Turkey Farm Since 1890 PARADISE, PA. Feeders, Dairymen! Sealed Storage Can Help You Do It! jDon’t let hot, dry weather cut you completely out of your corn crop .profits! An investment in Butler seeled storage can save the day! U you normally expect a yield of 100 bushels per acre—and dry vweitHer cute this yield in half—your 50-bushel crop,' cut as silage «nd stored in t'Butler Stor-N-Feed unit, wilt produce as many pounds 4f beef or pounds of milk as your 100-bushel yield, when harvested -m grain, it also will pay you to investigate late forage crops such it sudan hybrids. Put up as low moisture silage, the nutrient yield *ptr sore Is very attractive. Dee ue today for deteils on « proven Butler Stor-N-Feed system... •big capacities, fait discharge rate, mechanically reliable—and ..-priced thousands of dollars less than some systems. Low-cost "Pay-As-You-Grow" financing readily available! ADDISON H. MARTIN, INC. Builders of Farm Systems D. 2, Ephrata champion and reserve cham pion were named. The grand championship w«» won by Bussell F. Heilman and son of Lebanon county. He showed heat-cured, late cutting alfalfa. Reserve cham pion honors were taken by M. Dice Statler of Franklin county with a sample of field cured late-cutting alfalfa. Heil man will receive special recog nition at the annual Grassland Conference to be held at Penn State University on November 21-22. George Berggren, extension agronomist, _at Penn State was judge. ' The show, one of a BUTLER series of five, was conducted by the University's Extension Service with the cooperation of the Pennsylvania Grassland Council. Dr. John E. Baylor, extension agronomist, was di rector of the show. All first, second, and third place winners will be entitled to a free chemical feed analy sis of the hay exhibited. The analyses are made at Penn State. The first three places in each class will compete at the 1967 Pennsylvania Farm Show next January at Harrisburg with similar samples from the other district shows. All awards at the state-wide show will be ewv\\\\\\v 717-354-5374 What's New in Feeding Cattle? Ful-O-Pep Cattle-izer Beef Supplement An entirely new concept in cattle nutrition'opens up new profit pos sibilities for cattlemen everywhere. Based on a whole new principledn feeding, Ful-O-Pep Cattle-izer Beef Supplement changes the proportions of organic acids produced in the rumen. As a result, up to 20% more energy is available to the animal, as compared to the same amount of regular feed without the new concept. This extra energy means faster gains, less feeding time to market, and considerable lower feeding costs. For thousands of cattlemen, it means extra profits. Ful-O-Pep Harold H. Good Terre Hill H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Inc. Witmer Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. Stevens, Penna." vm\\\\\^\v\v\\\\m\\\\v^ Big capacity with accuracy John Deere FB-B. Grain Drill Landis Bros. Inc. A. B. C. Groff, Inc. ©Lancaster 393-3906 New Holland 354-8001 Wenger Implement Co. M. S. Yearsley & Sons Buck BU 4-4467 West Chester 696-3990 made on the basis of both ‘ Class IS ■ (Annual passes) visual and chemical evatoia* I—Galen Crouse, Stevens Rl* ti onB Class 22 (Alfalfa—late: cut* ‘isjSTaJrss SrHr" 00 "* •* Class 2 (Alfalfa—later cut „ w ,„, . Class 31 (Mixed Hay —over S2SL f h half l«g«n e ) I—Crouse il! ITo Queameade CU(| 33 (Annujll classes) Farms, Narvon R 2. . r Class 4 (Alfalfa Grass Mixed 1 urouse —later cuttings) 5 Richard Thomas, Millersville Rl. Class 5 (Clover) 4 Dave Hoover, Millersville Rl; 5 Gary Tomlinson, Pequea Rl. Class 12 (Mixed Hay—ovir half grass) 1 Queanmeade Farms; 2—Donald Nissley, Holt wood Rl; 5 Paul Nissley, Holitwood Rl. Try the new concept soon. v Each line, 1 each curve, each dime%; / sion of - a John ■ Deere FB'-B Drill means higher yields, faster-planting, ‘ “ and lower cpsts to you. - Grain and fertilizer .boxes ar&'co-xw'' v • v four-shaped to ■ assure ra "Steady , even flow of .materials to the.feeds '.;; 4. every inch of space is “planting” capacity ... no false J bottoms or sides. ' See the FB-B —the drill you should own. Stop in soon for complete in formation. Alan Beyer Christiana LY 3-5687 Some Gove Up and Others Tried A In Lancaster Forming Beef Supplement S. H. Hiestond & Co., be. Salting* Grubb Supply Co. Elizabethtown Shotzbergcr's Elm 665-3141 Cried, Classified ir ”.J