LINCOLN if-H’ERS MEET .-modeled their Jumper shifts WITH FARM WOMEN S - they made. Third-year girls , modeled school dresses and Society .of Pam Women woo j skirts. One free lance group No.. 3 met in the fire glrl modc ied * suit Leaders (tail «t Mt Airy. The program 0 f the group are Mrs. Harold consisted of demonstrations g g tuber, Mrs. Ivan Eberly, by 3 6 members of the Lincoln Mrs. Ernest Hartranft and Mrs. 4-H Sewing Club. 4-H Club Stephanie Schnupp. Society No. 3 presented pock- H b° ofc s harmonizing with the wndimted a-regular meeting, dresses they modeled to all the * itb «* ** Ss- William *° n i Z™ Eberly, president, condusted * ere ® wh l g tn the business meeting. Auditors demonstrations on What to were: Mrs. Willie D. f Ce ?. “V Stober and Mrs - Adam Kopp ' ito thread a sewing machine giooiety Seal and Insigna was and namer-aib the parts, care ,-- „ „ . , ... . ’ . purchased from a printer to 01 be in the load Society. New utensils and equipment r by the com tlie session. Second-year o nls mifctee consi gting 0 f Mrs. Earl e chose electric heat my husband cause a carpenter. husband has helped build homes with all kinds teating systems and has found electric heat saves money in two ways. No furnace, radiators, chim- or fuel tank is needed when the home is built 1 later on electric heat saves on cleaning, main tance and service bills, when the home is being s-ted. And best of all, electric heat is safe, low-cost Operation', and fits any home design. tfe recommend you go electric, too. It’s as low as ?er kilowatt-hour. IF YOU ARE BUILDING tell builder you want tq he modern, you want the you want electric heat. IF YOU ARE REMODEL- o a ll a Reddy Kilowatt Recommended Electric Seating” Dealer for an estimate. He is listed in '..'X&Uew Pages under "Heating Contractors." ''titr 5 ( fy- PP&L „ _- r a - r S’ *. ~ X . - - • Rain and Cold (Continued from Page 13) work, delaying seed prepara tion for fall planting, the har vest of late potatoes and cut ting of tobacco in Lancaster County. Approximately half of Lancaster’s tobacco crop has been harvested, the service reported. Latschau and Mrs. Ivan Eberly. Mrs. Raymond ,Phail was host ess for the meeting and also had charge of devotions. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Next meeting, October 15, will honor past presidents and charter mem bers. It will be held at the home of Misses Mary M. and Ada S. Royer, Ephrata R 2. c : : . z —cT-v Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 24, 1966 Fruit growers have virtually completed the peach harvest, but are holding off picking late apples, hoping they will gain a bit better rtze. Light frost damage was re ported to corn in a few scat tered sections in northern and western counties last week. The Crop Reporting Service pointed out that only about one-fourth of the state’s corn ROW GET MORE QUALITY AT NO INCREASE IN PRICE WITH A NEW Girton deluxe o n SEE US AT THE LAMPETER FAIR CLARK ELECTRIC end "Stop and Go" corn harvest Superpickers now hav Rubber Flexi-Finger Presser Wheels. A brand new feature you’ll see on New Idea corn pickers in 1966. Thes« powered presser wheels with life-like rubber fingers align the ears for better distribution, keep ears moving a long the husking rolls. Result? Greater capacity, cleaner corn. / Landis Bros. Lancaster Wilbur H. Graybill A. L. Herr & Bro. Lititz, R. D. Z Quarryville Chas. J. McComsey & Sons Hickory Hill, Pa. Allen 'H. Matz Denver crop is far enough advanced to be safe from frost. Most of the corn will require two or three more weeks of good weather to reach maturity. Pans are easier to clean if they have a pronounced cmva ture between the sides and bottom and no ledges or rivets on the inside where food c.m collect FARM COOLING TANK FEATURING! - R. D. 1, Kinzers Phone Intercourse 768-8501 JIDE OUTLET VER 'E INSULATION T COOLING A. B. C. Groff, Inc. New Holland Longeuecker Farm Supply Sheems Chet Long Akron 17