Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 24, 1966, Image 13
The Cost Lowering Factors In Agway’s Egg - Lift Program Higher Peak Production As pullets come into production, they have a double job to do. First, they must meet the re quirements for continued body growth; and secondly, they must meet the increased demands for peaking out. The nutrient levels built into Egg-Lift permits the birds to reach higher peak production than when they are cheated on any of these essential items. Young pullets need ap proximately one gram of protein per one hundred grams of body weight per day during this critical period The 18 'I level in Agway’s Egg-Lift per mits birds to get the protein they need. Greater Total Production. Whenever birds are unable to take in enough protein or other nutrients for continued body growth during the peak-out period, they will drop in production shortly after reaching peak in order to finish their body growth. During this produc tion slump, they put on the weight that they should have gained while they were still climbing in production. Agway’s Egg-Lift is designed to reduce the possibilities of this slump occurring and, thereby, increasing total production for the year. Lower Feed Cost Per Dozen The pounds of feed required to produce a dozen eggs is directly associated with level of produc tion. Maintaining a high peak of lay tends to re duce the amount of feed needed for each dozen eggs; and, therefore, reduces total feed cost. Agway New Holland Lancaster Quarryville - Honey Brook am Report to Poultrymen STEPPING BRIEFLY out of the rain, which twice interrupt ed the dairy show at the So lanco Fair Wednesday, were associate county agent Arnold G. Lueck, right, and his guest Mohamcd Ameur Laagab, Laa gab is in the county as an In ternational Farm Youth Ex change (IFYE) visitor. He is 25-years-old, and is an assistant veterinarian in the Land Office in Tunisia. Laagab is staying with the Richard Lefever fam ily on their farm at Holtwood Rl. He has visited families in Washington D. C., North Da kota, and Kentucky. He will be departing Lancaster County September 29. L. F. Photo Less Mortality Since the nutrients built into Agway’s Egg-Lift help the bird meet the stresses of continued grow th and high egg production, they tend to reduce the chances of mortality during this high stress period. Improved Body Condition For pullets to lay at a high rate throughout much of their productive life, it is essential that they be kept on the lean side; that is, there should not be a build up of heavy deposits of fat. Agway’s Egg-Lift is designed to carry the birds through their first twenty weeks of lay in a lean condi tion. /They will have plenty of muscle but will be free of troublesome fat. Better Egg Shell Quality The right calcium level combined with Agway Feed Additive Extras (FAX) that have been built into Agway’s Egg-Lift insure top egg shell quality during this critical period in the pullet’s life. Increased Egg Size at Start of Lay Agway’s Egg-Lift has been designed to permit pullets to increase their egg size more rapidly up to their genetic potential. This means during the early weeks of lay, that they will produce more medium eggs than they will on conventional ra tions and there will be fewer peewees and pullets. This faster increase in egg size occurs over the first six to eight weeks of production. Beyond this, it appears there is little that can be done to further increase egg size. AGWAY INC. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 24, 196®- SECOND SECTION Landowners In Two-County Area Continue Gas Pipeline Protest Members of the Lanchester Landowners Association and other interested farmers and landowners staged two meet ings this week protesting the proposed gas pipeline of the Manufacturers Heat & Light Co The first, at Paul Z Martin Sales Barn, Blue Ball, on Tues day was attended by some 50 interested persons, according to a spokesman for the Land owners Assn On Wednesday, a second meeting was held in the office of the Lancaster County Com mxssioners Commissioners Campbell, Wagaman, and Wea ver listened as 30-40 landown ers and fanners presented their cases individually As a result of the second meeting, the association spokes man reported, the commission ers sent a telegram to the Fed eral Power Commission request ing the FPC to intervene on the basis that citizens have been denied the right of due process of law. The commissioners are also in the process, the spokesman (Continued on Page 16) Rain And Cold Hamper Harvest HARRISBURG Many state fanners—desperate for winter feed and forage for livestock —find themselves in a strange situation, according to the Pennsylvania Crop Reporting Sen ice Recent rams have stimulated excellent growth in hayfields Ik most sections of the state, brightening the outlook for a late cutting of hay Continued precipitation and cool weather, however, may make it difficult or impossible to dry hay suf ficiently for baling Wet soil from last week’s rain interfered with most field (Continued on Page 17) "!!! ATLANTIC » TECHNICIAN | His Total Service I Program Includes: | * Choice of 75 stud tiros I available daily ■ • 35 plus-pioven tires a • high production ft ■ type | • popular-bred yew* ■ sires " • all dairy ft beef i breeds • free of diseases * United Semen Exeha»fe 275 more sires ■K Technical Service p»»- Cram • semen from *eni- J side” bulls 1 I * custom collection ■ | • reserve A.B.C. sire* | ■ * storage & inaemina- ■ ■ tion ■ I * Mate-Rite herd analysi* ■ | and sire recommends- | ■ tions ■ 2* Dependable daily servie* ■ !* Years of Experience _ Modern Equipment A S I Sanitary Procedure* ■ I* Detailed Sire Information I |* Held Bleeding Record* | |* Annual Patronage DM* | Idends ■ /TpJjkS) CALL I ■ Lancaster ! ■ 569-0411 * Akron 859-2552 Christiana 593-5098 Mount Joy 653-1451 Quarryville 786-7381 Strasburg 687-6292 Represented at local fairs with exhibit, parade float and show progeny ■ATLANTIC; * BREEDERS COOPERATIVE —^ 13