Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 24, 1966, Image 1
A G?J CU OU VOL. 11 NO. 43 BRAVING THE WIND AND THE RAIN on Tuesday this tno toured the hybrid poplar plots on the Miles W. Fry & Son farm at Ephrata R 3. From left they are: Morton Fry and Miles Fry, farm operators, and Dr. Miroslaw Czapow skyj, forfest And soils specialist with the U.S. Forest Service. The young trees being observed abate were~pianted as cuttings this spring. L. F Photo Area Grower Doubles Capacity As Hybrid Poplar Popularity Grows In response to a fast-growing demand for the fast-growing hybrid poplar, an Ephrata R 3 grower recently doubled the size of his four-acre tree faim Miles W. Fry & Son have been “foolin’ around with sticks”, as one bystander de scribed Fry's process of plant ing cuttings some time back, for the past ten years These “sticks” have grown in + o a business which has shipped hybrid poplars into all the 48- contmemtal states, and to half a dozen foreign countries Last veai, Fry said he sold close to 100,000 cuttings and trees, this year he and his son .Morton hope to double that figure Visiting the Fiy hybrid pop lar faim thio week was Di Mn oSlav/ Czapowskyj, soil sci entist and research forester with the_U S Forest Scivice at the Northeast Foiest Ex periment at Kingston. Luzerne County His job is woikmg Farm Calendar Septeinbei 26 7 30 p m , Red Rose FFA Chaptei at So lanco High School September 27 27th-30th, West Lampeter Community Fan 730 pm, Lanchester Landowners Assn : at .Ameri can Legion Hall Honey „ Brook September 28 28th-’Octqber Ist, New Holland - Farmers Fair 1 pm„ Swine Show at Lampeter Fair. 7pm, Baby Beef judging at Lampeter Fair. (Continued on Page 7) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 24, 1966 with the various “clones”, or varieties, that have been de veloped, hying to fit them to the needs of the 122,000 acre anthracite region, which he said “is without any biological life ” It would take 100 million trees to cover that area, he said Many clones in the hybnd poplar family are particularly well-adapted to planting on all sorts of spoil banks, according to the Fiys’ experience, and to the findings of the forest service Czapowskyj added that the rock coveung on the an thracite spoil banks seives as much to conserve moisture This, plus the fact that there (Continued on Page 91 Area Holstein Bulls Honored BRATTLEBORO Vt —Seven area Holstein bulls have been designated Silvei Medal Pi o duclion Sues by the Holstein- Fncsian Association of Ameri ca They aie Sequoia Jo Pilot (GP) whose 19 daughteis averaged 16 606 lbs milk and 612 lbs buttei fat Mi sty vale Mastei Duke whose 40 daughters averaged 15 806 lbs milk and 605 lbs butiterfait, Yaiba Admiral Tid umph (GP), whose 'l9 daugh ters- averaged 15,146 lbs milk and 605 lbs -butteifat All bulls are owned by Atlantic Bl eeders Cooperative, Lancaster ' Red % Rose , Winterthur Was Leader (VG), owned by John W Eshelman & Sons, Lancas ter His 11 daughters averaged 16,803 lbs milk and 644 lbs butterfat. Elm Becca Rag Apple Larry (Continued on Page 8) AGP. Deadline Nov. 30 County ASCS Reminds Limited funds are available for fall conservation practices, according to Miss Doiothy Y. Neel, manager at Lancaster County Agricultural Stabiliza tion & Conservation office Farmeis mtei ested in fall lime or fertilizer practices are ad vised to take soil tests and emoll immediately (Continued on Page 8) GRAND AND RESERVE CHAMPIONS at the Solanco Fair Steer Show, right and left, respectively, were an Angus named “Whitey” shown by Robert Groff of Peach Bottom R 2; and a Hereford called “Pete” exhibited by fifteen year-old Kay Weaver, Quarryville R 2. The winners will be featured in further steer competition later in the season at _ L. F. Photo Week’s Fairs ComeUp Wet But Sun Shines On Winners “Phase Feeding” Neppco Feature HARRISBURG—A system of feeding laying buds at different nutritional levels tkioughout then laying life will be the subject of a feature presenta tion at the 29th Annual Noith eastem Poultry Produceis Council (NEPPCO) Exposition at the Faim Show Building heie October 4-5 6 The discussion of phase feed ing by three well-known uni veisity experts is but one of a numbei of topics for panel discussion expected to draw peak mtei est at the show Other topics will Include wire rearing of pullets as cage re placements, new CRD control programs, the latest in broiler housing and egg oiling systems, federal activities affecting the industry and other talks on poultry health, management and marketing procedures Dr Floyd W Hicks, Penn State University poultry spe cialist, will moderate a dis cussion of the subject by Dr Edwin Singsen, head of the University of Connecticut Poul tiy Science Department, and Dr Edward C Naber, Ohio State University poultry nu tritionist Formal presentations by the three experts will be followed by a panel discussion and a (Continued on Page 8) $2 Per Year The new Fan - Season got underway this week despite the best hexing effoits of the weatherman Rain scattered cows and contestants at the Solanco Dairy Show on Wed nesday, seuously thieatened the Solanco Steei Show on Thursday afternoon didn't ically let loose until about a half houi aftei the show was completed, and com bined with the band music at the Ephrata Fair Steei Show on Thin sday night to keep the cattle and showmen on edge But as of pi ess-time, we are happy to report that all shows survived and deliveied the us ual number of young winners. The Ephiata Dairy Show, sche duled foi Friday night, would seem at this time to be assured of dry skies and ground as the storm center moves out of the aiea Next week’s fair activities will be highlighted by steer, dairy and hog shows at Lam peter and New Holland. At Lampeter on Wednesday, 1 p.m„ hogs will be judged. At 7 p m on Wednesday, the baby beef show will begin On Thursday, at Lampeter, the junior dairy show will be held at 10 30 am, followed by the open class dairy show at 1 p m. At the New Holland Faimers Fair, the baby beef and hog shows will be Thursday’s mam youth attraction These will be held at 1 p m and about 230 pm, respectively A tiactor driving contest at New Holland will be held on Saturday at noon, October Ist