Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 17, 1966, Image 1

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VOL. 11 NO. 42
New Teache:
Paul Bahner
Ephrata And Solanco To Launch
’SS CoUnty Fair Season Next Week
- ' '* v ' “■
This _ cdnring , Tuesday and
Wednesday Mie: Fair - season, in
‘ Comnranity -' ; Wto f ' T . g#-;UTKIer
way. ;’- - '■ .
SWCD Annual
Meeting Date
Set March 7th
Lancaster County Soil & Wa
ter Conservation District di
reotois have set Tuesday,
March 7, 1967 as the date foi
next year’s annual banquet
meeting The place is yet to
to be deteimined
At thc-ir meeting Wednes
day night at the Courthouse,
dnecto.s also discussed names
of seveial guest speakers for
the annuel event, but reached
no conclusions
In other business, vice chair
man Henry Hackman reported
on the_ recent Susquehanna
River Basra meeting which he
attended They were told at
the meeting, Hackman said,
(Continued on Page 9)
Farm Calendar
September 19 1-30 pm.,
Home Economics Extension
Program to be discussed ait'
Farm Credit Bldg, Lancaster
September 20 Ephiata Fair .
6-9 pm., Corn & Tobac
co exhibits, Ephrata Fair
September 21 Solanco Fair
—1 pm , Dairy Show, So
lanco Fan-.
September 22 9 am., Trac
tor-Driving Contest, Solanco
—1 pm , Hog Show, Solan- i
co Fair
—2 pm , Baby Beef Show,
Solanco Fair
7pm, Baby Beef Show,
Ephrata Fair
(Continued on Page 15)
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 17, 1966
s Join County Vo-Ag Staffs
Robert S. Elmer
I 4-H and FFA steer, hog, and
r. dairy; .extebiting, will. be .the
interest, to
t- tiadeiiister 'County.
ss : : “practise
-.sessions," in' the case ■ of■
Club steers; for' county, and
state mam events later in the
season. • ■
Steer showing will 'ail be on
Thursday—~2 p.m. at Solanco
and 7 pm at Ephrata.
East year’s champion at So
lanco was a Hereford owned
by Fred Linton, Jr, and
shown by Kenneth Rutt Fmsh
ins m the runnerup spot was
an Angus shown by Kathy
Weaver all weie from Quar
lyviile R 2
(Continued on Page 6)
County Poultry
Assn. Announces
Annual Tour
The Lancaster County Poul
try Association has set Satur
day, October 8, as the date for
its annual tour, according to
tour committee chairman Al
len B Graybill
Buses will leave from the
Agway Supply Center, 1027
Dillerville Road, Lancaster, he
said, at 8 30 am, and should
return at approximately 5 pm.
Highlighting this year’s trip,
in addition to the autumn foli
age, will be stops at < a large
cattle operation', lunch ait Long
wood Gardens with drinks'
and ice cream available to sup
plement tourists’ box lunches,
and a view of an atomic pow
er plant
The first stop will be art the
Buck and Doe Run Farm in
Chester County This faim is
owned by King Ranch of Tex
as and has a spread of 6000
head of Santa Geitrudis cat
tie fattening on its 10,000
acres Farm manager Samuel
Wilson will be on hand to
show the group various parts
of the operation, including
cowboys and quaiter horses
(Continued on Page 5)
Jerry L. McCarrell
Three New Teachers
Of Vo-Ag In County
Three new teachers recently
“began their duties in two of
Lancaster County’s- nine high
Schools offering vocational ag
riculture programs,
vr At
placed Ralph' Layman who,
‘moved into administration ’
woi'k. Bahner, a 1956 Penn
State graduate, received his
master's degree in agricultur
al education in 1962. He has
taught vocational agriculture
in Bucks County for the past
two yeais He is married and
has two children.
Also at Solaneo, Jeny L
McOanell, a native of Wash
ington, Pa, will replace Wil
liam Fiedd for one year
Fiedd is on leave until Sep
(Continued on Page 8)
SUNNY CRAFT DEAN CAPTAIN, Clarence Stauffer’s four-year-old, home
bred herd sire, won the reserve grand champion bull title for this Ephrata RI
Holstein breeder at this week’s State Black & White Show Stauffer presently has
five Dean Captain daughters in his herd, the oldest being two and one half years;
their average classification score is 79.4 Stauffer said. L. F. Photo
Few Laurels To Countians
At Week- Long Dairy Show
Although they were in there fighting in most of the main
events, Lancaster County showmen were held to a few scattered
hits in the highly competitive dairy show activities which took
place at the Farm Show Building at Harrisburg all this week.
The brightest spots came in the state junior dairy show on
Monday, and m the state Black & White show on Tuesday
Esbenshade Scores For
County Juniors; Wins
Reserve Ayrshire Title
major win for Lancaster Coun
ty 4-H and FFA showmen he.e
Monday came in the Ayi shire
division of the 11th annual
Pennsylvania Junior Da.iT
James R Esbenshade, Quar
ryville R 2, showed his senior
calf, Unicorn Royal Queen, to
the 4-H junior championshup
The Esbenshade calf was sued
{Continued on Page 4)
Stauffer Bull Repeats
For Holstein Reserve
Champion Title
""A fbur-yisar-old 'Wis'■Captain
son owned by Clarence Stauf
fer, Ephrata Rl, was the only
tl f le winner exhibited by a
Lancaster Coumtian at the
Pennsylvania Black & While
Dairy Show at Harrisburg
Sunny Craft Dean Captain,
classification 90 (Ex), is a
show ring veteran His pei
fo nuance this year, reserve
senior and reserve giand
champion, was a repeat of last
year’s Black & White Show
for the Stauffer bull, and lep-
(Continued on Page 8)
$2 Per Year
Type 41 Tobacco
Forecast Up 3%
Some timely rainfall in Au
gust has caused the state crop
leportmg service to slightly
upgrade its August Ist estimate
of this year’s Pennsylvania
Seedleaf crop
Expected yield per acre ad
vanced by 50 pounds to a pre
dicted level of 1700 pounds.
This would be about 200
pounds per acre less than the
reported average for last year’s
crop, and nearly 100 pounds
below the 1960-64 average
If the current estimate of
42.5 million pounds material
izes, production, will be 1?
percept lew' than 'last year'*
(Continued on Page 4)
Swinemen Plan
Carcass Show
The Lancaster County Swine
Producers Association recent
ly announced plans for its fall
carcass show and on-foot eval
uation contest
The double event will be
held on Thuisday, Sept ember
29, in conjunction with the
(Continued on P'-ne 61