Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 10, 1966, Image 1
I* M -*g&- . . Atr^, VOL 11 NO. 41 LET’S GET A LITTLE HEAT IN HERE Jay Rohrer, left, and John Yo cum demonstrate the use of the Gastobac Co.- equipment set up on the floor of Rohrer’s tobacco shed.' The experiment being carried out by PSU Field Research Laboratory is designed to eliminate, or reduce, shed bum of tobacco by adding heat during, the curing stage. L. F. Photo Eight Lancaster County Townships Apply For Drought Emergency Aid Names of eight northern Lancaster County townships were submitted this week to the State Disaster Committee with the lequest that they re ceive assistance under the federal emergency livestock feed program, accoiding to Miss Dorothy Neel, managei of the county Agricultural Stabilization & Conseivation office Aid to individual town ships has never been grant ed m the state, although Miss Neel said there is ap parently nothing in the reg ulations to make such a re quest prohibitive. The last time ASCS requested drought emeigency aid for less than Farm Calendar September 12 12th - 16th, Farm Show Bldg , Hamsburg Bam, State Junior Dairy Show, Harrisburg 6 pm, State Black & White Sale, Hamsburg. 7pm, 4-H Photography Club meets at home of Dale Shenk, Lititz R 3: will visit Giant Heilman studio September 13 *— -13th - 17th, Yoik Interstate Fair, York Fairgiounds ’ Bam, State Black & White Show, Harrisburg. ' 8 am., Brown Swiss breed show, Hamsburg. 730 p m., Lanchester Land Owners Assn, ait Amer- lean Legion Hall ’ Hrvnpv Brook ° ’ 7;30 ' p.m., Manor Youn cf - (Continued: on Page 5) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 10, 1966 the entire county was in 1963. Although that request was denied at the state level, the county was later ap proved for aid. The local committee deter mining the townships’ need for assistance was composed of Fred Seldomndge, ASCS, chairman, M M Smith, coun ity agent, extension service, and Fiank Ackerman, Faimeis Home Adrmnistiation Townships requesting assist ance weie Penn, Conoy, Mount Joy, West Donegal, East Donegal, Rapho, War wick, and Elizabeth Under the livestock emer gency feed plan, Miss Neel said, farmers in those town ships who could prove they have suffered financial loss be cause of drought, and need (Continued on Page 10) All-American Dairy Show To Host Nation’s Most Outstanding Cattle The Farm Show Harrisburg next week will be All American and All Dairy. The third Pennsylvania All- American Daily Show promis- 63 to be the biggest yet, with entries totaling 2358 head, Some of the top cattle which will compete are fresh from wins at the New York State Exposition at Syracuse, and the Maryland State Fair at Timomum. There will also be champions from other state fairs and from the first two All-American shows. , , The six principal breeds to be represented in this year’s show are: ' Ayrshire, Btfown LIBRARY TilT^ N,A state UNIVERS J]X. Soil Testing Reports To Be Streamlined, Vo-Ag Teachers Told Soil 'test reports will be com ing back to farmers with a brand new look one of these days, a vocational agncultuie teacher told h»s fellow county association members Wednes day Lancaster County agriculture teachers heard Richaid Hack enberger of Penn Manor High School agriculture department report on a Soils Workshop he attended this summer at Penn State Unrversrty. Accordrng to Hackenberger, fertilizer recommendations by Penn State’s sorl testing serv ice wrll be specific for each of five soil types in Pennsyl vania The best soils will be grouped as Gioup I, and all others will be graded in groups II through V, depending upon their natural ability to grow (Continued on Page 7) Swiss, Guernsey, Holstein, Jer sey, and Milking Shorthorn They will come from fifteen states and Canada The week’s events will open Monday with a junior daisy show for Pennsylvania 4-Hand FFA youths Entries will con sist of 500 “blue ribbon” calves, heifers, and cows which earned their right to compete by being top animals selected at preliminary district shows, Many youngsteis will also be competing in the open classes of the various breed shows, Monday night, at 6 o’clock. 45 females and three bulls will be offered in the annual (Continued on Page 5) Project Tests Effects Of Heat On Tobacco Curing by Don Timmons Lancaster County tobacco fanners, lecalhng last year’s poor shed curing conditions, may be wondering what, if anything, can be done to avoid such a blow to the quality of their product in the future At the Penn State University Southeastern Field Research Laboratory they think supple mental heat in the sheds may be the answer, and the staff is gathering data on the subject nghit now According to John Yocum, superintendent of the research station, practically no year is completely free of shed burn or rotting. “Sometimes you can’t even see the damage, but micro-organisms working on the leaf will, at the v»ry least, cause weight loss,” Yocum ex plained. ' Yocum said last year was a particularly bad year al though not as bad as in 1961 when ia big, sappy crop result ed in losses of 50-60 percent through shed damage. Fortunately, (the station chose last year to begin its supplemental heating experi ments Unfortunately, the equipment wasn’t available until three or four weeks af ter .the tobacco had been hung in the shed, so its effects couldn’t be completely deter HUMIDITY RISING 9 Jay Rohrer checks rela tive humidity gauge in his tobacco shed. The device is rigged on a rope and pulley so it may be pulled down from near the top of the shed for a reading, and then hoisted up again When the humidity reading gets above 70 percent, the gas burners are turned on. S 2 Per Year mined However, based on the data available from that lim ited experiment, Henry B. En gle, research agionomist, was able to estimate that for every dollar the project spent on heating the tobacco shed, a three-dollar return was realiz ed He figured a depreciation schedule of ten years on the equipment, and a total invest ment of $270 for the two and one-half acres of tobacco treated (Continued on Page 6) Frey & Greiner Pace July DHIA A registered Holstein cow owned by J. Mowery Frey Jr., 401 Beaver Valley Pike, Lan caster, completed the highest lactation Hertz produced 20,- 061 lbs. of milk, 860 lbs. of butt erf at with a 4.3% test ia 287 days Second high lacta tion was completed by a reg istered Holstein cow . owned by Charles Tindall, Peach Bot tom Rl. Lady produced 19,- 461 lbs of milk, 857 lbs. ~of .butterfat with a 4.4% test itt 305 days The herd of Stanley G. Greiner, Manheim R 4, had the highest monthly butterfat av erage This herd of 18 8 reg (Contmued on Page 7) L, F. Photo