Are you ready to contract your cattle feeds? CHECK these teeds before you buy! The .secret of cattle raising is-in -your feed lot:-That’s where you will make your profit! Naturally, you’ll need a-large amount of feed-for your that’s why you want to be sure you have an economical and complete supplement to mix with your home grains. Here’s where Red Rose Cattle Supplements can help, you." Red Rose 32 BEEF CATTLE SUPPLEMENT This is-the supplement you will want to use as a mixing ration for your home-grown • grains, or you can use it a§ a protein supplement to balance the feeding of low protein . roughages. 3» BEEF CATTLE SUPPLEMENT This supplement is in mash form. Feed 50 Beef Cattle Supplement (the nutrient fortifica tions are double the levels of 32 Beef Cattle Supplement) at the rate of one pound per head per day. Available with or without Diethylstilbestrol - or Antibiotics BALANCED, HIGH PRODUCTION RATIONS will be yours when you use Red Rsse Beef Cattle Supplements—and you’ll get your beef ammals to reach market weights faster. So, plan to stop at your Red Rose dealer soon and place your orders. Walter Binkley & Son Brown & Rea Elverson. Supply Co. L.'T. Geib Estate Manheim I. B. GroybiU & Son Refton Strasburg E._ M. Heisey THESE RED ROSE DEALERS ARE READY TO SERVE YOU Lititz Atglen Elverson Mt. Joy Heistand Bros. Elizabethtown A. L. Herr & Bro. QuarryviUe David B. Hurst BowmansvlUe Mountvilie Feed Service Mountvilie Musser Farms, Inc. Columbia Musser's Mill The Buck Chos. E. Sauder & Sons Terre Hill Ammon E. Shelly Lititz L. M. Snavely Lititz E. P. Spotts, Inc. Honey Brook H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Inc. Wltmer September 3, 1966—5 Lancaster Farming, Crop Roundup FALL PLOWING IS MAJOR FARM ACTIVITY Scattered showers in many sections of the State in the past week improved conditions for fall plowin'.', according to the Pennsylvania Crop Re porting Service. Although soil moisture is still very short throughout the £" t ‘e, plowing is now possible in most areas. The effects of earlier showers are becoming more no l iceable in pastures and hay fields, which have made considerable growth during the last couple weeks Besides plowing, the principle farm activities dur ing the week consisted of fill ing silos, picking tomatoes, digging potatoes, picking fruit, bay making and topping and cu'tlng tobacco GRAINS Plowing and fitting of seed beds foi fall grains is progress ing rapidly in the sou'h. and is making some progress in northern counties Oat har vest still continues in a few localized northern areas, but is practically completed State wide Buckwheat: The limited acreage in buckwheat is mak ing good growth. CORN Although the corn picture is somewhat improved, much of the State’s crop normally harvested for grain will be put iin silos. Ear development has been better since recent rams, but the ears will be short and yields low Com is just reaching the dented stag® in the south and, the dough stage m the north? KAY AND PASTURE Although the amount of feed being obtained from pas ture is still below normal throughout the State, pastures are now providing some feed. Recent rains improved pros pects for a late" cutting of hay, but stands are still quite short in most areas. . FRUIT^ Recent rams helped fruit prospects, primarily in areas where mdgation had kept the crop growing Reports from fruit areas indicate that some trees on poor soils have died as a result of the hot dry weather Peach harvest com tmues with small size, but ex cellent quality Picking of Sun. Highs and Hale Havens is nearly completed in the Ad arrs-Fianklin-Yoik area where picking of Elbeitas is lust get ting staited Although some apples aie being picked, har vest is being clslajed as long as possible to get fuither siz ing of the fruit Some nicking of Rambos continues Haivest of Yellow Transparents is over in most sections Imgatioa continues where facilities are available Picking of Bartlett pears is iust beginning in the southern area TOBACCO Topping of tobacco continues in the Lancaster County area, with cutting just getting started. Quality has improved, recently, but growth has been very irregular Digging of Cobbler potatoes is nearly completed The tubers were small and yields light The fall crop in the north looks good to excellent, with pros pects improving daily Tomato harvest continues with later pickings producing larger fruit. Our advertisers will be glad tr have you mention Lancaster Farming when answering their