VOL. 11 NO. 40 PARTNERS in the Plain & Fancy Egg Ranch Inc., from left, Paul L. Hess, president; Claude Hess, vice-president and secretary; and John Snader,.treasurer and general manager, ?hown in front of the partially completed, combination egg processing plant-office building. When finished, the building will be the center of the 60.000-bird, cage layer operation. L F. Photo DHIA Board Acts On 3 Tester Proposals; Banquet Chairmen Set Dneotors of the Red Rose Dairy Herd Improvement As sociation appioved two tester pioipwSdis and rejected anoth er M'C-rday night at their reg ular quarterly meeting at the Farm tiedit Office, Lancaster The thiee proposals were presented to the board three County Plowman Places 2nd In State Contest Laaeister County Contour Plowing Contest Champion Marvin E. Zimmerman of East Earl finished in the run nerup spot for the state title last Friday in a six-man event ‘Continued on Page 13) Marvin E. Zimmerman - Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 3, 1966 weeks earlier at a joint meet ing of DHIA testeis and di rectois The boaid agreed to in crease the maximum pei herd milk-o-meter handling charge from $3 to $4 The individual charge for the service is left to each tester’s discretion and is based on several factors in cluding distance traveled to service an individual account The dnectois also appioved the tester recommendation that a joint meeting of test ers and directors become a reg ular annual occasion The first such .meeting was held Au gust 8. A third supervisor recom mendation, that two more milk-o-meter units be pur chased, was turned down by the board. It was feu that (Continued on Page 7) Farm Calendar September 6 7 30 p m , Lan chester Land Owners Assn, at Paul Z Martin Sales Sta ble, Blue Ball September 7 Red Rose Baby Beef & Lamb Club barbecue at Penryn Picnic Woods 430 pm, Lancaster Coun ty Vo-Ag Teachers, at Eph rata High School September 9 8 pm, Lan caster County ASCS Conven tion at ASCS office, Man heim Pike, Lancaster. September 11 12 30 p.m , Ephrata Adult Farmer Class Picnic ait Stevens Firemens’ Field. TOBACCO TIME IN LANCASTER COUNTY Fifteen-year-old Richard F. Gruber, left above, and his father, Roy F. Gruber, Elizabethtown R 3, team up to bring in the tobacco crop this week. Richard is a student in vocational agricul ture at Manheim Central High School. Below, a wagonload of prime, fresh-cut tobacco is on its way to the shed for curing at Gruber’s. L. F. Photo Delivery Of Day-Old Eggs In Quantity Is Goal Of Plain & Fancy Egg Ranch by Don Timmons With an in/ial investment approaching half a million dol lars, 'three Lancaster Coun’i ans recently launched an egg pioduction opeiation with an ultimate goal of 250,000 cage layers The first stop on their timetable will be at the 60.- 000-bird level, which they an ticipate by July, 1967. The trio, operating as the Plain & Fancy Egg Ranch Inc, brings together an as sortment of talent and expen ence which should go a long way toward assuring the firm’s success The president, Paul L. Hess, has spent the past 22 years in the egg marketing business, and with his father, Eli Hess, founded Hess Broth ers Eggs, now Hess Brothers Farms, Inc In March, he sold his interest in the egg fi m to become eastern sales manager for the National Poultiy Equipment Co, of Renton, Washington He will guide the egg marketing plans of the $2 Per Year corporation, which are based on dish ibuting eggs to points ol sale, and/or cor:umption, w*‘hm 24 houis of their pro duction Vice president Claude Hess has operated his own environ ment conti oiled, cage layer plant near Akron for approxi (Continued on Page 4) 80 ASCS Community Committeemen Elected Ballots cast for ASCS com munity committeemen by 972 of Lancaster County’s more than 8000 eligible farmer-vot ers weie tabulated Thursday at the county Agricultural Stabilization & Conservation office The chairman, vice chaiiman, and regular member of each of the 16 community committees will serve as dele gates to the County ASCS con vention on Friday, September 9, at 8 pm, at the county o£- (Contmued on Page 7)
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