* j..*? tr.it- i .-V' v^v"’ »/tV ’J* • 1 JUNIOR AND RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPIONS of the Southeast Regional FFA Dairy Show are shown here with their respective owners Linford Weaver, Ephrata Rl, left, and Raymond K. Burkholder, Jr., Lititz R 4. Both boys are mem bers of the Cloister FFA Chapter. Weaver’s senior yearling also took the junior championship at the District Black and White Show at Hershey on Wednesday! , L. F. Photo • FFA Dairy [Continued from Page 4> top individual animals exhibit- breeder from Cumberland ter, Cloister, senior calf and | d by Barl T Sta / ff f > „ Bavid County judged Holstein fitting junior yearling- Daryl L 80l- Zimmeiman ’ Llnford Weaver and showing. Merle Miller, linger, Cloister, senior calf; f. nd Burkhold «r in Jersey breeder also from Cum- Wmiom H Kessler Solanco ,the C^ unty i Croups of Four, berland County judged type. STcai* SoJ l S going first to the York Coun- fitting, and showing for all er, Cloister, first, senior calf; ty foursome, then Lebanon, other breeds. junior champion; Randal Kline, a nd 'filially, placing the Lancas- Judging was on the Danish Ooister, junior yeanling; and tel : q' ua rt e t third. Weiss told System, and all blue ribbon David D. Zimmerman, Cloister, , .. ... . .. first 3-year-old and over re- the audience was the most winners will be eligible for the gerve senior and reserve grand difficult decision he had made State Junior Daily Show on champion. all day. September 12 at Harrisburg. Bee - Line Supply Center Agway PRE- SEASON SALE ON SNOW AND SILO FENCE OFF CAR PRICE per 90>09 roll Bee tine Supply Center 1027 DILLERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER 24 HOUR SERVICE DAILY PH. 394-0541 Former Farm Bureau Store, Lancaster Judge Weiss by-passed the Creedin German, Holstein 50 foot roll 48 inches high 169 pickets per roll loth 3/8 inch As Long As Supply Lasts! SISALKRAFT SILO PAPER 400 sq. ft. $6.33 per roll F. O. B. Warehouse Agway Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 27, 1966—7 Fulton Grange Opposes Liquor At Farm Show Farmers Hold International Meet re^Sf A St % 5 Pennylvania was vel. rep. the Grange Hall in Oakryn J* s ® nted at .. /J'-nn* went on record opposing the ucky recently at the Interna sale of liquor in the Pennsyl- lonal ? I p ‘ vania Farm Show Building in “° n Amon S f® tt . h sylvanians in attendance were Fulton “Grange Youth Com- and T f rs Am . os S^h^ k o f mittee has secured two buses Llt,tz The total attendance and tickets to the Detroit-Bal- wja thll^ een h " nd, ' ecL . v . timore baseball game in Balti- M , rs Ha “ y ll “ n ot Not ' more Monday. August 29 The ingham attended the conven all-inclusive trip will cost |° n ' Vlth , h f!‘ husband and $3 50 per person. Buses will ‘ heir fiv( ; chlld,en ’ Sbe e T nded leave Penn Hill Meeting House he >' year's ieign as the Inter at 6 p.m. They have also se- na ‘ lonal Fjy.ng Farmer Queen cured a Conestoga Traction and presided at the crowning Company bus to go to Atlantic ° f new y elected Queen City Satui day. September 10. E f llen r Jane Andereon ’ o£ leaving the Lancaster County Arlington. Colorado Farmers National Bank park- A state , event £ as be l d by ing lot, Quarryville at 530 the Pennsylvania Flying Farm a.m. Cost will be $4 50 per «« on J Satu *fJ' l 3; person. Grangers and other tbey beld a Flydnat people in the community in- * he Butler Farm Show. Butler terested in taking either trip y ’, , . , , , may contact Clair Murphy for day s events included re<4rvations 4116 crowning of the newl y Ti is planning to elec4ed 1966 - 67 Fa ™- • ©r Princess, who is Mi’s Gor take a sight-seeing bus trip , _ ... ’ -„ n ou don Beidler, of Bally. She was September “s DeS S be crowned by the 1966 Inteina ' SfoSS .1 S.xt Gnnge «»“*.feJSS, H son, of Nottingham, in the ab ■n,. ... sence of the Pennsylvania The Grange is having the , _ , „ C, , floors of the Grange HaH ue f n ’ „ M s . oa ‘ ol S 4h ’ of cleaned and refinished in the Ce^i 16 , fiitin-© The afternoon s program near lucure. was comprised of displays Miss Agnes Spence Lectur- and demonstrations of air er, presented the following pi ane .power, glides and spot program: Group singing; Roll landings The bomb dropping call, “The Most Interesting Va- contest was won by Maynard cation I’ve Taken”; a talk on Roth enb erg er, of Lansdale R 2, the Susquehanna River Com- and by Davld Huber, Notting paot by Norman Wood; Report bam i on the Lancaster County Po- ‘ mon'a Grange meeting 'by Mrs. The vacation-bound car is Charles McSparran. “loaded” with luggage and Election of officers will be more passengers than usual held ait the next meeting Sep- adding to the driver’s dis tember 12. Booster, Night will tractions. GUARANTEED TRACTION New flrvSfOn? FIELD & ROAD Your money back If this tire does not OUTPULL any other replace* meat tractor tire you ever bought! GET OUR CD-Dcy Written Guarantee! SWEIGART FIRESTONE 54 S. MAIN ST., MANHEIM Get Your Corn Picker Repaired Now! Ford and Wood Bros. CORN PICKERS ALLEN H. MATZ 505 E. Main St. n New Holland Denver be held September 2(1 nnd twenty-five-year members will be honored. PH. 665-2258