.• For The Form Wlfo 4 Continued from Page 10) VA cups water y 4 cup Shortening i/ 2 cup sugar 2 teaspoons salt sVfe cups sifted enriched flour (about) 1 egg % cup butter or margarine, melted Dissolve yeast in water. Heat milk until almost simmering; stir in shortening until melt ed (Do not boil.) Measure sugar and salt into large mix ing 'bowl. Stir in milk mixture until sugar dissolves. Cool to lukewarm. Stir in \Vz cups flour and beat until smooth. Beat m yeast and egg. Stir in enough more flour to make a soft dough' Turn out onto lightly floured board or pas try cloth and knead until smooth and satiny, 5 to 8 min utes Shape into ball and place in lightly greased bowl, turning to grease all sides. NEW low-priced rotary cutters join The Long Green Line Discover the difference John Deere quality makes in a low-price rotary cutter. Cut weeds, trim grass, clip pastures, or chop stalks .-with’ the new 4-foot 105 or the new 5-foot 205 Gyramor. Check on the husky, oil-bath gearbox . , . adjustable disk-type slip clutch . . , reversible hardened-steel blade . . . and the husky housing welded and riveted into a .rigid unit. All are included in the low price. aBMU -Use bur convenient, confidential Credit Plan . ' r,' 1 T Alon Beyer LY 3-5687 Christiana Wenger Implement Co. M. S. Yeorsley & Sons Buck „ .BU r West Chester 696-2990 Cover and place in re£rlgera*V& cup firmly packed light tor. Refrigerate at least 2 brown sugar hours. (If dough rises in re- Vi cup seedless raisins frigerator, punch down.) When ready to use, punch dough down. Divide into 3 equal sized pieces. Divide each into 2£ equal-sized pieces. Form each.into roll 8 inches long. Roll in butter or margarine. Place on ungreased baking sheet. Bake in preheated 425 degree oven 10 to 15 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from baking sheet and cool on wire racks. Serve warm or cool. Makes about 6 dozen rolls. & H i|» CARAMEL COFFEE RING V\ recipe Refrigerator Butter Dips Vi cup butter or margarine, melted Vi cup firmly packed light brown sugar Vi cup coarsely chopped nuts Vi cup butter or margarine, melted If You Can*t Afford To Cc rfret Your Bam ... Uso MARTIN'S BfIRN-DRI! • KMptjMd im-mi rnttaff - • SiMtlwi ik m| • MmH iff lift mu ft nun* hum; tm Gap 4424148 Terre Hill 445-3455 New Holland 354-2112 A. B. C. Groff, Inc. Shofzberger's New Holland 354-8001 Elm Vi teaspoon cinnamon Pour V< cup butter or mar garine into 9-inch ring mold; sprinkle V* cup brown sugar and nuts evenly over batter or margarine. Blend together J A cup butter or margarine, Vz cup brown sugar, raisins and cinnamon. Reserve. Roll out dough to 8 x 20-mch rectangle. Spread caramel mixture even ly on dough, leaving a 1-inch border on all sides Starting at short edge, roll up dough, jelly roll-style Seal edge, cut into 8 slices Place slices in mold, cut-side against side of pan, seamnde down. Bake in preheated 350 degree oven 20 to 25 minutes, or until golden brown Immediately loosen edges and invert coffeecake onto serving plate Serve warm 6 to 8 servings. Some Gove Up and Cried, Others Tried A Classified In Lancaster Farming I SUPER I Self Service H SHOES I 2750 Columbia Ave. H Lancaster H Lane. Co/s Largest H Shoe Store H All Ist Quality ■ Super Low Prices H Landis Bros. Inc. - Lancaster ' -393-3906 * Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 30, 1966—H For the Farm Wife and Family Ladies, Have You Heard? ... What Makes A Good Home? Your child is loved and wanted and he knows it He is helped to giow up by not having too much or too little done for him He has some time and some space of his own His early mistakes aie understood as a noimal pait of growing up He is corrected without being hurt, shamed, or confused He is a part of the family and is given real ways to help and feel needed through out childhood His growing skills walking, talking, reading, making things are enjoyed and respected. He has freedom that fits his age and his needs, he has re sponsibilities that fit his age, abilities, and freedom. He can say what he feels and talk things out without be ing afraid or ashamed, he learns through mistakes as well as successes. He is moderately and con sistently disciplined from in fancy, has limits set for his behavior, and is helped to take increasing responsibility for his own actions. Buying Blends Wisely When you buy a garment made of blended fibers, look at the manufacturer’s tag. Recom mended blends for wearing ap parel are; 65 percent or more Dacron polyester with cotton or rayon 50 percent or more Dacron polyester with wool. 80 percent or more Orton acrylic with wool or cotton in knits 50 percent or more Orion with wool, cotton or rayon in woven fabrics Need . . . HAY - STRAW - EAR CORN Buy Now and Save! More and more farmers are buying from ns for better value and all around satisfaction. Delivered any quantity Phone Area Code 717 687-7631 3 Esbenshade Turkey Farm Since 1890 PARADISE, PA. 'Vi \ " Get BIG silo unloaded value! VcinDcile Delivers more silage faster •Doubt* *uo*r *y*- / JA \ tun 41a* th* allaa* >t/ /V \ f«*t*r and mor* / m *v*nly undaralleon- / ■ \ dltl*n* wh*th*r *ll- —. / yße •B* •* fro**n, wrti or dry. •■xelualv*, adiustabl* driv* hub aiv** mor* ■otltiv* traction, K**P* th* maehln* •••ratino *v*nly t and r*qulr*a las* ••war. DELIVERS BETTER S The double augera, operating In coniunctlon with the patented V-paddla Imptllara, digs tha •Hag*, mlxaa It thoroughly, and than throws K dawn tha chute. Your cows and cattla gat good, palatable silage... not a powdered mash as oa alien happana with unloadera uilng blowers. CALEB M. WENGER R, D. 1, QUARRYVILLE, PA. Drum'ore Center KI 8-2116 663-2141 By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist i). THOMAS 80 percent Acnlan acrylic with cotton 70 percent Acnlan acrylic with wool or rayon FULTON GRANGE 6« HOLDS PICNIC Fulton Grange #66 held its annual picnic on the hall grounds in Oakryn on July 25 with 80 people attending. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hill and Mrs Stanley Stauffer Jr. con ducted games The next meeting will be held August 8 Miss Jennette McCummings, a past will present die program which will feature a hymn sing Lancaster County Pomona Grange #7l will hold their picnic meeting at Quarryville Memorial Park, Saturday, Au gust 20, 7 p.m, as "guests o£ Colerain Grange #1667 Reso lution Committee will be Al fred Wanner, Richard Maul® and Gyles Brown d falantad (-Mint 1 auiaamlan kMft Hnlottfar (aval at all i tlmaa and cantarad faa mar* alllalanl laefeUaW^ Standard— far alias WtaW Haavy Duty— far alias W> U3V WRITS OR RHONt U|i FOR COMPLETE INFORa NATION AND PRICES. ,