Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 16, 1966, Image 14
14 —Lancaater Farming, Saturday, July 16,1966 KH lll^^ I H* >OO if. '5.00 4 50 4.00 3 50 JAN t.t !»>«>-,.1 SECOND QUARTER MILK PRICES averaged 11 percent higher this year than last, according to the USD A quaneily dairy report released this week. Prices in the first quarter re flected only a 6 percent gain. Both manufacturing and fluid use prices 4-H Club News LITITZ-MANHEIM 4-H SEWING CLUB MEETS by Carol Rohrer, repoiter The Lititz-Manheim 4-H Sew ing Club held its sixth meet ing of the season on Tuesday, July 12, at the Warwick High School home economics room President Judy Buckwalter led the group in the 4-H Pledge Roll call showed 44 members present Daune Palm er and Debbie Wenger led members in singing “Did You Ever’” Heidi Fritz and Saranne Wilson gave a demonstration on modeling and good posture. Following the business meet ing the girls worked on their respective projects. The next meeting will be held in Warwick High School at 9 a m., July 19. CLASHING THIMBLES 4-H CLUB MEETS by Doris Harnish, reporter The weekly meeting of the Penn Manor Clashing Thim bles Club was held July 13, from 900 a m to 12 noon in the Penn Manor High School Home Economics rooms Acting president Betty Jane Barley reminded members of Field Day, Thursday July 14, and encouraged all to attend The next meeting will be held July 20 STRASBURG COOKS MEET by Marilyn Krantz, reporter The Strasburg 4-H Cooking Club meeting was held at the home of Mr and Mrs J Rob ert Hess, Strasburg Rl, on July 12 Eighteen members were present, including two new members. Sharon Gross, Donna Welk, Donna Hess and Cindy Hess planned demonstrations for the next meeting. After the meeting was ad journed, members sampled the food they had prepared at their homes, and the leaders added complimentary com ments. KOOKIE KOOKS PUT GUESTS TO WORK by EUyce Jean Engle, reporter Elizabeth Neuraeier and Kathy Day, guests from Mid dlesex County, Mass, helped the girls taking the project, r-..rer.;s r MILK' PRICES ' ! ||r - ' ■* > V m , MHhW«<« ••»••'•• -r TT i -1. l ."I- ITI 1111 T l -litmfTjilnt 1965 r sa^ s*"" Jfp — 1964 1966 \ APR. t » «•.»«*£» '(OUrtt tt J*o« Row Crop Tractor with greater productivity— • Greater power. High-torque gas, diesel or LP-gas engines develop 66 pto observed hp— certified by Oliver! • Ideal design. 3V 2 tons of weight, dictributed ideally over long wheelbase produces greater pull, less slip. • New comfort. 3-position Tilt-o-scope steering column ... full hydraulic power steering... new deluxe comfort seat.. . new easy-read gauges including oil and amp. • No-stop shifting. Hydra-Power Drive* cuts speed steps up pull Vz on the go ... 12 forward speeds in all. • New efficiency. Battery-saving alternator stand ard ... new dry-type air cleaner keeps abrasives out of engine better. • Tailored to need. New dual-speed pto* • . . Hydra-lectric* implement control system . choice of 3-pt. hitch or wide swinging drawbar. -Special equipment ■Come in now and see the most dynamic tractor fleet 'in history. They’re all new. and all Olive'! CHARLES J. McCOMSEY & SONS Hickory Hill, Po. N. G. HERSHEY FARMERSVILLE & SON EQUIPMENT CO. JULY m <»««• ** ;■* *i tv *» gained because of smaller supplies and strong demand, USDA said, adding that this continuing supply-demand trend is likely to bring average manu facturing grade milk prices to, or above, $4.00 per cwt. in the second half of 1966. OLIVER teso economy comfort! Monheim R. D. 2, Ephrata, Pa. $ , ' ¥ OCT. • 4-H N«wt "Pood When Company Cornea," in meklng Hot Diggety Dogs and Peach Upside-Down Gin gerbread. The girls taking the project, "Adventures With Food,” made pudding and a beverage at the same time. Elizabeth is a guest at the home of .Linda Porter, Wash ington Boro Rl, while Kathy is with Connie Stehman of Conestoga R 2. This meeting was held Wed nesday, July 13, in the Penn Manor Junior High School homemaking room. The business meeting was called to order by the news reporter, Ellyce Jean Engle. Countywide 4-H Field Day was announced. ‘ f HAY EQUIPMENT CLOSE OUT! ALLIS CHALMERS • 303 Balers • 77G Rakes • 77 PTO • BOS and BOR FORD • 150 Balers • 250 Balers • 350 Balers NEW IDEA • 300 and 304 ALLEN H. MATZ 505 E. Main St. New Holland Denver The next meeting will be held it 12 noon, Wednesday,. July 20, at the Penn Minor Junior High School. AYRSHIRE-JERSEY CtfUß HAS SWIM PARTY by Shirley Aaron, reporter The Ayrshire-Jersey 4-H Club held its monthly meet ing at the William Arrow smith farm, Peach Bottom Rl, this week. A swim party and a doggie roast was held at the farm pond. It was announced that a countywide 4-H club meeting will be held next month at the Willow Street Community Cen ter; the exact date has not been set.