*’ I' ft* < >*» * * ■* NEW BUILDING DOUBLES STORAGE CAPACITY for Anderson Box Com pany products here. Branch manager Harry Ressler shown looking at the com pany’s recently completed 15,000 square foot warehouse at 197 Greenfield Rd., Lancaster just off the By-Pass. The warehousing operation is completely pal letized, with egg cases and egg packaging materials accounting for most of the firm’s two-state business. Sales representative for Anderson Box in the area is Richard Buss. The group is planning its InfAKAef Qrtiirrhf first meeting for September, interest jougni and is mterested m hean ng Fmt* A ppo HnmP f rom an y home economists 1 UI ru ca A lumc favorable to the idea of such p rAriATViirc Accn association. rvdsil. Mrs Bradley can be contact- Ar,e you a home economics at 1821 Anne Ave ’ Lancas ' graduate’ If so, would you be 16 ' interested in having a local ho me economics ,ssocia tl „„. NRJ Announces According to Mrs Bernard ee 0 Bradley, Lancaster School Sta.lT LhcinPGS District Home Economics Su- 5 pemsor, many women have The National Farmers Union requested such an association recently announced two Mrs. Bradley is presently work- changes in staff at the national ing with a group of county level. home economists to survey the Dwyte wilson) who has been extent of such interest. just say mm... We'd put you on your own with a new 53 h.p. “2510" for a field test on your farm. It’ll be the most revealing experience you’ve ever had with a tractor of the '‘2slo’s" size. This new tractor has all the features, the handleability, and the comfort of its bigger brothers, the "3020" and "4020.” Same 8-speed trans mission, Power Shift or Syncro-Range. The same smooth, positive Power Steering and Power Brakes. The same Power-On-Demand hydraulic system. The same dual-speed rear PTO and 1,000 rpm front PTO, The same deluxe seat .. . spacious platform .;. and conveniently placed controls. But don’t take our word for it.. . put a new "2510” to the test for yourself. Just name the day . . . we’ll deliver. Alan Beyer A. B. C. Groff, Inc. Christiana LY 3-5687 New Holland 354-8001 ✓ , , , 4 Wenger Implement* Co. Buck ’ BU 4-4467 Shotzberger's Landis Bros. Inc. Elm 665-2141 Lancaster 393-3906 Choose from The Xong Green Line of Customerized John Deere Equipment M. S. Yeorsley & Sons West Chester 696-2990 y- + H mm , n 1 -vv“ t <. V" . general manager of Agricul tural Associates, Washington, D. C. has been appointed by piesident Tony Dechant as NFU’s director ol organization Kenneth L. Motz, assistant secietary since 1949, was ap pointed NFU seci etary-treasur er. Motz began woik with NFU in 1942, taking leaves of ab sence for both World War II and the Korean War. Wilson joined the NFU staff in 1958 as head of the Division of Project Development, an activity closely i elated to or ganizing in the newer Faimers Union states. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 16, 1966 Read LANCASTER FARMING For Full Market Reports ********************************************* I Harvesting Grain? I Take Advantage of Our Grain Bank & Grain Storage Program SPECIAL BENEFITS All Grain put in storage will be cleaned, treated and weighed FREE. All Grain will be processed on the basis of the exact weight brought in. STANDARD HAULING CHARGES IN EFFECT Hauling will be available for the following Grains: (Barley, Oats, Wheat, Shelled Corn) DRYING BENEFITS We are equipped to handle any high moisture grains. t We are also interested in buying your excess grain on the daily market basis. SEE OR CALL US TODAY H. HIESTAND & CO. |s. SALUNGA Fertilizer Feed Grain Coal ****'irk*-k-k-k-k-k-k-k-klrk-k'k-k'k-k'k'k-k-k*irk-irk-kirk-k-kirkirkirkicici I-******************************************** * * *■ * *■ * * * * * * * * * * * * *■ * * * * * *■ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * *■ * * * *- * * * * * * *■ * *■ * * * * * * * * * * + *■ *■ * * *■ + * * *■ I Groff’s Hardware I f * J New Holland, Pa. Phone 354-0831 * | Store Hours: 7-5:30 p.m., Open Thurs. & Fri, Eve. t i * ********************************************* Bargains At Groff's JULY 21- 22 -23 HUFFY LAWN MOWERS 18" Rotary $44.85 22" Self-Propelled $66.00 24" Ranchero Rider $170.00 Aluminum Folding Chairs $ 2.75 Aluminum Folding Chaise $ 6.00 5 gal. Roof Coating Worm Morning Heaters U.G.L. Products Samson Tables Savagran Products Samson Chairs Plastic Flowers Croquet Set Window Screens Freezer Supplies Pictures Sylvania Lamps Dolls Toys Gomes Samson Porch Furniture Phone 898-2248 Custom Mixing 1/4 OFF Lamps Luggage Paint Brushes y 3 OFF 13 $ 2.88 $150.00